DBG Stop the LJ Bullies

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by BringItBack, Oct 13, 2015.

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  1. Ebon Elder

    These threads are stupid. At some point ya just gotta man up and fight back.

  2. Frenzic Augur

    It's been so long since a pvp server was opened. I really do miss it.

    RIP tallon zek
  3. Redik2 Augur

    3v3's in the Bazaar on Drinal were the only reason I logged on for about 8 months of EQ in 2003.

    I never played on a pvp server, though. I assume it's a lot different.
  4. Hendar2 Augur

    How many of the 3 opposing were levitated traders pushed in while afk? :)
  5. Redik2 Augur

    Lmao.. that takes me back. I miss the old bazaar (and old levitation in the bazaar).

    That was a great time. Do you know how long it took to "push" someone into the arena from the trade platforms? Worth it, though.
  6. rekais910 Augur

    I don't believe the initial bees have an AE. Only the boss.
  7. rekais910 Augur

    I kinda enjoy reading this. Actually people who seem to be losing their freaking minds are fun to watch (decrepid this morning... Lee84? Stimz is obviously having fun. Though yea I don't need to spend much time arguing on here. Not really worth anything anymore.
    Simone likes this.
  8. Porygon Augur

    Omg the mental breakdown of Lee was like watching a time lapse video. was epic.
    rekais910 likes this.
  9. lalaloup Augur

    Forum Warriors, Ho!
  10. lalaloup Augur

    Not enough page views these for drama, sorry bud.
  11. lalaloup Augur

  12. lalaloup Augur

  13. lalaloup Augur

    It's still a good choice for ya :)
  14. Vaclav Augur

    La-La-Loop obviously.

    Which probably means something wolf. I know Loup Garou or something like that is werewolf in French or something. I think La is the but can't imagine they're Thethewolf.
  15. Zublak Augur

    I would be embarrassed to have any association with MM currently. The post on these forums among other public outburst are pretty sad and pathetic.

    Anyway, good luck on your domination.
    Simone likes this.
  16. Kegwell Lurker since '99

    I dunno Zub, listening to the soundboard of your illustrious leader, I tend to disagree.
    /good luck in life..
  17. Zublak Augur

    Well, I don't know much about why it was said, or why those recorded tidbits had everything else being discussed edited out. As far as I can tell he was bated into saying that, and the person doing the bating had his parts edited out. So I don't really care about that personally. EQ isn't a church.

    Regardless, I don't want to be involved in all of this drama and will continue to just sit back and be entertained. I just wanted to express how embarrassed I'd feel being a member of MM by the actions of their members publicly and needless the say the actions of their leader. I truly hope that one day they'll wake up and straighten up. And I'm done in this worthless thread.
    Simone likes this.
  18. Decrepid Journeyman

    This thread is completely facepalm. MM is FFAing everything but whining when people kill the mobs they are FFAing?

    Bring on instancing...

    Wish they would do 54 man instances and let skill win over Triton...
    Simone likes this.
  19. Kegwell Lurker since '99

    Not a chuch, but I really don't think people should be following or looking up to someone with such, in humane thoughts and feelings, the guy is a psychopath.
    The GAME is for FUN, I AM having FUN.
    I hope you are too!
  20. Marthisdil Augur

    LOL - didn't happen with RF and we'd had Kunark for weeks now.

    Then again, it's relatively quiet on RF right now - which is nice.
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