Fire Beetles

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by jiri_, Jan 15, 2016.

  1. jiri_ Augur

    I've started an Erudite Necromancer. What's the deal with the three or four bots sitting at the newbie hill in Paineel farming fire beetles? Is this like some grand money-making strategy? There are even multiple bots competing over the same spots. They sit at the various spawn points for fire beetles, kill the beetles and ignore everything else.

    Very odd. Is this happening in other zones?
  2. Sinestre Journeyman

    Fire beetle eye experience quest. Botters are farming it or 'automating" it and nothing has been done about it.
  3. Fhiele Augur

    Botting fire beetle eyes to either sell or turn in(more likely). You might be able to steal their kills, but I'd just focus on skeletons and don't worry bout them.
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  4. jiri_ Augur

    Ah. Yeah, I have no real need to kill them, just wondered.

    And now I see people advertising stacks of them in chat. Everquest, mang. Everything old is new again!
  5. Regular_Guy New Member

    Can't wait till they nerf that quest.
  6. Finley Augur

    The silver lining is this is not very disruptive
  7. jiri_ Augur

    Indeed. There's been worse, and will be again.
  8. Miss Shortcake Elder

    This going on for weeks is a shining example of DBG's amazing game moderation.
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  9. ThymeRhyn New Member

    The quest EXP in freeport has already been nerfed, can't confirm on other zones. They are still good for faction either way.
  10. Risiko Augur

    I farmed 42 stacks of fire beetle eyes for a friend who recently started a necromancer. He turned in all of the fire beetle eyes in Freeport and went from level 5 to level 10.

    It's good to get past the first ten levels, but beyond that its not that good.

    For the record, it's not botting. It's an in game feature using the macro system in Everquest.

    Just create a macro that says this:
    /pet attack a_fire_beetle

    Press that key and your pet will find a fire beetle and kill it.
  11. Numiko Augur

    easier to do the red wine quest in Neriak, I can hand in 5 or 6 stacks and ding 4 on a new character, and a stack is around one plat each from a vendor in the same zone.
  12. Brunlin Augur

    It is when they are afk..this morning one of them was farming with the afk flag on his head...he must have forgotten to turn that off in his settings. Its easy to do this as you can have a macro like this
    /target a Fire beetle
    /pause 01
    /pet attack
    and than on a gaming keyboard ..write a macro with a continuous loop.
  13. superman Augur

    red wine quest? is this real? lol how many lvls is it good for? and what's the guys names? i got a necro lvl 7 that really needs to be unrest lvl at least!
  14. Catashe Augur

    More likely its ok but it can be insane during double xp... farm enough and it can easily get ya to 20 if your determined enough and got enough fire beetle eyes
  15. taliefer Augur

    unless it was nerfed since yesterday, thats not true. just leveled a char to 11 with it on 40 stacks
  16. Risiko Augur

    That's just it, you don't have to do more than 1 line in a macro to accomplish what you are talking about above.
    /pet attack a_fire_beetle

    That's it. One line. You don't have to see the fire beetle or even target it. The pet will go find one and kill it on it's own. People see that and think the person is botting because the pet runs all over killing. It's not botting. It's just using the in-game macro system to the fullest.

    Also, if he goes afk for a long time to use the restroom or watch tv or what ever. When he comes back to start killing again, his AFK tag will be up. If he doesn't type /afk to get rid of it, it stays there. So, seeing someone with AFK up that is killing mobs does not mean they are afk killing.

    Now, don't get me wrong. I am NOT saying that there aren't some people using bots. I would be there are. I'm just saying that I farm crap from time to time as well, and if you base your decision on things like this, you would assume I am botting when I am not. I am there at my keyboard pressing keys every single time a mob is killed. But, there is NO WAY you can tell the difference between me at the keyboard and someone afk botting. It looks identical.
  17. taliefer Augur

    all this is true. i got accused of being a "bot" when i farmed this on my monk the other day~ was ammusing. people just like to jump the gun on everyone
  18. Risiko Augur

    It was just a couple days ago that he did it. I just talked with him, and he said that I sent him 40 stacks plus 8 extra fire beetle eyes. He went from level 5 with 33% up to level 10 and 77%. He wrote it down.

    He is a Dark Elf Necromancer. Don't know if that has anything to do with the amount you get for each turn in.
  19. Ducreux Augur

    I've been turning in beetle eyes for the last 4 days, XP has stayed the same.
  20. Regular_Guy New Member

    So maybe I'm confused here, but it seems like you are saying that if you create a /pet attack a_fire_beetle hotkey and press it ONCE, your pet will then proceed to kill every fire beetle it sees for the next week, without any additional input? Because my understanding of that process is somewhat different.