Heirloom Raid Coins

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Xorsazis, Jun 15, 2013.

  1. Kelefane Augur

    hrmm, i dont see it as a detriment personally. Unless you mean server transferring a character to FV after you buy stuff for an alt with the coins? Even then, thats still money in SOEs pocket from buying the server transfer item. Also, I seriously doubt many people would even do that. Since so many actually enjoy playing their alts and whatnot. I know that I wouldnt. I'd just buy whatever raid gear on my alt Monk and be happy. Im sure there are plenty of others with that same kind of mindset too.
  2. Terraa New Member

    You and I know very different people. How many raiders can you field to willingly run alt healing classes on raids for 4 hours . . . ? Because all of the people in my guild getting to play their alts are going from one dps class to another. They're interchangeable.

    And it isn't complicated. Holy balls, are you uppity: Terraa is debating the merits of [this mechanic] which disagrees with [my opinion]; obviously, she must be having learning problems, and we must inform her that the solution is really quite easy. The only complications here are developing from self-performed surgery to remove the blood clots forming when people like you type.

  3. Straahdx Augur

    I don't see a need for this personally. Just dzadd the alts for rot gear. Who cares if the currency goes unused on your main. Your main has gear and spells, and your alt will too soon enough..
  4. Laronk Augur

    I play on FV and I can tell you that this is a bad idea and why. People will raid for their alts, you will have someone who doesnt spend their raid currency on an upgrade because they can just wait and instead buy a raid weapon for their alt who doesn't raid.
  5. Elenwyyi Augur

    It probably wouldn't break the game if it was heirloom. On the other hand, it would be getting pretty far away from the original purpose... either way is fine.
  6. Blurred_Memories Augur

    Why isnt everyone on FV already? Raid currency sells in our bazaar.
    We have more than one raid guild, and more would be welcome.

  7. Kelefane Augur

    Why is it a bad idea to server transfer to FV? Im sure folks on FV wouldnt mind an influx. It seems like the server needs people.

    Besides, not many people would anyway. It wouldnt be as widespread as you or anyone that agrees with you thinks. Most people enjoy their alts, and the last thing on their mind would be to server transfer them off a server that their main is on.

    And people would raid for their alts? That makes no sense, LOL. That MAYBE true after their main is geared, and 90% of the gear is going to alts like we see now with a lot of guilds.
    Elricvonclief likes this.
  8. Elricvonclief Augur

    I'd love to see older currency heirloom, heck, even T2 currency :D
  9. Tegila Augur

    idc about currency, raid currency should remain notrade imo, evne though til today i ahd over 500 chits from last year rotting away aon my main after buying stuff i didnt even need, but what i endedu p spending it all on were the ornaments for one of my alts, and it was quite disappointing that even now with not only the fact that the ornaments are tradeable but also the fact that not all gear, even raid gear, equippable by a toon displays the graphic of the class's ideal type. example: the leather pants from ToV, display as chain even though the only 3 classes that can use them are leather wearers, but those leather wearers cant now go spend their chits on insidious chain pants ornaments for those legs because they can only buy leather, with or without the checkbox checked.
  10. Roderick Journeyman

    The possible exploits are too obvious to even consider this "solution" to the alleged "problem".
  11. Kelefane Augur

    How could you exploit raid coins being heirloom? Besides the fact that your putting raid gear on an alt that you created that has never raided? (which is already being done anyway)
  12. Laronk Augur

    It doesn't make sense but people do it here =( it's very frustrating. Oh and I'd love for more people to move here I just think that heirloom raid currency is bad.
  13. Xorsazis Augur

    The only negative thing I have read about is FV transfers. If it's such a detriment then wipe the coins when transferring. They could just buy the gear and transfer, or loot it and transfer. It's not going to make a difference either way if the goal is to transfer stuff to FV.

    I am certain they have the ability to stop it from happening that way if they wanted to.
  14. Laronk Augur

    Nah I was using an example from FV where you get a few people in raid guilds using their currency on their alt when their main still needs upgrades. I don't care if raid currency comes here from other servers as long as the server population stays healthy enough. Though I wish I could leave this server =p
  15. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Well based on my understanding that just shows a difference in the philosophy between FV and the rest of the servers. Where on FV raid loot(including raid currency) can be looked at as property of the guild on other servers it belongs to the person who won it (or was granted the currency by being present)
  16. Grummy_NB Augur

    Not sure this would help much, if your toon hasn't won the event, the vendor wont show the stuff from that raid for sale. I would love to give all my past raid coins to my alt and actually use them, but I know it wont happen. I pay for a second account and I believe Heirloom should work (but that wont happen either) plus he doesn't have the "win" flags to see the loot.

    Plus people would just exploit something like this.
  17. Noirfu Augur

    In my opinion, the whole notion of "Heirloom" is a bad idea. It makes no sense that an alt on the same account gets more perks than an alt you pay a full subscription for.
  18. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    You pay a full subscription for both alts the fact that an alt on a separate account would be an extra account doesn't matter. Your subscription is for you to play the game how you want to not just to play one character per account.Besides is there a real difference between an alt invite to a raid for the flag and the currency and passing it on to an alt on the same account?
  19. Ronak Augur

    I'm surprised no one mentioned Solteris. That endgame raid currency was not even no drop. It had good and bad points, of course. The good outweighed the bad, in my opinion. Your mileage may vary.
    Elricvonclief and Kelefane like this.
  20. Mykaylla Augur

    It has always amused me that a currency is no-trade. Any currency.
    Yes yes, I know the reasoning behind it, but the idea that you can't trade with or for currency is hilarious.
    Elricvonclief and Kelefane like this.