Eula policies on racism

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Shindar The Reaver, Mar 31, 2017.

  1. PathToEternity

    Yes, but isn't the rule of thumb to assume everyone on the internet is of the Y gender unless they are confirmed of the X gender in voice comms?

  2. Fluffles New Member

    Why do people make stuff like this up? There are definitely no legal consequences for some idiot being racist or against DBG because some idiot is being racist.
  3. Joesnellenberge Journeyman

    You are all given the tools to squelch out any dissenting thoughts that offend your precious sensibilities. Use /ignore.
  4. MoveFastRZ Bloodsaber

    While I fully endorse over-reacting to this kind of harassment, I gotta say that judges (and the legal system) are not in the habit, particularly in the good 'ole US of A, of punishing anyone for hating people based on their ethnicity, either sincerely or as a matter of internet trolling. DBG's reputation may be on the line, but I don't think their general counsel would much care.
  5. Illusory Augur

    I'm pretty sure DBG takes in game harassment (especially sexual and racial) very seriously, but you have to provide evidence of the encounter. Screenshots or a fraps recording would be your best bet, especially of a repeat offense.

    P.S. - You all need to open separate tickets on the incident(s).

    Yeah, I can only recall one recent trial where hatred was punished and that was the conviction of Jose Torres and Kayla Norton.
  6. Throndor Augur

    My don't-give-a--o-meter is fully tacked. Sounds to me like a whiner seeking to escalate his whining to the nanny state to a racial issue, after whatever it is that irked him receiving no response on its own merit. Likelihood that OP is indeed asian and was harassed for being asian, near zero.

    Let's not forget "racism" is a systemic system of discrimination, its not an act perpetrated by individuals, its state-sponsored discrimination. The straws that the OP is attempting to grasp at is that someone displayed "prejudice" against him, and who fuggin cares.
    Ambee likes this.
  7. Machentoo Augur

    And sometimes not even then.