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GMM – Let’s get this over with.

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Tappin, Sep 3, 2019.

  1. Belexes ForumQuester

    I didn't realize people where flipping until I joined a group to evolve my FF chase loot about 2 weeks ago.

    If I can't find a group in TBL or I am tired of boxing, I would join the a GMM group. I didn't need the gear there as I got it long ago already.

    Then one time the group leader would drop the task before I even had a chance to say I pass on the loot. :)

    I have been in groups that have flipped it four or 5 times on two different occasions.

    GMM achievements don't have any real rewards, so once I did them during the short time after launch, I rarely go back. Just when I am bored and tired of boxing. I would rather group than box any day, but you are rolling the dice with pickup groups. :) I mostly group with people I know, but they are not always around or they are boxing a lot of toons and don't need my butt. :D
  2. yosco Augur

    I interpreted your comment about "only choosing the hard way" to mean you never did the GMM HA (even to completion) because to do so would be taking advantage of content that was too easy and not challenging enough for you.

    So, you got what you wanted out of the mission (gear for alts, achievements, etc.) and then moved on. And now others are calling for it's nerf. How is that right? Anyone who hasn't gotten what they needed out of those missions now has to suffer because they were slower at it than the folks at the bleeding edge of content.

    My intention isn't to pick on you, but I'm just using your comments to illustrate my point.
  3. Belexes ForumQuester

    He had to do it once to know it was easy. Can't knock someone for trying something once. That is better than automatically assuming it was too hard without trying.

    Believe or not, there were people who did that here on ForumQuest when TBL came out.

    The rewards will remain, it will just not be a cakewalk. I am sure any group will still be able to do it just fine when they are done with modifying it.

    It is acceptable to me to toughen it up a little bit as it is way too easy. I do not think you should be able to flip any HA. I know others think you should for named and collectibles, but I don't.
  4. Lianeb Augur

    I would say you have suffered enough if you do not have what you wanted out of that mission after 6 months with a 2 hour lockout. Unless we are talking about what you are after is XP, in which case I say you have benefited enough in 6 months
    Belexes likes this.
  5. yosco Augur

    Definitely not knocking anyone for doing content. Only knocking people who've done content, got what they needed, and are now lobbying for that content to be changed.
    Xeladom and Corwyhn Lionheart like this.
  6. yosco Augur

    You're presuming people have been in game and around for the entire duration of the zone's availability. Tisk Tisk.

    I only came back into the game a few months ago because my entire home full of stuff was packed away while I moved. I jumped into TBL 2/3 of the way through. GMM was huge for me and it obviously is for others, as well, even though I had the advantage of having 100% leveled and 100% fully AA'd characters and even a tank with a bunch of raid gear. Had I not had those things I doubt I would have had the success I did.
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  7. Belexes ForumQuester

    So you think that only the people that have done it, got their loot agree with changing it? Just because one guy mentioned it? Do you really think those are the only ones calling for a change? Did you read the first thread about the GMM HAs? That was created early on before all these people had their loot.

    I think it the toughness should match the reward given. It should be fair. I know I don't have every drop in that zone, but I am ok with not making it borderline exploitable.
  8. yosco Augur

    It's irrelevant when the first thread on GMM HAs came out because now we're 6+ months in the future. Now, the hardcore players have been max AA since before GMM was even a twinkle in a DBG dev's eye. It's not really important anymore.

    But to some it is. And that's my point. I can see your argument that the exp is "too easy" but I don't really get why that should matter to YOU. How does someone else's rate of experience gain relate to YOUR experience in this game? Why do you feel like someone else's in-game situation is so closely tied to your own?

    Is it about "fairness?"
  9. Belexes ForumQuester

    No, I don't feel that way.

    If something is broke, then fix it. That is how I feel. It should have been fixed early on, but it wasn't. Now they are going to fix it.

    There are lots of things in this world that don't affect me that are broke. I want them fixed. Same applies here.

    Let's talk civil rights for example. I am a middle aged white dude, but I still want things fixed in that arena. You dig?
  10. Cicelee Augur

    I have done the first... three or four tasks in GMM. I have killed one, maybe two named in static. I do not even have the HA collections completed. I also do not have my HA augment.

    GMM XP, especially with regards to the HA, needs to be changed so that the 111-115 crowd does not reach 115 flipping the HA on Day 1. Whether that be reduce the XP, increase the difficulty of the mobs in the mission, or add a 6 hour lockout upon first kill inside the task... something needs to be done.

    So it is just not the "I got mine I don't want you to get your crowd" that says this. It is the "I want some sort of game balance and risk/reward to be implemented crowd" that says this...
  11. Sissruukk Rogue One

    'Tis an awfully small crowd.
    Bottle likes this.
  12. Natal Augur

    If I can tank 11 blue/white cons easily at once in raid gear, I am pretty sure that any tank could handle similar numbers in group gear. The differential is not large. It is not necessary to tank an entire wave at any point either, I just do it to speed things up.

    The HA is trivial to any group at maximum, irrespective of whether their tank is raid or group geared.
  13. Natal Augur

    You can believe what you want. I am not the only one who has pointed out how trivial GMM in general is and the HAs in particular.
  14. Natal Augur

    If I can tank an entire wave of 11 mobs at once, then people who are reasonably equipped should be able to tank a large number at once as well. And I don't claim to be an uber tank, I know that I am not. They don't need to do the entire wave at once, since every wave can be split fairly easily.

    So, this HA is trivial to any group that has a proper tank at 110 with RoS armor IMO.

    Unless you are suggesting that end game rewards SHOULD be made easily available to the barely 110 players with pre-EoK gear and no AA. Because those are about the only sort of group that might be challenged by the HA.

    End game rewards should not be balanced against the least developed characters in the game. Those toons should maybe do intermediate stuff first.
  15. Natal Augur

    I was pointing out how stupid easy it was from the day I first did the HA, and I was not the only one. The problem with it was obvious right from the start.

    I remember when I first went into GMM, I thought it had to be bugged, that they must have made a mistake in mob levels when setting it up since it was so trivial.
  16. Natal Augur

    Actually, current active players would already have had their xp and most of their AAs done when GMM was released, so your argument is invalid.

    The only thing I used it for was to finish off the trash AAs (the ones that don't do anything) and replenish AA for glyphs.
  17. Natal Augur

    The difficulty of TBL is a valid point, but it is not a defence for making other content trivial with end game rewards. Two wrongs do NOT make a right.

    The current difficulty level in the open zone is fine, if it dropped tier 1 gear and not better than the best gear out of TBL itself. The HA should have been designed as a regular mission with regular mobs, not with easy mode HA mobs. Also, the chest at the end should drop only one item.

    If it is for casual players, then make the rewards casual level as well.

    If you want best in expansion gear on the other hand, it should be tougher than tier 2 TBL zones.
  18. enclee Augur

    End game rewards come from raiding not group content.
    Allayna and Yinla like this.
  19. Tappin Augur

    A lot of smaller guilds are still raiding RoS. TBL group is very close RoS raid gear. It's not all that suprising that people are calling it end game.
  20. Whulfgar Augur

    And because of places like gmm.. it would not be an outlier.. but itwp uld literally be well beyond more then just outliers who did level with a day or so of launch.

    Do you dis agree ?