From Smed's AMA

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Enkel, Jan 26, 2014.

  1. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Not everyone wants to race to the end game, I love the lower level zones and going by the number of players I've run into in Undershore and Bloodfields over the last few weeks, I'm not the only one.

    I'd be interested in seeing how many players actually make and play the Heroic Chars.
    Geroblue and Sinestra like this.
  2. Battleaxe Augur

    I'd think anyone who felt they were stuck at a lower level, anyone complaining they didn't have others to play with (there should be quite an influx of level 85's(?) when they do this), and anyone who wanted to see new content/were tired of the content they've repeatedly played at the lower levels would be interested.

    Heck, IF gold accounts in good standing a month before this happens get 1 free Heroic Character upgrade I'd do it. I've an alt I intentionally stalled at 77 so I'd have a useful character to assist people at that level of progression. If bunches are level 85 over night I'd just as soon play him in level 85 content with more people to play with myself.

    Admittedly I'd rather group with players who earned level 85 (EQ2 Heroic Characters have unique armor) rather than bought it, but in the Fantasy Land of No Integrity why be different?

    On the other hand IF SOE does not grant long standing Gold accounts 1 free upgrade, the alt goes in the closet. I'm not going to both assist players that bought progress and hand SOE $35 - it ain't gunna happen. (I've a level 100 main - I don't NEED a PL'd by SOE character. There's a limit to my charitable instincts. I'll gladly help the equivalent of new/returned players, but I ain't paying extra for the privilege.)
  3. Mardy Augur

    This is great news, I'm happy for EQ. If they come out with something interesting & exciting, I'd consider coming back for sure. It's funny I was just getting the itch to play EQ again, which is why I was checking EQ's forum.

    But while people are at it, someone needs to let him know there's a sizable audience that want a new timelocked progression server. There's just something fresh & exciting when starting new with others, especially so when the server is locked by content.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.