Confused about Aggro

Discussion in 'Tanks' started by Padrey, May 5, 2014.

  1. feiddan Augur

    I've got a list of like 4 things to do in game atm, but I'll try to push this up and run some tests this weekend.

    I'll use a level 25 warrior (/testbuff) in Greater Faydark. If warriors turn a mob with +1 aggro, I'll then test a Paladin.

    Methodology will be as described:
    A mob will be pulled with character A (level 65 SK), using a low level terror (hate override). Character A will use no abilities and equip a Tome of Hero's Journey in primary.
    Character B (level 25 warrior, then Paladin if needed) will not auto-attack or use any other abilities in kind, and will similarly use a Tome of Hero's Journey in primary. I will attempt to taunt the mob, and make note of what happens to the aggro meter after each success and when the mob turns to character B.
    Once Character B takes aggro, from the use of taunt only, character A will begin the same sequence - only taunting, and making note of how many successes it takes for the mob to turn and what I see in the aggro meter during this time.
    I will then attempt to take aggro a second time on character B, using the same methodology.
    Aggro will be taken in the same way on Character A - a total of 4 aggro swaps per trial (A from pull, to B, to A, to B, and back to A).

    Any initial aggro "bonus" to the puller will be negated through several tank swaps.
  2. Makavien Augur

    Pretty sure not every time. When i do it to get second on the hatelist i always turn off attack so I do not steal aggro for long enough to make the healers switch but I will test it out some because you have me curious.
  3. feiddan Augur

    Aggro is (or used to be, I haven't tested it lately) calculated on two second ticks - which makes for some fun loopholes for bards in particular to adventure with!
  4. Potawatomi Augur

  5. fulloceandepth New Member