Conqueror of Rain of Fear

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Drewie, Mar 27, 2013.

  1. Axxius Augur

    I would like to get back to the point of work vs reward. After all this work, you unlock these wonderful items:

    Baelfire Gem
    Carillon Box of Lost Songs
    Bifold Focus of the Evil Eye
    Grelleth's Royal Seal
    Unspoken Eye

    - for 800 Crystallized Fear each. That is 10 full T2 clears worth of currency to buy 1 item.

    Question 1: Would anybody who is not yet completely decked in T2/3 buy any of these items for 800 Crystallized Fear, even if they were available from the start?

    Question 2: Are these items worth the effort at all?
  2. Insaneox Augur

    I'd like the shield but tbh not worth the time it would take. The drop rate is lovely to zero for RF.
  3. Zahrym Augur

    Roi hasn't even finished (yet) - I do find the staggering irony of Roi posting saying 'make your raid accountable' hilarious though, seeing as they COULD have and WOULD have been done months ago if they themselves adhered to this philosophy.

    Many of the harder achievements can be straight up cheesed though...Pushing evantil mob above world, TL'ing emoted fireball players, good positioning (cough ignoring fight mechanics to ensure an achievement) the list goes on and on.

    If you're either not willing to cheese or think outside the box &/or put the smallest amount of effort into them you really have no place getting them, the achievement and items were instituted solely as a time sink, as is everything else.
  4. Axxius Augur

    A raid version of the Stone Tear?
  5. Rafather Augur

    Glad you like to cheese events to win and will never get the achievement for the items.
  6. Rafather Augur

    We haven't altered or added a single minute on our 2 nights of raiding to get these. If we fail an achievement on one event, we still finish it and move on to the next raid. There is always next week. We don't even do tier 1 unless we finish tier 2 early and have an hour left of raiding on Monday.

    Sunday 7:30-11est Vulak, Xorbb 1-3, Tier 3
    Monday 7:30 - 11est (normally between 9:30 or 10) CH, BG 1&2, Evan, Grel

    What else is there to raid exactly? How are we skipping events? Tarjet you need to be more informed before you start talking about a nonsense carrot in hope that your members like wasting 4 days on content that others do in 6 hours over 2 quick nights.
  7. boukk_sebilis Augur

    Q1: the item are a bit overpriced, but at the same time they re kinda unique and very rare drop so they should be expensive, but 800 is I think over the top, something between 400/500 would be enough.

    Q2: I d say so, some of the achievment should be retuned , not to make them a lot easier, but more doable, some are just stupid.

    SL ach : a bit overtuned imo

    CC ach : terrible ach if you re not a guild focused on dps you basically have close to no chance.

    Evantil : awful, this one is mostly down to luck.

    Xorbb 1 :fire fleer: impossible without using normal technics

    Xorbb 3 :emote avoiding : while not hard as per say, it' s just too punishing, one lagy/afk/whatever reason failed 1 emote just screw the raid of the raid who succeded 100s of emotes.

    Rest of the achs are reasonable, but those listed should see some kind of retune imo.
  8. boukk_sebilis Augur

    We had fun doing most of them, just a few ones that are poorly tuned and need retuning, imo.
  9. Szeria Elder

    If the rewards are so trivial that they are simply not worth working for, why are you even complaining about not being able to purchase them? Either they are trivial and not worth it, or they are good (thus warranting this thread at all) and worth putting the effort for them. You can't have both!
  10. Insaneox Augur

    It varies by specific class on whether you view it worth the time. This is part of the problem some items are value to some! This means those that see little to no value have lesser motivation to focus at the desired level needed to complete these. That means the likelihood of getting everyone on same level of focus for going back to do T1 achievements is unlikely. Some classes would get little to no benefit from the items listed and those that would get some can't simply carry load without all on same page they can't all be done.
  11. Qwestwic Augur

    I don't know about most guilds, but the reason Realm of Insanity does things like this, and goes back to repeat achievements to make sure everyone has them, is to make the guild stronger as a whole. To us, it's worth raiding the extra half hour here and there to get some nice things for the guild. None of these items will make or break a raid, but when your guild consists of min maxers across the board, people want to increase their performance in any way, shape, or form they can get it. Not every class will get something decent out of these items, but for the ones that do, it's worth it.
    Gragas and Insaneox like this.
  12. Insaneox Augur

    Well put and understandable.
  13. Ronak Augur

    None of the counter-arguments have explained why this was implemented for the top 1% of the raiding community, when the development team repeatedly stated they were no longer designing for the top guilds.

    Who's is bigger has nothing to do with it, whatsoever.
  14. Qwestwic Augur

    I think the primary reason is that the developers, for the most part, aren't actively involved in the raiding community on live servers and are only scaling up group quality achievements with a few emote-based ones tossed in. I don't think any of these are supposed to actually be incredibly difficult, but with next to no feedback on them at all, there are no bug fixes or tuning passes for them. It's primarily these things that get them released in the state that they are in. Hell, Test Your Reflects the group achievement still isn't working and has been petitioned and reported about for a few months now.
  15. Hatsee Augur

    It's because achievements never really mattered before so they never cared if it took you 3+ years to finish them off.

    Like most people said the achievement for beating raids should have unlocked them, the cost of the items is so prohibitive that even though we are almost done I doubt we have more than a dozen or so people ready and able to buy at least one right now. Nearly 2.5 months to grind out a single item, joy oh joy.
  16. Talif Augur

    I'd like to see it switch to something like needing either all achievements (the way it is now) or, say, one ach from each raid (through all tiers) and completion of T4 raid achievement. That gates it behind waiting for T4 content release for those who can't get all the achievements done while still leaving the very top end the opportunity to get it done first. Otherwise I think many of the posters here are right and a huge majority of the raiders will never see these show up on the vendors.
  17. Trajet D'Or Augur

    Going off of your raiding schedule last year, statements by your guild leader and your lack of progress on the more difficult and/or time consuming ach prior to a reward being attached to completing all of them the perfectly reasonable conclusion is that you are raiding more because of the carrot.

    You have the motivation to beat more T2 raids to get 800 or even 1600 or more C-Fear for the clicks, you spend more time to beat the raids in a specific way to get achievements and even go back to T1 only because of the achievements.

    It's possible that Qulas stated RoI would only raid 90min a week once T3 was out just to antagonize the Devs and that he intended to farm T2. It's even possible that his comment led to RoI members convincing him to continue to farm T2 raids. But most likely it's the carrot of the clicks that has you still raiding 2 days a week.

    Right, mid-tier guilds take longer to do raids, this isn't news to anyone. It's cute that you want to brag about only wasting 6 hours on EQ and then wasting the other 6 hours watching TV, playing X-Box, fronting a rock band and/or banging supermodels. I have fun playing a video game in the evenings, since it's a fun activity taking longer isn't an issue.

    OMG you take 22min to watch a TV episode, you mid-tier TV watcher, I watch them at double speed with subtitles and it only takes me 11min. Learn to watch TV better, what kind of loser wastes 22min of his life watching a TV episode.

    That's what you sound like to me.
  18. Luft Elder

    Those timeslots that Rafather posted are also us doing achievements. Before we started doing achievements we would commonly just raid sunday and crush T2 + Vulak. Achievements causes you to play differently and often less efficient than normally. Of course that was before T3, which takes about as long as doing 3-4 T2 events when you factor in loot calls (so much loot).
  19. Shang Augur

    Why do people keep saying carrot?
  20. Luft Elder

    Half rabbits, Shang.