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Has there been a dev response yet...

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Nennius, May 18, 2023.

  1. Boyboi Elder

    Can this please just be reverted to how it was?

    Everything is so laggy and awful since the patch, I can't even zone without my entire PC freezing and needing to be restarted.
    Balm and Yinla like this.
  2. Balm Apprentice

    This. I, and many others, have simply switched back to the old UI, so will now miss any "fixes" DB try to implement, until we are forced into using the new UI.

    Expect more complaints when you attempt to sunset the old UI.
    Boyboi and Yinla like this.
  3. Boyboi Elder

    I've even switched back to the old UI and still can't do anything without crashing and my comp freezing. Why did you fix what wasn't broke???? Now it's completely busted. This is unplayable.
  4. Highwizard Augur

    Yeah the game feels very un optimized now, very choppy non responsive as compared to before.
    Boyboi likes this.