Class with the least amount of responsibility

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by TheBubblerum, Aug 11, 2013.

  1. TheBubblerum New Member

    I got a paladin up to level 51 was having a blast. But, once I started to group I kept getting kicked out cause I apparently pulled either to slow, wrong, or something. I do not know all I know is I would get booted and called various mmo insults. I have no idea what I did, I know it was not aggro cause I was tanking well and no one died. So, I decided to switch to a class that gets groups but does not have to pull, heal or tank and is not a Rogue. Played a Rogue in EQ for 4 years do not want to again. So any suggestion? I wish people were nice enough to at least tell me why I was not doing well as a paladin. So help me pick something else that is easier or less relied on, yet gets into groups.
  2. EQbud Augur

    Just hit attack. Won't be asked to do anything else.
  3. TheBubblerum New Member

    how well do berserkers solo if a group is not to be found?
  4. Cynne New Member

    I'd say that's the wrong way to look at it. What I suggest you do is find your class, the one you're best at and find your role. It's not about avoiding responsibility, it's about knowing your class inside and out.
  5. TheBubblerum New Member

    which is hard to do when there is no grouping until level 51 and even then the groups are rare. How am I supposed to learn a class without practice in groups?
  6. Yther Augur

    Read, research, and use mercs as much as possible. Merc's won't teach you everything, but they indirectly give lots of pointers, if you pay attention. Like the low aggro of tank mercs at low levels is good practice for controlling aggro and how to pull to a tank. Trying to keep aggro from a merc is good practice.

    Ask questions too, about why your pulling wasn't adequate, since you're new to the game and want to improve. Most likely it was slow. At low levels, most people can handle many mobs at once. Single pulling is good practice when you're alone for later on, but when grouped at low levels, most people want lots of mobs (not all do, but that is the general idea to have several, and pull more when down to 1 or 2). Tank mercs can usually handle multiples by themselves (at least Journeymen Tier 1 mercs can).

    It could of been other reasons. Most people can't compete with a tank merc unless they're experienced and twinked out gear-wise and have good AAs, once to that level.

    Berserkers are descent at tanking. Not as good as a Pal or Shd or especially a War, but still doable, but have good dps.

    Eventhough 51 may seem like you've gotten somewhere, it's still a newbie level in this game. The game is super easy till 60s or 70s, depending on class and gear, and so people don't always play like they should in the archetypal sense. That is to say, just about any class can take the hits and tank and keep aggro at low levels. Pulling is an art form, and some people just aren't that good at it. I don't like doing it, but will if I have to. Knowing the zone helps alot on being able to pull well.

    Trying to find a guild that can help you out, and group with you to help guide you will get you a long way. Pick up groups, generally expect certain things, you may not be aware of. Learning from those that know, and can teach you the differences between slaughtering for fast xp and really playing like the game was designed (with aggro management, crowd control, constant pulling, etc.) will make your learning curve alot easier and prepare you for various situations. Even learning when not to do anything, when being powerleveled is important. Because if you're running around, dieing, getting in the way, etc., then no one will want to power level you.

    Just try to remember, that some people are A-hats no matter what, so just ignore them and move on to friendlier people that can help you and guide you.

    Don't be hesitant to try out other classes either. The more you learn about each class, the better prepared you'll be for grouping and identifying your role in a group, as that often changes depending on what classes are involved.

    EDIT: Also there is usually grouping in the Tutorial and Crescent Reach, you just have to ask / look for them. You may be the asking type though, since you did get a group at 51, although they may have asked you to join them.

    Yther Ore.
    Potawatomi, Fluid, moogs and 3 others like this.
  7. Quatr Augur

    Just to reiterate that level 51 is still very low in this day and age. To give you an example: the other day my silk-wearing level 60 Enchanter soloed (well, moloed) a yellow con by meleeing it to 20% and then nuking it down. It took a long time (I was working on Defense) but the cleric merc never went below 90% mana. This is most assuredly not how the game is actually played at higher levels :) which goes to show that even level 60, to say nothing of level 51, is still newbieland.
    Yther likes this.
  8. Gragas Augur

    Really wished it was just that easy but you will not do much DPS just hitting attack.

    Go wizard, necro or mage they can kite if not grouped.
  9. Jonny Panic Augur

    Berserkers are more than autoattack. Not a lot more, and I do agree that they're likely the best answer here, but there's more to them than that.

    They make passable tanks, but have poor aggro management if hitting the mob isn't enough. About the only other option are their line of stun discs. They take hits like what they are... a chain armor wearing class.

    They only have three lines of weapons to focus (two-handed slash, blunt, pierce), and most later weapons that are good for a BER are 2hs, so that simplifies things.

    They have a few lines of discs and AAs that support their group or the tank (whether they're tanking or not), as well as several attacks, discs and AAs to use for dps in addition to auto-attacking. War cries, Cry Havok and Shared Bloodlust being chief among the support abilities and Frenzy, Overpowering Frenzy disc line, Volley disc line and related abilities for additional dps. Not to mention they get an instant-cast, almost irresistible non-damage snare line of discs for runaway management.

    But ultimately... yeah, I'd say Berserker. Your group or raid will want you to hit the target. The group or raid will want you to yell a lot (War cry, havok, shared line). The group or raid MIGHT ask you to keep an eye out for runaways. That's about it.

    As for soloing, they're a touch on the slow side without serious twinking (trio jewelry, damage shield potions), so if you plan to solo or molo a lot, go for a FASTER twohander rather than a STRONGER one. For instance, an Ornate Rune Blade (19/30) will be superior to a Reaver (40/40), ESPECIALLY in the early levels (30 and below at least) where damage is capped.

    The reason for this is because, at lower levels, you're just as likely to miss as anyone else, but if you're using a slow weapon then a few misses can make a fight seem to go on forever, even if you're hasted. You want a faster weapon to make up for misses sooner. However, once you start getting Damage Bonus on weapons, a twohander UNDER 28 delay gets the DB calculation of a onehander, so you want to look for weapons with at least 28 delay to get a twohander's damage bonus.

    Improvements to your game will generally occur A) when you get a decent set of Defiant gear equipped for it's stats and mod2s, B) when you get some weapon-based AAs under your belt to swing more and improve accuracy, C) when you get your Riposte disc (just pull a mess of light blues, hit the disc, watch them kill themselves on your weapon... great xp bump when it's up), D) when you get even better levels, gear and AAs and E) when you get the Decapitate AA at level 91.

    Good luck, happy hunting and have fun!

    P.S. If you do play a Berserker and get far enough, I've found that some Berserkers aren't aware that their Volley disc lines can be used in melee range. The more you know!
    Leerah likes this.
  10. BoomWalker Augur

    What group wants a pally level 51 or any other level?

    Not saying it can't be done but other classes are normally the "puller" of a stop pulling...grab aggro when the mobs are in camp...tank them dead...let the "puller" go out and get more...

    This entire thread is not addressing the issue...the group(s) you were in are just being dumb.

    Not much chance of chain pulling if the tank is doing the pulling...and if the puller is the tank and dies from an over pull...well...down time to med back up instead of picking off a few close/easy mobs while the regular puller is medding.

    Stop the tank...and all will be fine...Pally's are desired in the group or raid game...splash, heals, rez, tank, stun, etc...
    Leerah and code-zero like this.
  11. Ratbo Peep Augur

    Trying to keep aggro from a merc is good practice.
    As a Ranger - I found that to be funny.
    . :)
    This entire thread is not addressing the issue...the group(s) you were in are just being dumb.
    I agree - a Pally is a Tank - not a puller. Your group(s) merely were ignorant. Don't pull - tank.
    (Does a Pally even get the required "pacify" type spells to spit up a pull?)
    -Rat (a puller)
  12. Jonny Panic Augur

    Paladins have had Pacify line spells as far back as I can remember. I think there was a gap for a while, but I know they have them again now. They also get root spells.

    Be mindful what you define as a "puller". A good Enchanter is an AMAZING chain puller (since they can leave extras spread out and lined up, all debuffed and ready to die next, using roots, mezzes, Tash, slow and cripple debuffs that last MUCH longer than a Bard's). Shadowknights have always been good (with snare and FD) but take off in Underfoot and beyond (with Hate's Attraction and Death's Effigy). Even Mages can do some solid two or three mob splits using a well-placed Companion of Necessity.

    Paladins aren't quite SK-level pullers, but are much better off than Mages. ;)
  13. Sebbina Augur

    Paladin=Puller, never even considered it, I am curious as to what other classes were in these groups that they would expect a pally to do the pulling. Also were the other members higher or lower, lower folk might have been expecting some kind of power level - no idea what higher level folk would be thinking. There is nothing wrong with a paladin and if you are happy with it (other then recent incidents) take your tank merc and visit some kunark zones mobs will have less HP and do lower DPS so be easy leveling to 65 when you can build a chunk of AA.
  14. Jonny Panic Augur

    It doesn't matter what you've considered, it just matters that it's possible. It's relevant when not every class is available all the time. As I've said above, better the Paladin pull than the Mage. It's been a couple years, but I've grouped with Paladins that were passable pullers, especially since paci doesn't require line of sight. A little camera work (or a HEB click), a couple casts, incoming single.

    They were very handy for exploring dungeons back in the day, a tank that pulled their own mobs and could still handle a bit of overpull till their groupmates got the adds under control. When you're creeping through a dungeon as opposed to leaning heavily on your tank merc and skipping half your class while clearing out fields of light blue cons, it was a nice extra touch of saved time not having to take the pull from the puller and just letting them move at their own pace.

    Nowadays, it's less of an issue, but hey... in areas where paci is enough to pull singles, it's nice to not absolutely NEED a separate puller. They can be pretty stuck-up sometimes. ;)

    Got a Paladin in the group? Don't have a puller in the group? Have the Paladin pull. Problem solved.
  15. Gladare Augur

    I'd focus more on learning your class and raising your level of skill than trying to find a class where your suckiness goes unnoticed. Not that I know if you suck or not.
  16. Dday99 Journeyman

    Go berserker, they are the simplest class to play. But they can also be fun at the high end when they get decapitation, they make excellent powerlevelers at that point and soloers (especially if you have a healer alt). You won't have to tank in groups (unless the group is really desperate) and you usually won't be asked to pull (a number of other classes can do it better and odds are at least 1 of them will be in the group).

    You also get good ranged for a melee class. The only downside is lack of utility, but if you want simple and low stress in groups then that's probably a good thing (since there is less to worry about).
    Jonny Panic likes this.
  17. Fluid Augur

    Yther gave some good advice. EQ has a diversified user base so you will get everything from hand holding helpful to kicked from groups.

    From the other side, I've been pressed into duty as a healer with both my Shaman and Druid. There is absolutely nothing worse then A) A poorly equipped tank who takes damage so fast you can't keep up with healing or B) A puller that doesn't pay attention to oom messages and keeps pulling to the point where everyone dies.

    Close behind is someone who starts looting while the fight is still going on. There are other minor faux pas like hitting a mezzed mob, not waiting for someone to buff you, not waiting for a damage shield, or ...

    Truth is, you just about have to know everyone else's responsibilities in a group setting to know how to do yours. I mean if you are a paladin grouped with a cleric, you are the tank they are the healer. If you are a paladin hooked up with a warrior, you are the main healer albeit a poor one, and they are the tank. If you are grouped with a Shaman, Warrior, you are back up healer and back up tank and trying to do as much damage as possible w/o drawing aggro from the Warrior.

    Don't give up on your paladin. There's a lot of satisfaction to be had by the optimal running of any class.

    To answer your question, one of the easy ones to run with low to no expectations is a Wizard. About the only things you need to know is never do anything to draw aggro which is usually as simple as standing back and waiting for the others in the group to do serious damage to the mob. There are three approximate points you have to pay attention to:
    1) When the mob is down to 80% health and you can start burning it.
    2) When snared mob is close to 20% health and your spell can take it below 20 causing it to flee w/o actually moving.
    2.1) This only comes up when you have something like a Ranger in the group who cast snare on a monster that doesn't fight to the death.
    2.2) Don't ever cast root during this situation as the monster will turn and fight.
    3) Your job that is as a quantum killer and damage control. Always have enough mana to root or kill a runner. Rooting is a much better option if something breaks snare or you don't have someone that can cast a snare in the group. If a monster gets away and brings back its close and dear friends to kill your group, it will be considered in large part your fault.

    Wizards can be run a low level of complexity outside a group too. Basically you just root something, drop the bomb on it til dead, meditate to full mana. Rinse and repeat. Not the fastest way to level or the most rewarding, but it works.
  18. Jonny Panic Augur

    Fluid is right, wizards are also a low-expectation class. Basically the magic-using other side of the coin from Berserkers. They also have somewhat more utility, since they can port themselves and others to various zones, invis and levitate.

    The downside? Pajamas. 'Nuff said. ;)
    Leerah likes this.
  19. Bamp Augur

    If you were really having a blast as a paladin, then I wouldn't let one bad group dissuade you from playing that class. It's hard to say what was going on with that group (or groups?) with the info given or why they would act like that. It does seem like they were expecting a bit much from you if you hadn't tanked in a group before and they wanted you to pull and tank. Also, at level 51 I don't know if a paladin even has the tools needed to be an good tank in a group.

    What server are you playing on? I want to suggest you play on Vox where there are more new players than probably any other server, but I'm afraid that you are already playing on that server, Lol. If you are set on making a new character (or new paladin on a different server) then maybe try Vox.

    Regardless of what you end up doing I hope you can find some better people to group with. It sounds like those people you were grouped with were not very friendly to begin with if they didn't even consider mentioning what they thought you were doing "wrong" to give you a chance to do better. (Whether or not you were really doing anything wrong is anybodies guess).
  20. zamblas1 New Member

    OK what I am going to say isn't in support of a paladin or any other tank pulling, but back in the day when LDoNs came out they were ok pullers cause of them having the pacify line of spells. The difference was that in them dungeons most things you pulled was a room away and thus you didn't have far to run. One thing about the paladins and their pacify line of spells is that up to at least lev 60 or so not certain if it continues on past that or not , is that the pacify spells they get are what clerics get like before them about half of the paladin's lev before him. I mean the like the one the cleric would get at lev 30 the paladin would get around lev 50-60, and them spells have a lev limit of what they affect too.
    So even though a paladin could pacify some things and pull it isn't the best idea. Like I said that can somewhat work if you don't have far to run back and forth to a grp but having a tank being the puller isn't the best idea. The best thing is to have someone else pull and bring the mobs to the grp and let the tank get the argo off the puller, and having some type of run buff does help too for the puller. One problem I would see you as the puller and the tank is the mana issue , I would think you would run out of it and have the grp wait on you to med up too.
    But as the others have said before me there are other ways of working in the grp and they have some good advice. If you like the paladin class you just need to learn more about it and not let a few bad experiences get you down, try to see what you could of done better or found out more about the class .