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GMM – Let’s get this over with.

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Tappin, Sep 3, 2019.

  1. Laronk Augur

  2. That1guy New Member

    They should've just upgraded tbl chase to be a marked improvement over gmm stuff. Lack of luck stat, old raid focuses, only barely better stats. I guarantee half the people whining is because nobody wanted to pay 10 kr for an item they could get in gmm in half an hour. The risk vs rewards isn't there in gmm now, there is no reward. Unless you need to farm something for a new toon, i imagine the ha will go largely unused with current difficulty/super nerfed end reward
  3. Laronk Augur

    But how hard is it?
  4. Tanise Elder

    Are the clock works still assisting orcs like they did on test?
  5. Fian Augur

    I noticed that I would blur some friendly adds and they would immediately get aggro. The warrior thought it might have been an ability he was using, but it seemed strange. So, in answer to your question, probably.
  6. That1guy New Member

    Not terribly. If you could swarm a wave, about half a wave is similar difficulty. End reward is like 2 or 3 aa now instead of 12-13ish. Single mob groups shouldn't notice too much extra difficulty, but the xp is low enough you're better off almost anywhere else
  7. Fian Augur

    So here is my experience after the tuning. Group was myself (enc), raid geared warrior, and a bard. We start off just fine, but in the second wave, one of the cleric mercs died. Warrior opted to not go full tank mode on third wave until we got merc back, so we did that pulling a few at a time. Wave 4, we were slow to get into position, and with poor placement of cleric mercs, they all died, and then everyone died except me that faded. From there we did small pulls, I shelved my AE DD spell and replaced it with AE mez instead for large pulls. We decided to not bother killing everything in the final area, and just killed the howlers and opened the chest. I only got 2 AA at the end, but I was sharing fellowship exp, so maybe 4 AA without it? It should be noted that overall exp seemed less, and instead of a combo of blue and white cons, it is now white and yellow cons. We also fought the boss, which took a lot longer to kill.

    So, in summary, the tank could still handle a lot at a time, we did after all do all of wave 2 at once (9 mobs). The biggest weakness was the cleric mercs. Now, if they get aggro they are probably dying. GMM DH was an interesting instance with some unique challenges. A pathing wave of mobs where you don't pull them, you try and survive them as they add one by one. That put pressure on keeping them off your healers. Friendly mobs that would add if you used AEs. Even before the nerf, even our raid geared tank would sometimes die due to the above mentioned issues. Now, there are safer camps, and it is probably not worth the effort unless you are trying to get a certain drop like the aug.

    Personally, I would have left the difficulty unchanged, and cut the exp gain in half.
  8. Kleitus_Xegony Augur

    Orcs are now lvl 110-111. Nothing special, they still seem to give the same exp per kill. Not sure about the exp at completion - I won't be able to finish this run anyways.

    They also changed the Orc Climbers part to make it so you can easily pull less than the whole bunch of them. That's a nice change I guess.
  9. Laronk Augur

    That's dumb that they nerfed the end reward too,

    So generally people will either need a bard/chanter/druid/shaman/ranger for some kinda cc?
  10. Kleitus_Xegony Augur

    Not at all. I can see myself still being able to do this with just my Paladin and Magician + 2 mercs (1 healer / 1 dps caster). Maybe I die more easily if I screw up but that's not a big deal.
  11. Tyche Elder

    Increase difficulty 100%, reduce reward 90%.

    dev: nailed it!
    Xeladom and Graves like this.
  12. Kleitus_Xegony Augur

    So..., it looks to me like all they did is bump the mobs up in difficulty and lower the exp gains from opening the chest. You can still flip the mission, the mobs still give roughly the same exp, and I'm assuming you can still use them for leveling the chase items (I can't verify this aspect right now).

    They made the climbers part "easier" by breaking up the mobs pathing. They now path between the hut and the ramp up/down from the paths on the mountain as well as around on that little section. I don't think they all path back and forth though - looked like 5 or so path out there and the others stayed by the hut / on those walkways.

    That's all I did so far - don't know about the mobs the come over the wall and go into the tunnel. That would be about the only other "difficult" part if they still bunch up in the tunnel. Otherwise, it's just smaller pulls instead of grabbing one and dragging it around to gather up the entire stage's worth of orcs and killing them all at one time. Sure, it's slower but a long ways off from tough.
  13. Coagagin Guild house cat

    Was really expecting a better set of victory laps from the people who wailed about this mission being too easy, not tuned, risk versus reward. Now all quiet? C'mon! You got your checkered flag, take your victory lap before my popcorn gets cold.
    Xeladom and Teylana like this.
  14. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    How are the named in static zone GMM? Any changes?
  15. Teylana Elder

    Dear devs,

    Thanks for that. No, really. Thanks for turning a blind eye until it suited you and screwing those who can't spend hours in game and zoom through it. Well done. I say that from the bottom of my... Bottom.

    Like it matters.
    NeverPayForLag, Xeladom and Karve_AB like this.
  16. Laronk Augur

    You mean like,

    WOOO, the mission is finally hard enough for me to enjoy it yay!

    Tappin's the best!
  17. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    It is tougher playing with my ranger lot closer deaths but didn't die. Was surprised to see some yellow cons here and there. Don't agree on cutting the xp in half they did that nobody would do the mission. I don't even finish the mission anymore anyways just burn my lotd on my other chars (ranger is maxed out).


  18. Karve_AB Journeyman

    Live for 10 months and then rebalance it, seriously?

    Glad I came back 3 weeks ago and got to enjoy it for as long as everyone else. Now Grash is a total wipeout.
  19. Karve_AB Journeyman

    Just cos I did have a log on, Grash took 21,997,817 damage to get to about 38%.
    Grash, Bloodmoon Growler
    ---Zone: Gnome Memorial Mountain: Under Assault
    ---Start Time: 18/09/2019 22:45:42
    ---Fight Length: 339s
    ---Total HP: 21997817

    Ridiculously tuned imho.
  20. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    I agree with most of what you say but to be honest the hard core players max aa within weeks of an expansion coming out and they will do it whether it is GMM or something harder. Yes hardcore players may flip a few GMMs to keep their expendable aa's filled and use them more often. But that is about it.
    NeverPayForLag likes this.