Game Update: Thursday, November 14 @ 8am PST

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Ashlanne, Nov 13, 2013.

  1. Ashlanne Lorekeeper


    All EverQuest Live Servers will be brought offline on Thursday, November 14, 2013 at 8:00 am US Pacific*. The servers are estimated to be unavailable for approximately 2 hours. Keep an eye on the EverQuest website and the forums for status updates and for news if additional downtime is needed.

    *Time Zone Converter
  2. Celibate New Member

    Oh sure! Take the servers down on a holiday so we don't... get.. to... oops. Nevermind. ;)
    Force of habit ;)
  3. Tarrin Augur

    Nov 14 is World Diabetes Day. Taking down servers on this day is clearly a determined slap in the face to all people with Diabetes, their family members, and their friends.
    Piestro and forbes77 like this.
  4. beryon Augur

    Sooo is that 5 or 8 Pacific?
  5. postid Journeyman

    Hehe 5am pst if you are detail oriented and 8am if you just read the headlines?
  6. Anex New Member

    I'm with Beryon, 8am to 5am PST? It makes a big difference to someone like me living in Europe.. 2pm or 5pm (min you 2 -5 is my biggest play time).

    I'm wondering if the title is accurate and the post a copy/paste xD
  7. Rolaque Ancient

    Patches are almost always 5am pacific time, except when they're not. Devs are just like the rest of us forum posters. We have to remember that what they wrote, and what we read, is not always what they meant. :cool:
  8. migenk New Member

    Thanks for this confusing server downtime news, which cause my guild a raiding day doing nothing! Seriously, do some checking before post?
    forbes77 likes this.
  9. AB_H'Sishi Augur

    Well ... in headlines they announce 8 AM, in text 5 AM, now the servers go off at 6 AM (at least this goes for AB).
    Oh, almost forgot that, the day matches!

    (@ SOE guys and girls: Don't take it personal, I'm just in the mood to make dark humor jokes)
    Anex likes this.
  10. complexication Kassina

    I find it funny it says the server's going down at 8am, then the message says it's going down at 5am, and here we get a syswide message saying it's going down in 20, which is 6am.

    Do we...not know how to tell time????o_O
    Anex likes this.
  11. Anex New Member

    Downtime according to post title: 8am PST
    Downtime according to post: 5am PST
    Downtime according to servers: 6am PST

    Can we safely assume the server time is correct?

    I respectfully request that in the future things are communicated a bit more clearly. Yes, accidents happen, but 3 different times is just silly.

    It sucked to log off just before the 5am posted downtime to see that I wasted 1 hour because the servers were still up. So, I assumed it was really 8am, and then log in to see the servers are coming down in 20 min. It's a bit frustrating.
  12. Reincarnated Lorekeeper

    All times are quoted from Pacific time, which is 2 hours behind central, 3 behind you more then likely.

    They are an hour off their mark however.
  13. Garth New Member

    Thought the weekly patches were on Wedbesday Mornings, guess I wasted two mornings this week thanks to the classic consistencies of SoE. Maybe something will actually get fixed today llike the disappearing mercs, but I doubt it just more catering to the raid community.
  14. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    This patch should be for the changes on test - instances and chat channels, something which effects everyone.
  15. complexication Kassina

    I'm in the same time zone, hence why I asked if we can't be bothered to tell time correctly.;)
  16. Ratbo Peep Augur

    And if you look at the title of the post, you'll see the text of the post was also in conflict with the title.
    But thanks for the retro-lesson on time zones anyway. :p
    Quid likes this.
  17. Zarakii Augur

    so I just woke up and a bit confused how long have they been down roughly? /em goes to get more coffee
  18. Uxtalzon Augur

    Today is the day the Conquistadors arrived in the Americas to meet the Incan Empire. This is a slap to all 16th century conquerors who forcibly extort and convert other nations. I am so offended.

    Also, er, uh, how can eight days after the update be an emergency patch?

    Oh, nice to meet you Ashlanne! /flirt /flirt :3
  19. Quid New Member

    ......1hr and 40 minutes
  20. Ratbo Peep Augur

    That will never happen. And I say that ex-cathedra.
    If EQ ever becomes a "no a longer a viable property" for them they will shut it down. Forever.
    I know this first hand because of my involvement with "Air Warrior" - the very first MMOG.
    Kesmai's Air Warrior first got into a partnership with AOL that in the long term proved to be less than hoped for. Then Rupert Murdoch (Newscorp) stuck his cigar into the property under the "Gamestorm" banner.
    Finally, SOE aquired Gamestorm. Lacking a vision as to what AW was all about, or ability to work effectively with AW's "alpha community" - they finally shut the game down.
    Now here's the rub:
    Even though AW has been "off line" for over 10 years now, SOE has snubbed repeated efforts by it's creators (with support of said alpha community) to buy the game back out of "mothballs" and revive it. Never going to happen.
    The game has nothing other than "nostalgia value" at this point. Newer games like Aces High, WWII Online, World of Tanks, War Thunder, etc etc dominate this market now. AW would be only a "quaint novelty" and no threat to anyone.
    It seems that Sony feels that it's in "their own best interest" to keep the title permanently "off the market". This as opposed to risking it ever becoming "competition" for any gamers money, not even a shiny nickel.
    With the above in mind; Does anyone really think that SOE would ever in a million years sell a juggernaut like EverQuest to anyone else? No. Not now - not ever.