How to prevent monopolizing of raid targets

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Greymere, Jun 19, 2015.

  1. Greymere Augur

    If you kill Nagafen along with credit for the kill and loot you receive a flag for a period of time that sends you to the succor/evac point of the zone if you are added to Nagafen's agro table.

    Do the same for all raid targets and enough said, everyone can still race but no one group can monopolize content, eliminates most the crap going on in the raid scene after that first race for the week.
  2. Flandersian Augur

    Easier - More raid targets.

    That'll be $20.
  3. Bumpkin Augur

    I wonder if anyone has ever made an alt character before. What do you guys think? Weird concept I know.
  4. Zapsos Augur

    Considering all the boxing hate around here, clearly alts ought to be a capital offence
  5. Flandersian Augur

    Alt? Tla? Wait...T-L-A...T-L...TL!

    I knew it. Take your mage bot propaganda out of here.

    No more mages, No more mages!
    *marches off into darkness still chanting*
    complexication and Syfin like this.
  6. Bigz_Zupdarty Augur

  7. Syfin New Member

    Lmao. This is an epic post. Thank you.

    This plan wont work because of the previously stated. Alts. Get kill on main switch to alt for next kill.
  8. Zapsos Augur

    complexication likes this.
  9. Bigz_Zupdarty Augur

    you need to understand before you can overstand zapsos <3

    its in 3 threads fyi
  10. Vlerg Augur

    I did. and found out I did not like playing melee classes in EQ. especially during classic where they basicly just auto-attack. I also found out that CH chains made me sleepy. I will likely start an enchanter sometime in the next months but no, I'm not an alt-holic that's gonna fill all 12 spots.
  11. TarewMarrForever Augur

    ACR won't work. They'll just sock outside the radius.

    And even if it did, it just changes the game but leaves the same nasty result. It doesn't address the core issue which is gluttonish manchildren.

    In other words, it simply turns it from a pure DPS Race came to Mobilization game. One form of suck becomes another form of suck.

    Perhaps, just perhaps, most players want a EVERYBODY DESERVES A SINGLE WEEKLY INSTANCE WITHOUT INTERFERENCE game?

    You know, without gluttons that were never taught how to share ruining it for everybody else?

    All of the other proposed solutions do is just foster a different type of clown-shoes behavior.

    Instances + lockouts *FIX* the problem. For good. Oh, and they break nothing. They take nothing away. From anybody.
    complexication and Jadefox like this.
  12. Darth Augur

    And, just as silly in this one as the other ones.
  13. Rhaage Augur

    They won't do instances because they want to maintain the rate at which the drops enter the population.

    If everyone could spawn a dragon instance, then the guilds would just insta spawn dragons until everyone had all the great loot and it would flood the game.

    The anti camp radius won't work for reasons discussed in other threads.

    The character based lockout helps but allows for an alt to go instead which I think lands in a grey area. If I've leveled an alt up to be hunting at raid bosses, then that character in some respects should be allowed to kill the dragon and get their own loot.

    a guild level lockout (if it's even possible) would be thwarted by creating a new guild each week and mass joining the new guild or all dropping from guild to do raid and then rejoin after

    an account level lockout prevents the "take my alt" issue but that's still a grey area, if my alt is of a level to raid, why shouldn't it get to raid.

    a "port everyone not part of the 1st raid to engage" effect could help, but then it'd still be a race to organize and engage and the guild who can monopolize content will be there faster and organized first and still win.

    The solution is going to fall to the community. It took multiple guilds working together to finally accomplish the task of killing the sleeper. Alliances will have to be forged to challenge those guilds that have the membership and organization to monopolize content.
  14. Greymere Augur

    A mechanics level change using the same code they currently use for Vox and Naggy for all raid bosses if a player is flagged just seems like a simple enough fix to prevent anyone from monopolizing content without a ton of extra effort. Lets say you get flagged for 24-48 hours after a raid target kill time dependant on just how fast they set the respawn rates for these raid bosses. If alpha guild A won the race for Nagafen and Vox spawns 12 hours later they either race with their B team or simply concede the race to the remaining guilds racing, accepting the fact that they are currently locked out of the race.

    Its a mechanics based solution that neither requires instancing or prevents players from any form of initial competition, as more eras open up and more targets become available guilds will have to make choices over what content they prefer to go after while they are not locked out freeing up those raid targets that are not a priority to them for others.

    End result is no need for GM's, minimal need to code anything but a flag that is checked for and how to generate said flag. GMs get to maintain no instancing, and the mechanics themselves create a defacto form of rotations preventing anyone from blocking content or locking down content easily. No increased loot drops speed, and the accomplishment over competing for the targets remains.
  15. Ishbu Augur

    Why do we want to prevent monopolization of raid targets again? If a group of people want to commit more to getting a mob than me, then they deserve to get it. There are plenty of emulated servers around if I just wanted to have everything available for myself.
  16. Canik Augur

    No one is saying they want everything. They just want a fair chance.
  17. Ishbu Augur

    I swear im not trying to be difficult here, but enlighten me as to why people dont have a fair chance over the others?

    The way I see it, people can form guilds and recruit more players(there are plenty on ragefire currently) if another guild always outweighs them. If its a matter of box armies, then recruit/make your own. If I was unwilling to do either of these things, the last resort would be to try and join the guild that is on top.

    If I am unable to do all of these options due to time/finances/interest level then I had my fair chance but prioritized things differently so thats on me.
  18. Canik Augur

    I play games to have fun. Managing multiple characters at once is not fun to me. A raid lost out to 1 man boxing 12 mages today for GEBs. Does that sound fair?
  19. Ishbu Augur

    Maybe this is because years and years ago I was a hardcore top end raider, but I read that and think the make up of that raid was very poor and needed more dps and/or is a very loose use of the word raid.

    EDIT - I should add, sounds like a major imbalance with mages right now which we all know about too is the real problem. Not having a fair shot at mobs, but a broken mechanic for the content.
  20. Canik Augur

    When 1 player > any composition of more than 1 player, there is a problem to be looked at.