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Has there been a dev response yet...

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Nennius, May 18, 2023.

  1. Sissruukk Rogue One

    Sony will be like, "What the heck? That thing is still around?!?!"
    Hobitses and Peter_The_great like this.
  2. Drencrom Beimeith's Supervisor

    Why not just add an option to use the new UI or old, giving people plenty of time if they don't want to switch, and then finally announcing a sunsetting of the old UI and said option AFTER you have perfected the new UI?
  3. Drencrom Beimeith's Supervisor

    I tried calling Verant instead and just got some old angry lady yelling in Portugese
  4. Sissruukk Rogue One

  5. demi Augur

    I did not read this whole post just the first 2 pages ..

    my issues with the new UI have been minimal .. only thing so far that I have run into is the blinking when opening bags from the inventory window .. My custom UI has an actions window with my bags on it so I can bypass the blinks if I only open my bags from the actions window or the Shift B short cut key to open all bags at once .. so its a nuisance , but its not game quiting as of yet ..
  6. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    That is how I thought it was going to work.
    Yinla likes this.
  7. Veteran_BetaTester PIZZA!

    Curious, why do we need a change in ui?
    Tallie likes this.
  8. Knifen Augur

    The only reason I could see it is for people running 4k and ultra wide monitors it was supposed to fix/adj how it looked stretched out that far. But it seems like all the problems are stlll there, the funny hard to see text in some cases
  9. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    The new UI will be able to support higher resolution monitors as well as add some new features that should make it easier to setup a UI. From what I have seen the devs post it will also make it easier for them to make updates to the UI as well as allowing them more flexibility in how they design it. That should also apply to the custom UI makers once they get used to the new system.
    Rijacki, Knifen and Emilari like this.
  10. Emilari UI Designer

    Agreed! It's clearly still a work-in-progress, but as a custom UI maker, I'm still excited about the project personally.

    It does; the system is just opt-out not opt-in, and the opt-out is to use a 'custom' UI of the old versions of whatever windows they have ported. It's unlikely they're going to take the time to figure out how to functionally do that with something like a simple toggle in the options window though... their time is better spent fixing the issues with the new engine and working on the port.

    I do have a post walking people through how to 'opt out' in this thread though: https://forums.daybreakgames.com/eq/index.php?threads/how-to-revert-back-the-ui.290675/
    Rijacki, Tallie and Leex like this.
  11. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

  12. Leex Pewpewer

    User error maybe? ;)
    Smokezz likes this.
  13. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    Hotfix just went out for those that didn't do the workaround.
  14. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Maybe, maybe not.

    But this is why things like this should be shipped in a working state and not left for the paying customers to sort out.

    EQ is illogical, I do not understand why adding 4 files to my UI mess with the spell icons and still uses the aweful new windows.
  15. klanderso Augur

    I will say that part of the reason a lot of the communication was simply because it's easier/faster to get feedback when we're in the process of fixing something visual. I will be the first to admit that my vision is kind of terrible and I wanted to be sure to get input on the changes I was making. The last thing I wanted to do was submit a fix only to find out that I'm still super blind and it's still blurry!

    However, we have been watching the forums and our QA team has been really great at writing up bugs that have been posted. We're definitely not ignoring you guys or "favoring" discord, it's just a lot more casual and easier to drop in with a quick question.
  16. Jumangia New Member

    I think the response should be sorry for the mess up we are rolling back to before the patch (Save Point) Immediatly. Until we can find the typo! We will also give you a Million Plat for your wasted non playing time!
  17. Cyphren Lorekeeper


    Still looks blurry to me vs xml

    Is the font tunable client side? What font is it? Is this an anti-aliasing issue?
    Yinla and Barton like this.
  18. Xenthus New Member

    I have been using Sars UI for 20 years. Looks like it took 20 years for using a 3rd party UI design to finally pay off! its looks great still =P
    Hobitses likes this.
  19. Sissruukk Rogue One

    I appreciate the response. However, the problem with the "out of sight, out of mind" is that if you say something in Discord, and lets say I am at work, I am going to miss it because I am not going to scroll through 8 hours of messages to get caught up. If you post something on the forums as well, those of us who can't keep up with Discord chat will know what is going on. The reason that those of us who rely on the forums is that we often times miss the back and forth about issues, and with posts on the forums becoming less frequent due to Discord being preferred by players alike, we feel that the forums are being ignored. The "like" system has fallen by the wayside because players can go on Discord and ping a dev over an issue, so there is no reason to "like" a bug thread.

    I would like to suggest that your forum moderators and community service people post a summary of what is going on in the patch notes bug thread, either daily or weekly, this way it is available to us who rely on the forum history, and it gives us a way to communicate back that is convenient for us.
    Hobitses, klanderso, Slambit and 5 others like this.
  20. Barton The Mischievous

    Mine is still blurry even after the "fix" makes my darn eyes water after awhile.
    I'm done for now this is horrible.
    Tons of feedback on test that this was still not ready for live and you went and pushed it out anyway.
    I'll check back in a month or so but with this and the Oakwynd nonsense that is still broken I need a break and the EQ team needs to do better.
    Yinla likes this.