Is it time to roll Fippy into a live server ?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Kukgrol, Oct 19, 2014.

  1. oisjafoij Augur

    Nothing says healthy like boxing 25 accounts to keep the server going and pretending that its getting better! Roll vulak up into fippy, vulak is not progressing and never will. The server has failed.
  2. Fortitude New Member

    Must be Ubon. I'm still on Fippy bro where you at? Oh ya...
  3. Kukgrol Elder

    Yeah true, because there aren't a ton of people on Fippy running 6 box crews.

    If you take 3 people off of Fippy that 6 box, and there are plenty of them, there goes 18 accounts too... Similar to our family dropping our accounts.

    The getting better part, is that we consistently have to drop boxes, and more of them, out of raids. And have a number of newer people leveling up that will make that necessary even more.

    It's funny that you keep having to say because we're not 'progressing' the server somehow fails. (First we are. We're just not on a full time job / make EQ my whole life / I must be #1 and run over others to do it, type of schedule)

    I guess if people don't binge watch TV shows on Netflix and burn through all of the content immediately then Netflix fails right ?

    Or if people buy a bag of Oreos and don't eat the whole bag in 2 days they fail right ?

    We're not all interested in making EQ our lives and having to mad dash rush through content.

    In the long run that's actually a better success for SOE and the server. They get more revenue from us because it takes longer for us to complete expansions, and they don't have to push out more content to us. And we're still happy. Win / Win.

    The idea that you have to 'grade' a server based on how fast it goes through expansions shows some pretty serious arrogance. Keep in mind it's a business. SOE exists to make money. And they're making money on our server, without having to deal with the complaints that come from Fippy. We're just here happy doing our own thing. SOE makes money from us, we play a game the way we want to. Win.

    The server is doing well because it has a good base of players logging on and enjoying the game. And it's actually gaining population while Fippy is losing population. I'm not interested in 'judging' success or failure of servers. But if you're going to do that, maybe you should look at your own server as failing. Even with all of the 6 man crews you have on Fippy, it's losing numbers like mad.

    Why else are only people from Fippy calling on SOE to roll another server into theirs to help save them.
  4. DonQuickLowT New Member

    Being honest here, after having read most of your posts in this thread i just don't get it. What you are doing can be accomplished on any other eq server.

    Facts are facts, and they are:
    The "Progression" of Vulak will never happen.
    The server is where it is due to efforts of those no longer on the server
    There is one person actively debating vulaks health and that person is biased towards vulak
    The majority of SoD content that vulak is stuck with permanently can be experienced exactly the same on any other server.

    So whats the point of having a Time Locked Progression Server if it will never Progress. Sounds to me like the only reason to play there is to be able to box any content you want because there is nobody there to camp it as well. Or are the people on vulak just playing for yellow text from the main progression target of phinny?
  5. Trevalon Augur

    I just want to say that I am not a Fippy person calling for Vulak to be merged.

    As Punchu said, I don't even play on the TLP anymore :)

    I just lurk on the forums waiting for the next round.

    Only reason I said what I said on the first page is because I thought it was odd that Kukgrol was calling for Fippy's merge into Live servers when that is really totally backwards to what would and should actually happen.

    Kukgrol, though, your right - the more I read this thread the more I want to resub 1 of my accounts and play on Vulak.

    Maybe your onto something here.

    PUNCHU! Tell Tuli I said Hi!

    P.S. Welcome back Fast, Been a long time...
  6. _Grim New Member

    Do it Trev ! I'm going to go check Vulak pretty soon too i think...i want to play :D (tried Archage...same old crap as most other new mmos btw)

    Or maybe, if you haven't considered that, they're playing for fun ? The definition of fun is highly variable depending on who is having it... to me, it sounds like they're having fun and that's what the game is for.
  7. Kukgrol Elder

    And there it is ! The heart of why we log on, on Vulak. It's not an epeen measuring contest, or bragging rights. It's really that simple, we log on to have fun !

    And the point is, we are having fun. We're logging into EQ, meeting up with friends, and enjoying what we do. All the while, SOE is making money from us. Sounds like a win / win situation going on.

    Anyone else complaining from outside, just looks like the type that isn't having fun themselves, and so they don't want others to as well. Or worse, they want to decide how others should be having fun.

    Guys (and girls out there too)... It is a game. When you lose track of that, it's time to take a break. If it stops being fun, it's time to take a break.

    Why am I so vehement the way I defend Vulak? Because it really is a game, and we really are a growing guild that is having fun. And we want to keep it that way. It's that simple.
  8. Vlerg Augur

    Merging Fippy onto live server would probably kill the community/dynamic on that server... even if they are high-end , progressed guild in the SoD-underfoot era, they are miles behind in rain of fear- call of the forsaken - the darkened sea...

    that being said, I'd kinda like see'ing fippy merged with Vox just to poke some old friends from Darkblood ( Solusek Ro era)

    Vuuil <Darkblood> 70 enchanter ~omen of war (Solusek ro)
    Vuuil <Pain and Glory> 105 wizard. (Vox)
  9. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    OP TL;DR

    "I've never played on that other server, but I don't want to be merged with them, so let's "discuss" merging that other server with some *other* server that isn't mine?"

    Seriously just be honest about what and why you're posting. You want to continue to have your sandbox and don't want to have to share with the other kids, despite the lack of real estate.

    I was on a quiet regular server before the last round of merges and it was nice for our guild and for the gameplay, a lot of us preferred it, and the server we got merged with was similar to how you perceive Fippy, but at some point you just have to grow up and learn to play with others. The world didn't end.

    I wish you guys as much time playing on a quiet server as you can get, but passive aggressive "hey guys lets talk about merging other servers but not mine" posts aren't very credible or garner any sympathy.
  10. Ootax Augur

    If they do any merge with the TLPs it will be with both of them whether anyone likes it or not, regardless of much message board propaganda is done. They're not going to merge one then let the other be just to have to waste time and resources later on down the road to merge the one they left. They'll knock them both out at the same time and be done with it.
  11. Kukgrol Elder

    Regarding several posts suggesting there were some 'other motives' about merging Fippy -

    Yes, it's true I don't play on Fippy. However, throughout various threads here, for many months now, people on Fippy have been calling for a server merge. The consistent thread has been that they suggest merging Vulak into Fippy.

    These posts are driven usually from the perspective that Fippy has lost so much of it's population, the raiding guilds, and general population, are not the levels they are used to, to continue as they had been. The thought being to merge Vulak into it, to add population to it.

    The second thought being since "Vulak is dead" anyway so no harm done.

    Well having been on Vulak and actively raiding, participating, helping newer members get their epics, progression, flagging etc, I have seen Vulak is actually growing. They'd be cutting off a growing server, to feed one that is dying. That won't cure why it's dying.

    And the reason I suggest merging Fippy into live, when I don't play there, is because, on these forums, people keep asking for Fippy to have Vulak merged into it. At least on the forums here, they're the ones asking to be merged. So, let them be merged with a live server.

    As posted in many other threads, the population on Vulak (which has been growing considerably lately, contrary to the naysayers here on the forums) does not want to be merged with Fippy. A lot of the population have chosen to come to Vulak because of it's playstyle and playerbase, which is very different from Fippy. A good number of them choose to join our active raiding guild, while others don't. Either way the server itself is growing.

    Yesterday our guild had 69 toons online at the moment I had looked. And it wasn't peak raid time, it was mid afternoon. Several raiders weren't on. My family had about 20 of our toons online. And 3 box crews that run full 6 man were not online at that time, that usually are. The reality is, when our family started our guild, we had about 18 toons ourselves, and had maybe 3 other toons in the guild at any given time. Now, people not our family, outnumber us (in toons) more than 2:1 (obviously a lot more in real people). I hope it goes to 3:1 and 4:1. I'm thrilled to cut back on our boxes. We only added them to bridge our raids until we had enough other people geared up and ready to go. That happens regularly now, where we leave boxes out because of raids. Our family has been sorting out which toons would be best for us to just cancel since we don't need them all for raids anymore.

    To those that keep insisting the population growth / decline comment is 'propaganda', 4 months ago, at any given time Fippy had 2 - 2.5 times the general chat of Vulak. Nowadays they run maybe 1.5x or less. And yesterday, when someone new showed up on server and asked about our server, he looked at Fippy too. He commented at that moment there were 65 in general on Fippy and 69 on Vulak. Yep low numbers on both. But one has been going up, and the other going down very dramatically.

    And regarding comments like "oh people on Fippy don't use /general" well those of us that have played EQ long enough know it is still an indicator of server population. And the indicator is Fippy's has been going down dramatically, and Vulak's has been going up. It's not like people on Vulak used to all leave /general and now somehow started joining it.

    So, it makes sense that the ones calling for a merge are the ones that should be merged. But with a population that can absorb the server, not a server that it would greatly negatively impact.

    If there were to be a merge, merging the server gives Fippy players every opportunity to keep their progression going, giving them access to a much larger playerbase. Since their raiding content is all instanced, they can keep their guilds working through progression, but now with access to a larger server population to recruit from.

    And the server that is growing, can keep doing what's working there and growing. This has nothing to do with wanting to keep Vulak to 'myself' as suggested above. It's growing. That means there's a lot more people showing up. We want that to keep going.

    Heck, someone suggested starting a new progression guild on Vulak, (see threads here and on guild recruitment about it). I and our guild, supported them 100%. We offered to work with them, and ensure none of our guild members killed open world targets (for tribute typically) when they wanted to progress through that era. We even offered to assist with some new toons to join and level up with them on a part time basis. We also offered to assist with avoiding zones they were xping in, or offered to help in any way they thought we could help them. Because we supported and encouraged the participation of another, active, friendly raiding / progression guild on the server. Ultimately they decided a server that didn't require All Access would be more successful so they went elsewhere. But we went as far as we could to actively help them.

    That's the opposite of wanting to keep something to yourself. That's wanting to share it with others.
  12. oisjafoij Augur

    hopefully they can moderate the propaganda on these forums a bit better


    1. 1.
      information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.
    Elskidor likes this.
  13. Kukgrol Elder

    If you are trying to suggest that my facts listed are misleading, please list proof that refutes it. I'm not interested in misleading anyone. But I am interested in presenting factual information about our server and the state of it.

    I have listed specific numbers, and facts that can be verified. As specific verifiable details, feel free to refute them.

    Do I present positive information about our server? Of course. I play on the server, and want to see it continue to grow and succeed. But I don't mislead or misrepresent anything.

    Stating someone's information is misleading, or misrepresents things, without offering any proof, doesn't really mean a thing. Anyone can say someone else's facts are wrong. That's about the easiest post to make.

    But please, feel free to point out what facts I have listed are false, misleading, or untrue and provide evidence to support it. If so I'll be happy to remove them. I want to be accurate. The people joining our server and guild, have never posted anything online to contradict anything said here. In fact, a number of them have been posting and they have confirmed exactly what I've been saying too.

    But now the same people that suggest I'm misrepresenting things try to say they are too.

    Maybe we're not all lying, and we're just explaining that things can be, and are, different from one server to the next.
  14. Kukgrol Elder

    I never said, and don't now, that my post is out of goodwill or concern for people on Fippy. I make the point that if they want a merge, then they should merge with someone that doesn't conflict with their playstyle.

    As I mentioned I wouldn't bother making the post to begin with, except a number of people have been calling for a Fippy merge with Vulak. I've explained in those posts the Vulak is not interested in a merge with Fippy at all. That's where my concern comes from, as anyone would expect.

    So the logical solution would be to merge Fippy with a live server. I don't think I've ever implied my post has anything to do with concern for Fippy. It's not. Just like those that have been calling for a merge with Vulak don't post out of any concern for Vulak's playerbase.

    And if somehow it was misinterpreted, I'm clarifying it now.
  15. Heartland Augur

    Since when do you speak for everyone on the server? Or are you in fact everyone on the server? Either way, you dont make a very compelling argument
    Sheex likes this.
  16. Mulerien Elder

    I'd like to see a merge just to stop your diatribes Kukgrol. The logical thing to do is merge the two servers that are one expansion apart and have the same level caps instead of merging Fippy to a server that is 20 level cap difference and four expansions apart. But then you would no longer be #1 on your server. You're using your power to pursue your interests, aka spamming these boards with the same inane BS over and over; just trying to be a carbuncle on the wheels of progress. Get over yourself
  17. Punchu Augur

    In the end, nothing in this thread will have any affect on the current TLP.

    We're all wasting our breath here. Some of us more than others.
    Malachi likes this.
  18. Zarakii Augur

    challenge accepted! ill be making a toon on vulak and proving this one wrong ^_^ JK by the way. got enough issues on my own server lol
  19. Dstyrc New Member

    I don't consider myself a bad person and in general I don't wish Ill will on others but for some reason knowing that one day Vulak will be changed in some form and kukgrol's dream server will crumble brings me so much joy I almost can't stand it.
  20. Behee Augur

    Thanks for clearing up why it is we don't want to merge with Fippy.