Divine Alliance

Discussion in 'Priests' started by Gundolin, Nov 21, 2016.

  1. Gundolin Augur

    How are other clerics using this?

    I tried it in Droga when I was in the Off Tank group, (Cast it on the main tank that I am not grouped with) but I can't tell if it was activating or at all effective. I have a slower machine so I have turned off a lot of the raid spam in order to have my Gina keep up. Do I need to turn on others casting?

    In game parse what do these heals show under? Or how do you tell if its effective?

  2. Clarisa Augur

    Oh, it's definitely effective if you look at it from a heals-per-opportunity cost perspective and have a healthy amount of priests other than the alliance caster who are able to single-target heal in the raid. The healing from the spell is attributed to the target (tank) it is cast on and since the heals it provides are PBAE heals, the tank can rack up some pretty impressive healing totals (ask your tank to give you his 'your healing on others' summary). Unfortunately, the rain heals aren't recorded as an actual spell coming from the tank, so you won't get a 'Divine Rain' cast count from him or know how much of his healing total came from it unless he subtracts everything else that could have contributed to the total.

    The only way I have found to track it from GamParse is to do a log search for a "healed by" message specific to the spell for the small rains ("is healed by an ancient alliance" for Shaman, "is healed by a divine rain" for Clerics) and a "is healed by a/an <adjective> fulmination" ("is healed by an ancient fulmination" for Shaman and "is healed by a divine fulmination" for Clerics) for the large rains and taking note of the count for matches for that particular date, as shown below:


    You will need to have spell messages from others enabled in your log to track these things but you do not have to "see" them in your UI. What I mean is you can filter all those messages to another chat window and minimize it, and it will still record them without you having to see the spam as it is happening.

    From our 2 raid events yesterday morning, here are the results (can see the small rain results in the picture above):

    Shaman Ancient Alliance (small rain): 25674 matches (it is hard to tell how many actual procs but this is how many times the heals landed on something/someone)
    Shaman Ancient Fulmination (large rain): 157 matches (<- notice the fewer matches on the large rain, mostly due to the fact that we needed to proc 119 small rains from each alliance in 4 min. to proc 3 "waves" of the large rain)

    These numbers are somewhat misleading, as heals landing on swarm pets (of which there are very many on our raids) count towards that total. Still, it's hard to argue that the healing provided by the spell isn't worth it considering the mana cost, duration, and opportunity cost (a combination of time spent casting and waiting for the global recast timer) and the number of targets it can hit. Those 25,674 procs accounted for about (25,674 x 10,000 hit points per heal=) 256,740,000 points of healing. A huge chunk of that will be lost to overhealing because it will land when every target is at full health, but enough of it will land in 4 min. or 119 procs (whichever occurs first) to make the cast worth it.

    The Shaman Alliance has the largest range (60 feet for small rain) and the lowest heal amount at max rank (11,820) but since range is all that matters in PBAE healing and you want the heal procs to reach as many people as possible, it is preferred, at least on the MT if not everyone else.

    So we are letting our very enthusiastic and wonderful Shaman handle the upkeep of Alliance on the MT and knights and only casting ours on targets they can't (or don't want to) cover. If you don't have Shaman or they hate buffing, then Cleric Alliance isn't that bad (50 foot range for small rain just means it won't reach a few targets that aren't close to the tank). You will still want to avoid casting it on your own tanks, though, so that you won't exclude yourself from triggering the heals on them.
    Sirene_Fippy, Gundolin and Azzurri like this.
  3. Brohg Augur

    notably, even cast alone, Alliances are a targeted AE heal for the caster. Bit pricey to be sure, but no free-target ring to manage
    Gundolin likes this.
  4. Gundolin Augur

    Thanks guys, so does my crappy rank I alliance over ride our shaman's rank III alliance?
  5. Sirene_Fippy Okayest Bard

    From what I've seen no alliance spells (from priests, at least) can overwrite one another. So if someone's cast the shaman alliance on a tank, and I cast the cleric one, it won't take hold, regardless of rank. This is to preserve the counters used on the tank already in hopes that they fire the big heal at the end. And you have to wait for it to fade completely before refreshing it.
  6. porky Augur

    Really at a loss for what the use is of these spells since they do not stack and have such a short duration. They require 120 heals(over 5k each, and only ones cast by clerics, druids and shaman.) They last only a couple of minutes(obviously a raid only spell.) And their presence on a tank makes all other priests unable to use their alliance spell. So why does my druid have this spell? Have you ever in your life seen a raid with only druid healers? And enough of them to be able to land 120 heals on an MT in under 2 minutes? I get that the spells are useless for most classes, but this is beyond stupid. Whoever thought this up is gotta be on some heavy drugs.
  7. josh Augur

    On raids it is pretty uncommon for there to be only one tank taking damage. multiple bosses, ramp tanks, add tanks, plenty of tanks to cast it on. You wouldn't want the clerics in the tank group casting it on every tank because that means that their heals wont trigger the healing rain since they are the caster. the priests in the dps groups should be the one casting it on the tanks.

    Who the heck cares about the fulmination? Every single qualifying heal cast on someone with alliance on triggers an ae rain heal, multiply that by several tanks all taking damage and taking heals, triggering ae heals, how can you not see how unspeakably overpowered this is?

    How in the name of all that is holy are all you people not seeing how unspeakably overpowered almost every single one of these alliance spells is? They need some tweaking but even in their current state they are absurdly overpowered. People will complain about anything.
  8. Brohg Augur

    All three priest alliances tick down for all three priest heals (instant duration, 10+ mana cost, 5k+ base)

    Each time any of the priest alliances tick down, the target emanates a bit of AE healing.

    If 120 heals land inside the duration, something happens but mostly - dammit - have to recast the alliance
  9. Brohg Augur

    The alliance spells are amazing for nearly all classes.
  10. Roxxanna Augur

    So how is this useful for groupers?

    How many competent clerics would it take in a raid to trigger the large rain?

    And if I'm reading this right, you don't want your competent clerics casting it?
  11. Brohg Augur

    It is not useful at all for groupers. The alliances aren't, as a rule. Getting to use them versus group content would be a little wild, the scale is way off in their power :p

    It takes only a couple, if they're competent, to fulminate an alliance before it expires. This more healers there are targeting the allianced character the faster, naturally. Which is good & bad since the AE healing becomes enormous as the buff evaporates under their collective attention, but then stops until the buff is refreshed.

    Someone trusted to stay on the ball refreshing it should be tasked to keep it active. Depending on your raid force, that may have to be a cleric, which is fine. Cleric version is somewhat chunkier AE heals, just a bit less area than shm. Dru one is narrowest by a meaningful distance, with a bare edge in heal size over cle. If possible, though, it should be some healer not primarily tasked with healing the target. In many events, there's naturally two heal teams that can cross-buff each other's tank.
  12. porky Augur

    The thing that makes it useless for anyone but for the one class and the one or few tanks you cast it on, is that it requires 120 priest heals land on that tank, within a short duration. I could waste time and mana casting this on a maybe offtank/add tank who will never get the 120 heals within that time frame, or spam another heal on the MT to help proc his cleric-alliance buff. They should of given us a stackable vie proc alliance or something, anything that could actually be useful.
  13. josh Augur

    It does not require 120 heals, that is just how many is required to trigger the fulmination and the fulmination doesn't matter. every single qualifying heal cast triggers divine rain, not just the 120th. The 120 hit limit is the most overpowered part of it, that means you can trigger 120 divine rains

    I assure you, all of the alliances are extremely powerful. People who think they aren't are just completely failing to understand how they work. I think there are one or two that are just not working at all but none of the healing ones fall under that category.
  14. porky Augur

    One of us is reading this very wrong. Read the last sentence carefully, "If 120 heals are received in that time, it will trigger a fulmination consisting of a large healing rain and a very large damage shield." If 120 heals land on the target within 2mins, Then you get the healing rain.
  15. Brohg Augur

    Indeed one is, and it's you. Every heal that ticks the alliances down triggers an AE.
  16. josh Augur

    Every heal triggers a rain, the 120th just triggers a bigger rain. That is what it says, but more importantly that is what it DOES
  17. Roxxanna Augur

    What heals count?
    Shining procs?
    Promised line?
    Each tick of an Elixir?
  18. Ringarok New Member

    The spell description is "Forms a divine alliance over your target, placing a healing rain over them when other Cleric, Druid, or Shaman heals (between levels 96 and 110, with a minimum healing value of #9) land on that target for up to 2m (20 Ticks). If 120 heals are received in that time, it will trigger a much larger healing rain."
  19. porky Augur

    Yeah that's what I quoted. It clearly says a large healing rain after 120 priest heals
  20. Brohg Augur

    okay, real quick: a much larger healing rain. ask yourself : larger than what?
    Gundolin likes this.