Id pay AAs for ......

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Panaka, Sep 7, 2013.

  1. Panaka New Member

    We want ideas for NEW aas.

    1. 2 Ideas per post.
    2. Has to be realistic
    3. Cannot already be in game.


    Id pay aas for ...

    1. Mem spell sets faster! - 50 aa for 1 rank.
    2. Imitate death to not have a CD (would be willing to pay end) 70 aa for 1 rank
  2. Crokker Lorekeeper

    I'd pay 20AA so my mounts would stop eating/drinking my stat foods.
    Fenthen and Elricvonclief like this.
  3. Panaka New Member

    Id pay 70 aa to reduce my raid out of combat timer to something reasonable like 2 mins. its not 2001 anymore, it doesnt take that long to get back to where your raid is set up.
    Fenthen likes this.
  4. Panaka New Member

    Id pay 20 AAs per rank for 1 min cut off merc reuse. (I pay the cash for it, I shouldnt have to wait 5 mins if its stupid and gets killed. ie standing in 10k lava even after I passive and move it)
    Fenthen likes this.
  5. Cindari New Member

    1 Would pay AA or Station Cash for more extended target slots.

    2 Would pay AA for a chance to have no Rez effect and have 1/4 of your mana bar for caster or endurance for melee on your bar back after you get a Rez
  6. Nightops Augur

    I'd pay AA to be able to use my circle of power clicky along with my paladin aura.

    Extra slot for auras, or seperate window for circle clicks.... as long as it works together.
  7. Edrick Augur

    I'd pay AA to have auras stay indefinitely up until the player is killed.
  8. Coltraine Journeyman

    A trivial annoyance, but an annoyance all the same... I'd gladly spend AAs to never again deal with gate collapses.
    Sinestra and Shanaie like this.
  9. Gladare Augur

    I'd pay 70aa to not see people say they'd pay absurd amounts of aa's for stuff.
    Sinestra, Nolrog and Tobynn like this.
  10. Edrick Augur

    I'd pay 70 AA to raise the stored AA cap to 100 so I can pay 100 AA not to see people say they'd pay 70 AA to not see people pay absurd amounts of AA's for stuff.
  11. Edrick Augur

    I'm still trying to wrap my head around what I just posted.
    Sinestra and Ishtass like this.
  12. SpamFactory Augur

    add a 4th rule: does not require additional coding changes
  13. Arwyn-RoV Augur

    I'd pay AA or Stationcash for more ranks to use in my guildroster.
    Elricvonclief likes this.
  14. Redrum_Redrum Augur

    Raid should get payed a 25 aa instant clickie potion every time a Raid and or Instance raid dz crashes for wasting the time of 54 players to reload eq log in and reform a raid. I figure 25 aa per crash is reasonable since the time invested/wasted each time this happens would net a player this amount if they were in a set group for an hour.
    Marton and Elricvonclief like this.
  15. Loratex The Ridiculous Necro

    Id pay 50 aa per rank of 2 percent dot crit (5 ranks)
    Id pay 60 aa for Innate ability to use corpses around me to Heal me for 30 seconds (5 percent hp per corpse)
    Id pay ALL 70 aa to summon a gnome to my location that magically Explodes
    oogolx likes this.
  16. Tuluvian Elder

    i'd pay 15k aa for worthwhile aa's.
  17. Nekro Journeyman

    1.) an AA for invis to all (live and undead)
    2.) a merc with a brain.
  18. Crystilla Augur

    I'd pay 25 AA so that clerics can finally get an innate invis AA.
    I'd pay 70 AA so that clerics can get a perfected invis AA.
    Fenthen and Shanaie like this.
  19. Uxtalzon Augur

    - An ability that allows me to raise faction somehow with broken factions, since developers never fix them.

    - Base endurance regen increase
  20. Edrick Augur

    Classes are so homogenous now, I'd rather we try to keep some form of variance between them.