Effective Immediately Confirmed Ragefire Rotation

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Marek-EQ, Jul 27, 2015.

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  1. Lateryn Augur

    If this is true, then after 3 hours the mob is FFAs anyway. So all it cost is 3 hours of time.
    Simone likes this.
  2. Zithax Elder

    What makes you think it's ok to allow guilds who have accomplished literally nothing raid-wise to strong arm the top two guilds into a very highly skewed rotation which indeed favors and includes guilds that do not deserve to be included nor have done anything to merit such consideration?
    Telk and Alpha_Ragefire like this.
  3. Marthisdil Augur

    Perhaps AD (or Faceless at the time - whichever) weren't as big of bad people to most everyone else on the server when it was formed....

    The proposal TL gave was just about the same as the one on LJ....except LJ doesn't have the history that we have with TL.

    Maybe TL will move to LJ later this week and come jump in your rotation and hog the FFA slots.

    That would get them more stuff
    Kattria Minx and Rhiyannon like this.
  4. Sulerill Elder

    So I should be hindered by someone who can't kill the mobs, because their vote means as much as mine does? That's like saying South Dakota should have as much electoral college votes as California.
  5. fivestar Lorekeeper

    Because it's now the 27th and the guilds didn't work anything out.
    Elricvonclief likes this.
  6. Abracadabra Augur

    Twisted Legacy is staying on Ragefire.
    Zhama and Elkay like this.
  7. SqueeshSqueesh Augur

    You're guild pretty much opted out of the negotiations. Maybe you guys could have gotten a better deal but you all just gave us 1 option and to take it or leave it. I'm sorry but you stomping the ground because you didn't get what you wanted is just very funny to me.
  8. lalaloup Augur

    Because there's only a month left to classic and the rotation will likely have to change with kunark.

    Also, because it's a fantasy world.
  9. Maleix New Member

    PLEASE for the love of god can someone please explain to me how and when Reign of Eternity is even involved with ANY of this? What have they done at all? They haven't killed or even attempted to kill a single raid boss (Yael, CT, Inny, Naggy, Vox) EVER. How exactly did they get involved other than being loud and vocal on the forums.

    What happens when they get their chance in rotation to kill a boss and can't, because we all know they can't, do they get removed from the rotation?
  10. Progress Augur

    If only a rotation like this would have happened on Vulak...it would have saved a lot of drama and probably the population. The guy that posted this was in EoE which is basically what TL is now or perhaps worse as they purposefully blocked key mobs so other guilds couldn't advance. I think it's great how DBG took the horse by the reins and showed that they could make this progression server a fun place for everyone.
    Rhiyannon, Simone and Jezzie like this.
  11. Fornow Lorekeeper

    should make another server and let people that don't want a rotation move to it :) problem solved
    Rhiyannon likes this.
  12. Maleix New Member

    Because everyone know <Apok> is a well liked guild, with strong morals and people who don't cheat and get suspended. It also doesn't have awesome officers like Fulkjoo who talk trash and cuss people out in public channel, train people and brag about it. Yeah man totally.
  13. Dojii Augur

    This is just fair for everyone. The only people it hurts are those who don't want to play fair. Sorry if it blows your mind.
    Simone likes this.
  14. Fornow Lorekeeper

    Fulkjoo what a waste of pixels
  15. Tudadar Augur

    Imo the non TL guilds in this knew they didnt have to agree to a rotation with everyone and could wait for devs to give them what they wanted. I never saw this idea being good for TL from the start since there was a ton of risk. Roshen did say it could be edited a bit if guilds agreed but there really is no reason for guilds to give ground now after this. I think this was a big mistake not being set up weeks ago. While its fun to dominate and get almost all raid mobs people knew from the start there would be changes if things didnt work out and took huge risks which will effect the future expansions. . Devs are going to help out the majority of guilds on a server like this where they really need the cash bad.
    Rhiyannon likes this.
  16. Realitycheck Elder

    This is amusing and highlights your lack of historical knowledge (not an insult, just a statement of fact). Lots of people on LJ actually probably have more history with TL from previous servers than most people currently on RF.
  17. Marthisdil Augur

    If that is true - then if TL behaved like they did early on here on RF, then you should be fully aware of why they just got schooled by DB.
    Simone likes this.
  18. Forum Warrior New Member

    I never mentioned Apok, nor do I give a crap. TL posted they didn't agree to this, not Apok. Stop being so butt hurt now that your neckbeard butt has to share.
    Simone likes this.
  19. Lateryn Augur

    Really doesn't matter. A rotation was going to happen. Obviously negotiations didn't go as well as hoped, who knows stubborn people + internet = bad things.Sounds like each side said "this is our idea, take it or leave it", thus dbg had to step in.

    DBG has said this is the rotation or if all guilds can agree to another. That's all that matters, its there and official.

    Btw your RL analogy sucks and has no comparison to players having equal voices in game(remember all are subs).
    Rhiyannon and Simone like this.
  20. Phati Elder

    The people it hurts are the people who've actually killed ALL of the BUFFED targets in the rotation.
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