DBG has suspended Overrated guild members for not complying with a player-made rotation

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Voide, Sep 4, 2015.

  1. Zhutuak Augur

    I four box w/o the use of any 3rd party software whatsoever, it is a crutch and makes everything even more trivial.

    We have driven this off topic, I am unsure, has Overrated been reinstated? Does not seem to me that dbg cares to tackle this issue, leaving select officers of rotation guilds to run the server.
  2. lockjaws Augur

    Has it been 7 days yet? Can you count?

    They ave tackled it, by providing the vacation that you said you wanted. If you go back and peruse their statement, they desire for players/guilds to handle issues before DBG becomes involved.
    Seems it was handled swiftly and in good form.
  3. Zanarnar Augur

    I must say thanks for the entertainment. You knowingly broke the rules and got the punishment that you knew was coming and then ran around crying about it on various forums. Its been entertaining to watch you children.

    They should add a clause to the rules for cases like this where people are just trying to stir up s*** and ban you for a month or more. (and nope, the guild I'm in isn't in the rotation yet; but were working towards it.)
  4. Zhutuak Augur

    Why would I think it is seven days, I only got three. Regardless, enjoy your game!
  5. Steampunk Augur

    I agree 100% (maybe only 90% with the "entertaining" part) and I'm not in any guild.
  6. Shadva Del`Shai Augur

    No, I wasn't trolling. Most of the complaining I saw was about keys so, I offered and honest suggestion to solve the key problem.
  7. Firestar270 New Member

    When I heard there was a TLP server coming out for EQ, I had to come back and give the game another go after 13 years. This time around, I brought my wife along with me (her first MMO was EQ2). She was excited to play EQ at it's roots.

    We decided against the server after reading up on it. I mean, just read this thread. This contradicts a lot of the cool stories I shared with her about classic EQ:

    -Top guilds only get to touch raid content. This in itself is mind blowing. The fact that I'm reading that a smaller guild has to work their way up the food chain, AKA prove themselves worth, just to get consideration to be in a rotation? Mind. Blown. In classic, this was never a thing. Sure top guilds had a lot of the stuff on lock down. But if a smaller guild attempted something? Good for them. Sure, they'll wipe 90% of the time. But guilds back them didn't deny an eager guild just because they aren't one of the elite. Heck, sometimes these top guilds would help the smaller guilds. That attitude doesn't seem to be around anymore.

    -A side effect to this mind set is epics. When those get introduced, and your regular Joe Shmoe who has no interest in everyday raiding, just enjoys EQ. Joe Shmoe will not be able to complete said epic because his guild is locked out, just for not being a raid guild. But I'm sure the top guilds can find a work around...with a sizable plat fee to it, or even more plat, to go personally loot it. Either way, the quest has a wall now with a player being the wall asking for huge amounts of plat to move.

    This almost reminds me of the P99 server and the way they run things. So much drama on that server. How old is this server, and the drama is just as bad (worse is some cases due to the whole boxing arguments).

    I know classic was a different experience back then than it is now, so peoples mindset was completely different. People know what the game offers now. What to camp. What's useless. The mystique is gone...it's all about the same grind, and getting the all mighty plat. You would think after 16 years people wouldn't really care anymore, just have fun. Seems to be even more cut throat that it was 13-16 years ago.

    Oh well. Just thought's of an old EQ vet returning to Everquest. Unfortunately, just not on this wave of TLP servers. Maybe next time. =)
    Batbener and Saphfyre like this.
  8. Protocol Dragon Defender

    Scumbag top guilds ensuring that only 10-12 other guilds on each server get to raid the four raid targets in classic, and making them prove themselves before being respected by the other guilds. Curse them all!
    Simone and Aneuren like this.
  9. Crystilla Augur

    Just quick adjustment here. Back in the 'day', a lot of what you are talking about on RF/LJ was still evident then. Little guilds didn't get shots at the big raids until after Luclin was out; why? Because the bigger guilds kept killing it to fill many raid days as they could while also working on Kunark and Luclin raids.
    - Keep in mind little guild don't have a raiding mindset, they're social guilds who might want to branch out into raids here/there and to eventually help members with epics. Because of their priorities they aren't going to do what's needed initially to compete generally on the FFA days/times for mobs.

    The drama is a bit over exaggerated (not sure how much but a little). I've played on Ragefire since it opened and never once ran into an issue with a camp, a mage bot taking things over or other zone disruptions etc. Now maybe it's just my innate politeness (who knows, someone from one of the leading guilds on server did say I was the most polite person they'd seen in asking about a camp) and maybe it's just that I'm not exp'ing where those armies would want.

    I've gotten into groups, I've gotten asked if I'm LFG. I do have to admit that I'm mid 30's currently (so not 50+ like you'll find those 'drama makers' talked about).
    Simone likes this.
  10. Firestar270 New Member

    This is not true. Before I got into a top raiding guild, I was in those smaller guilds. Never were we denied content. Heckled? Sure. **** talked? Of course. Never denied content due to some rules set in place. We happened to organize before a top guild for that mob that time, we got a crack at it.

    As I got into a top raiding guild, the mindset of the people change. In the smaller guilds, it's a game meant to be explored. In the raiding guilds, it's "our" content. In classic, though, that's didn't stop the smaller guilds from trying.

    The difference here is there's an enforced rule. Bannings. Suspensions....just for playing the game. Just for "denying" content to a raiding guild that see's the same rotation every other day. The mindset went from we dominate! If you happen to beat us to a mob? Good on ya, but if you fail...we are taking it fair and square. Now? It's you aren't even allowed to kill one mob in a "rotation" zone...or risk your account.

    To me, those are vastly different scenarios.
    Saphfyre and Protocol like this.
  11. Firestar270 New Member

    Since I cannot edit:

    By default, raid guilds got more targets (smaller guilds were OK with this). But the smaller guilds did raid once in awhile back in classic; they were allowed. On these servers, they aren't. Not unless they show they can hang with a rotation.
    Saphfyre likes this.
  12. squidgod Augur

    In Classic, you couldn't just send 10 mage pets at whatever raid mob until it died. Or play 10 accounts one one PC for that matter.

    Saw a guild that I'd never heard of/seen before "qualifying" in Sky last night. At least 50% boxes (probably substantially more), magewalling each boss. We're not playing Classic EQ.

    (Technically, said guild shouldn't make the rotation, but the powers that be aren't too strict about the whole "36 people" rule.)
  13. Firestar270 New Member

    Yea. It is what it is at this point. Hence the reason why my Wife and I decided against TLP servers. Maybe the next wave will be different? Who knows. EQ is 16 years old. Lol. Probably just have fun with it and move on, who knows. Only been playing for a week and I'm level 60 with 100 AA's...so the addiction is real. for now.

    Anyway, I really don't want to start any arguments. I just wanted to share my thoughts on the whole rotation for raid guilds only (apparently lockjaw server only has 2?). That means raid targets are only being killed by 2 guilds. No one else. If another guild attempts a mob...off with their head.

    If you ask me, I really don't get it. But it's their server (lockjaws). DBGs apparently want the players to run the show. All I can say is...truly...have fun. /bow
  14. Kattahn Elder

    So one thing I want to point out, is that because you haven't been on the server, but only read the forums, you basically only catch the worst examples of everything going on on lockjaw, and then most of it is hyper exaggerated.

    As an example to this, The big guilds are helping the little guilds all the time on this server. The only thing really being contested by the little guilds is plane of sky, and I know MM, Faceless, and AD have all worked with smaller guilds to set up times for them to go into sky and do the first few islands on their rotation days.

    To be frank, classic content is boring and the loot kind of sucks. No one from the big guilds wants to cannibalize the server for this crap content when the game isn't going to get really interesting on this server for another 2 or so years. I'd rather raid a lot less now and keep more people active on the server through PoP, then box everyone out now and have a ghost town when the fun expansions hits.

    We have a very rigid rotation on this server, but unfortunately it is 100% necessary. We currently have 10-12 guilds either on or being added to the rotation shortly, and all of these guilds have access to all the raid content on the server(vox, naggy, CT, inno, and sky) if they are capable of killing it. Without the rotation, you would essentially only have 3 guilds getting any kills on those targets. The rotation basically maintains order and gives an extra 500-1000 raiders access to content they would never see in era.

    The only people who really oppose this(and they're the ones who are spam posting the forums every day with multiple topics) are Croak, Zhutuak, and Makelite, 3 unguilded people who refuse to work with the rest of the server at all. If you want to know what they're arguing, its this: Right now, if you're not in a rotation and want to go up and have some fun in sky, all you have to do is look at the spreadsheet, see who is next on rotation, and send one of their officers a tell. In 99% of situations, they'll work out a time for you to go up and kill stuff on the first few islands.What Croak, Zhutuak, and Makelite want is to be able to zone up whenever they want and push other guilds out of their rotation spots. Basically, the whole server is working together to make sure people see as much content as they can, and these 3 people want to jump the line and do whatever they want(this is also the case for the guild that got suspended in this thread). They are specifically going up at times that will mess with other guilds rotation spots, and are consciously trying to agitate the server to push their own agenda. So please keep in mind when you see doom and gloom on the forums constantly, realize that there are a small number of people here intentionally creating drama and agitation on the server.
    Simone and Mayfaire like this.
  15. Protocol Dragon Defender

    There are 11 guilds currently on the Lockjaw rotation with three more guilds on the horizon.
    Simone likes this.
  16. Tulgin Augur

    For your average player, EQ TLP is not worth your time. I've turned away multiple friends from trying it, told them not to bother.

    Until all raids and epic NPC's are instanced go play something else.
    oldkracow likes this.
  17. Crystilla Augur

    I guess my experience is different than yours, which makes sense given how many servers there were back then. Each with their own cultures, etc. Almost no little guild tried the big stuff initially, especially since everything in the game was so new.

    The servers started with no rotations so you could have, if you chose, did your attempts - if you were fast enough to level up. But when (on Ragefire) 1 guild dominated almost all kills, all the rest of the players who wanted an attempt at a piece of the pie got DGC to actually get the players to work together via rotations. So it's players who forced that change that you don't like but you DO have a shot during FFA times to be a small guild and go after those mobs currently FYI. Under the non rotation, you would have no shot.

    My server had rotations for a number of the mobs in game once Kunark hit (and definitely Velious) so again that was nothing "new" to me like it evidently was for the server you were on. Not all mobs mind you but some.
  18. Darth Augur

    Why shouldn't they be on the rotation?
    Simone likes this.
  19. Dupre_MIM Elder

    Let me be clear Squidgod. I maintain the Lockjaw rotation spreadsheet and I adhere strictly to the rules placed on the rotation. That said, the guild in question last night did not qualify, and I did check in on the situation to determine if they had the appropriate qualifications. They will meet them or they will not be added, plain and simple.
    Simone likes this.
  20. Silinius Augur

    omg hi Crystilla :p

    One fact check here about Morell Thule. We had a rotation on some mobs (Trak, VS, Naggy, Gore specifically for epix and Trak teeth) in Kunark, until Fury's Edge (the guild I was in) broke it with the advent of ONA (Over Nukers Anon). Velious, Luclin and PoP were ALL FFA until instancing in PoTime became possible. But Crystilla is correct, until the guild that dominated the spawns moved on, you just killed some older content and geared up in prep for the newer stuff. I was in a mid-tier guild for quite some time before Luclin and I remember watching top guilds like Heroic Few, Relentless Ascension and Thunderwalkers getting kills until HF and RA merged into FE and I joined up.
    Simone likes this.