Divine Alliance

Discussion in 'Priests' started by Gundolin, Nov 21, 2016.

  1. Brohg Augur

  2. Slippry Augur

    Everyone else is talking about how the spells function in game. You're arguing that the spells are somehow different because of your interpretation of the spell description?

    What does a spell with this description do?

    Because that is the part we care about. Not whatever it is that you're doing on about.
  3. porky Augur

    Tested this tonight in GH after raid. It does not proc a healing rain from heals. It causes 1 healing rain when cast. Didn't care to spend an hour chain casting heals on the tank to see what happened when it hit 120. One thing i did notice. although there were 20-30 toons in the guild hall when i was testing this the "healing rain" only hit the guy standing right next to and almost on top of the toon I was healing. So the Area of Effect is intimate! LOL at least melee range if not closer.
  4. Brohg Augur

    it's an Alliance. your Alliance is counted down by other healers' heals. It's not "Divine OmgI'mSoAwesomeLookitMyHeals".
  5. Slippry Augur

    Aren't you a druid? The druid one has terrible range. If your guild isn't using alliances, then the druid one is better than nothing. But the tiny AE range really hurts its usefulness compared to shm or clr ones.

    Your spells can not trigger your own alliance. You want other priests to have an alliance on the tank(s) you'll be casting heals on. If you want to test it, you'll need another priest around to either cast their alliance, or heal the target your alliance is on.
  6. porky Augur

    Yeah I figured that all out testing it. I was mistaken about how it worked, but as its a druid spell its still useless. LOL half melee range! the raid would have to be up inside the tank!
  7. Roxxanna Augur

    So let me get this straight, all this healing will show up as tank self healing?
  8. Gundolin Augur

    Yeah, we tried it last night with me being the only healer in the group but the warrior proccing several heals in each fight. The Proc heals have no effect what-so-ever. So I agree no help for a grouping cleric.

    For us, we are focusing a Shaman casting it on the MT, but I think it would be good for anyone, druid, cleric or shamen to hit the knights they aren't grouped with every time you get the "adds soon" message. (depending on gina triggers).
  9. Ringarok New Member

    You're ignoring the bit where it says that an alliance is formed and placing a healing rain when another priest casts a heal. If 120 heals are cast then you get a larger rain.

    If I'm boxing with my SK (with 1 cleric & 1 dps merc) I will cast alliance of him so that when merc casts a heal I get an AE heal (toons fight close together). Real handy when fighting giants/named as I get 10-20 rains which helps on long fights.
  10. Clarisa Augur

    (Note: This post is something I wrote for my own guild -- so not all of it may apply to yours -- but I figured I would post it here in case it helps answer questions about Divine Alliance. The healing totals here also assume the spell is at max rank. Also, I suck at math so some of my numbers might be off. :p The conclusions, however, should still be the same.)

    Cleric Divine Alliance Information

    - When a Cleric casts Divine Alliance on a target, a healing spell called Divine Rain (a 13641 AOE heal) lands on the target and everyone within 50 feet of him. At the same time, it gives the target a buff called Divine Alliance (looks like a blue hand in the buff window) with 120 counters and a 4 minute duration. Every time a target with this buff receives a single-target heal (the spell must heal for at least 5,000 and be Level 96 or over) from another priest (any priest besides the one who cast Divine Alliance on the target), the target and everyone within 50 feet of the target gets the Divine Rain heal again with a small chance to receive an additional Divine Rain heal (or two waves of Divine Rain heals) and the target loses 1 of the 120 counters. When the target loses the last counter by receiving a total of 120 heals from other priests within the 4 min duration of the buff, they and everyone within 60 feet of them receives a heal called Divine Fulmination (a 133632 AOE heal) for three waves (so three 133632 heals) and the buff fades. The buff will also fade on its own if all counters are not used within 4 minutes. In this case, the Divine Fulmination (big rain) heal will not fire.

    - Divine Fulmination (the big rain heal) is not as great as it seems. It heals for a lot (over 400,000 if you combine all three waves of it), but it is doubtful that anything past the first wave will land on any target. It is also very infrequent.

    Consider a raid with 6 Clerics. A Cleric can cast 2 Remedies (Graceful and Spiritual) in 6 sec before he can cast 2 Remedies again (0.5 cast time plus 1.5 global recast= 2 sec for each cast x 2 casts = 4 sec plus 2 sec waiting for the first Remedy to become available to cast again = 6 sec.). It would take this Cleric 60 sec (6 sec for each set of 2 Remedies x 10 sets = 60 sec) to cast a total of 20 Remedies, if he did nothing but spam Spiritual -> Graceful. It would take 5 other Clerics doing the exact same thing to cast 120 Remedies. That means that the Divine Fulmination heal will only occur about once a minute if all 6 Clerics cast the same spells at exactly the same intervals on the same target. If other priests are healing the same target or the Clerics use a different spell set up (like using Interventions between the Remedies), then the time to trigger Divine Fulmination could be greatly reduced, but I do not think it would trigger in less than 30 seconds in most cases. Since people do not want to wait 30 sec in between heals when AOE damage is in effect, Divine Fulmination is not a very effective AOE heal (or at least not as reliable as a Splash because Divine Fulmination will never land exactly when you want or need it to).

    - The best part of the spell is actually Divine Rain (the small rain heal). Divine Rain is not a bad AOE heal even though it is small. A heal amount of 13,641 does not sound that great, but given that it has the opportunity to be triggered 120 times (including the initial Divine Rain heal on cast), the potential healing it provides is huge. Convalescent Splash is stronger for immediate AOE healing, of course, but for the 2.3 sec cast time and about 6000 mana cost of Divine Alliance, a Cleric can provide a tank with the ability to generate AOE healing around him through priest heals for a significant amount of time.

    - Divine Rain is also a good bonus to single-target heals. Even if the Divine Rain heals only land on the target (though they will likely land on several melee near the target as well), the 120 possible procs of Divine Rain have the potential to provide the target with a lot of additional healing over the 4 minute duration of the spell. This is not counting the fact that Divine Rain has the chance to land twice on the target with each proc, and since that happens about 1 in 4 times, the actual potential healing of the spell is much higher. The average Remedy crit lands for about 70,000 hit points at most. The total potential healing for all Divine Rain procs is (13641 x 120=) 1,636,920 hit points, or the healing provided by 23 Remedies that crit for 70,000 hit points each (which they won't). Even if a large portion of those rain heals are lost to overhealing (land on target when he is at full health), only 11 have to land for it to to heal around 140,000 hit points. That's the amount provided by 2 Remedies, which take 4 sec to cast (0.5 cast and 1.5 recast time for each = 4 sec), which is close to the amount of time it takes to cast Divine Alliance (2.3 sec and 1.5 recast timer = 3.8 sec). So for the same amount of time it takes to cast 2 Remedies, the Cleric who casts Alliance is able to provide about 1.5 million more in potential healing over the buff's duration.

    - Clerics have many spells that can trigger Divine Rain heals. The requirements for spells to trigger are: single-target, healing amount of 5,000 or more, and level 96 and higher. Of the spells most of us use, the only spells not included are Elysian Intervention (too low of level) and Fervent Renewal (too low of level). So if you use 3 Interventions, you may need to swap out Elysian Intervention for Fervid Renewal. That is entirely up to you (whether you want to sacrifice the faster cast time of the Intervention for an additional chance to trigger a Divine Rain heal).

    - Divine Rain/Fulmination healing is attributed to the target (tank) it is cast upon. That means that he will get credit for the healing (it will show up as his 'my healing on others' in GamParse), but because no actual spell is cast by him, he will not have a Divine Rain cast count or anything. So you may not see the healing unless you look for messages in the log ("healed by a divine rain") or ask the tank for his 'my healing on others' total.

    Divine Alliance is definitely worth keeping up on Warriors, Paladins, and Shadowknights unless you are sure they will not be tanking at all during the event. The one problem with the spell is that it does not stack with itself or other priest alliances. This means you have to wait until the 4 minute duration has expired or the target has received 120 heals from other priests before you can cast it on the target again.

    Also, because of the way the spell works, heals from the Cleric who casts Divine Alliance on a target do not have a chance to proc Divine Rain/Fulmination heals on him. This makes it absolutely useless in groups with a single priest (no one to help trigger the heals besides you, who cannot). Divine Alliance is a "selfless" spell that prevents you from helping the target get the additional healing (other than initial Divine Rain heal you give the target when casting it on him) but gives all the other priests in the raid a chance to give him that additional healing instead. The 3.8 sec opportunity cost (2.3 sec cast time plus 1.5 sec global recast) and losing the chance to trigger the heals yourself is a small price to pay for allowing the rest of the priests in the raid to do so.

    Because of this, as a Cleric you never want to cast Divine Alliance on tanks in your own group. Here is an example using a made up Group 1 and 2:

    Group 1

    Clarisaaa (CLR)
    Candydare (CLR)
    Foob (WAR-MT)
    Rune (WAR)
    Shmid (PAL)
    Bengalee (PAL)

    Group 2

    Pano (CLR)
    Drusis (CLR)
    Fllint (WAR)
    Rafather (WAR)
    Denyu (SHD)
    Edrick (PAL)

    Remember that the Cleric who casts Divine Alliance on a target cannot help proc the additional Divine Rain/Fulmination heals on them. So if Clarisaa casts Divine Alliance on Foob, Rune, Shmid, and Bengalee, she will not be able to proc additional heals on them. Since Clarisaa is likely to heal those targets a lot more than the Clerics in Group 2 (because Foob, Rune, Shmid, and Bengalee are in her group), you can see why this would be a bad idea.

    A better idea would be for the Clerics to do the following:

    Clarisaa casts Divine Allaince on Fllint and Rafather
    Candydare casts Divine Alliane on Denyu and Edrick
    Pano casts Divine Alliance on Shmid and Bengalee
    Drusis casts Divine Alliance on Foob and Rune

    Now, each of the Clerics can help proc Divine Rain as follows:

    Clarisaa can proc Divine Rain on every tank in both groups besides Fllint and Rafather
    Candydare can proc Divine Rain on every tank in both groups besides Denyu and Edrick
    Pano can proc Divine Rain on every tank in both groups besides Shmid and Bengalee
    Drusis can proc Divine Rain on every tank in both groups besides Foob and Rune

    We do not have to do complicated assignments like this, though. The point is, don't cast Divine Alliance on the tanks you are likely to be healing. Let other Clerics cast Divine Alliance on your tanks instead. Otherwise, the tanks won't be receiving as many Divine Rain procs as possible because the Clerics who are healing them the most won't be able to proc it.

    Remember since the spell does not stack with itself or other priest alliances that overwriting is not possible. You will just waste the cast time of the spell and get a block message instead. To avoid this, look for the blue hand icon of Divine Alliance on the tank and don't cast it if you see that. You could also send a message to ROICleric channel (Divine Alliance -> Target Name) on cast to help prevent other Clerics from wasting casts or having to watch buff icons closely.

    Is Divine Alliance the best priest Alliance, though?

    A target can only have one of the priest alliances on them (Divine Alliance - Cleric, Bosquetender's Alliance - Druid, or Ancient Alliance - Shaman). All of them have the same amount of counters (120) and duration (4 min) but heal for different amounts and have different ranges:


    Given that AE range is ideal when it comes to AOE healing, and the heal amounts aren't drastically different, the Shaman Alliance seems to be the best to have on an MT or anyone, really. It also prevents us from excluding ourselves from triggering the heals on tanks. That is not to say that Shaman do not single-target heal tanks (they can and do), but given the choice of excluding a Cleric or Shaman from triggering additional heals, I would rather exclude the Shaman. The Shaman also arguably have a better Splash spell and they cast it a lot more often than several of us do, so they already contribute more AOE healing. :p

    It's not as vital to have Alliance up on a non-MT tank, but the additional 10-14k per single-target heal from any priest is something, and given the duration of the Alliance spell (4 minutes and 120 counters) and opportunity cost (3.8 sec), it may be worth casting on tanks before an event begins, at least, if not during when there is a chance to.

    So I am thinking Shaman should keep their Alliance up on the MT and every knight. :p If they do not want to keep it up on knights, then Cleric Alliance is an adequate substitute. Druid Alliance, unfortunately, isn't as useful due to its limited range unless neither of the others is available.

    This is all, of course, subject to change. Aristo mentioned during Beta that he was not done with priest Alliances and wanted each to be better in certain situations, so it's possible that the Shaman version will not always be the best choice and this post will need to be updated (again) in the future.
    Slippry, Gundolin and Sirene_Fippy like this.
  11. Roxxanna Augur


    Things just got interesting for my 3 cleric box team.
    Gundolin likes this.
  12. Gundolin Augur

    I "think" a lot of the new EoK healing is hard to parse like that. For instance Templar's Synergy provides the bonus healing amount to the next three heals group of heals or 12 seconds which ever comes first. So If I cast Syllable of Convalescence and it procs, then the next three people who cast a heal on the group I'm healing I'm assuming get the "healing" amount in the parse.

    To be honest my guild has gone away from parsing individual healers healing amount, and instead are looking more at what spells healers are casting and how often.
  13. Roxxanna Augur

    I've been using cast #'s and spell choices for a long time now and I still run into people who throw up the mt parse like its the score card. Then they won't take advice from me because I'm not #1 on the mt parse (never mind that I cast 4 times as many spells as them PLUS splashed 20-30 times), which feeds into the frustration I've been having lately. I actually like the new Eok way.
    Gundolin likes this.
  14. Gundolin Augur

    You have to love those guys that are all about the MT parse, while I've rezzed their party members about 3 times each.
  15. Duhbeast Augur

    So, Clarisa explained it all?
  16. Clarisa Augur

    I still find heal parses reported by the tank useful in evaluating Cleric performance, though I check them to see if a Cleric finished in a certain range of positions (like Top 3 or 4) on targets in their group and not whether they finished first. If a Cleric was not in the MT group, I don't really worry about what the position on his parse is.

    I also find parses reported by self useful (targets in my group are highlighted), like this one:

    /GU -vs- December 4 Raids, Clarisaa healed: --- Foob: 1819798 --- Drogbaa: 1131907 --- Shmid: 662741 --- Rune: 658611 --- Clarisaa: 366069 --- Candydare: 223471 --- Ebonylight: 104779 --- Andorig: 86565 --- Toxn: 74010 --- Abazzagorath: 61898 --- Xeonje: 58832 --- Waalse: 57808 --- Piemastaj: 49262 --- Myzr: 47539 --- Findictive: 45071 --- Jetslam: 44400 --- Edrick: 44400 --- Rafather: 41468 --- Turoq: 33300 --- Ashrtan: 33300 --- Bonkerzz: 32841 --- Bandail: 29080 --- Hekaton: 26857 --- Savager: 2675 ...

    These are easier to get than heal parses from tanks, and provide insight into which tanks that Cleric targeted most (more times targeted = more healing usually) . If I see a Cleric heal someone not in their group more than they healed someone who was, that can point out a potential problem in healing priority (perhaps not in other guilds where healers are assigned targets out of group, but we don't do that). Splash can mess these parses up, though, as it will report a lot of incidental (minor) healing on multiple targets, so again, I focus on group targets.

    I do love looking at cast parses, though. I wanted to examine casts more carefully, so along with our spreadsheet guru Panorramix, we came up with a spreadsheet that generates a chart and report that eliminates a lot of the less useful casts (DPS included for fun, mostly) and helped highlight what Clerics were casting. This is the result (so far, as it is still a work in progress):





    Note that this is from a combined parse of all casts (with any spell not on the spreadsheet excluded), some Clerics did not participate in all events (so their numbers are much lower), and that it is tailored to my guild (so things like Lesser Yaulp, Issuance, and Elixirs, which we don't value much, aren't included).

    I look for balance more than anything here. A Cleric with multiple rows highlighted throughout (a highlighted row indicating a Top 3 finish in a category) is a more balanced caster, and to me, that's more impressive than a Cleric that finished 1st in only one category and didn't show up in any of the others. Breaking up spells into categories also helps highlight the efforts of Clerics who rez and buff more than most, for instance.

    There is no "perfect" result here, though, and the report requires some context to interpret correctly. The situation (and group setup) determine casting decisions, and since those are variable, no 2 Clerics will have the same cast counts for everything. You can't expect a Cleric in a DPS group, for instance, to cast many Divine Arbitrations because they won't need to most of the time. A report like this taken over several raids, however, can highlight what a Cleric chooses to cast most (and what they might be neglecting), which can help direct possible improvements in performance.
  17. Overtime New Member


    What parses are you using?
  18. Clarisa Augur

    The self-heal parse was from 2 T1 EOK events (Lceanium and Temple of Droga). My guild clears both events relatively quickly, which explains the rather low amounts of healing.

    The cast parse used for the cast count report was a combined (all-night) cast parse of all clerics in my guild who raided on a particular night, gathered from my log and the log of another person (the highest value for each cast from each was reflected in the report if there were differences). I always try to use more than my own log when possible because I am in not in range of all clerics sometimes due to run-away emotes, though some casts are sure to end up missing anyway if a cleric happens to stand too far from either person whose logs are used.

    Without going into specifics on the events cleared that night, it is suffice to say that they were of significant duration (most nights with routine event clears don't produce cast totals that high unless we screw up an event or have to do it multiple times to get an achievement). It is easy to tell when we had a "bad night" (relatively, of course, because we still accomplish what we are supposed to) because the number of casts and rezzes go up or it is Beta, where we always die a lot in the process of figuring out events. :p The death counter, unfortunately, is usually inaccurate (a lot of deaths that happen don't get recorded for some reason).
  19. Brohg Augur

    lol, *my* guild clears them relatively quickly. I imagine a fit person could hold their breath through RoI's runs on tier1 EOK
  20. Godlike1 New Member

    Roi is garbage and this spell is garbage take them both out of the game