Class merges?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Time Burner 2, Aug 1, 2015.

  1. Necromonious Augur

    If anything one the major focuses (based on the last communication from PrathunEQ) of the devs is to reduce the game's complication and excessive amounts of hotkeys/ability bloat/useless AA's. That was last I heard
  2. Ravengloome Augur

    If you like the facts to be there: defensive prof is 30% not 20% mitigation FYI.
    Elricvonclief and Xeladom like this.
  3. Mayfaire Augur

    Less desired by who?!?! You? I have never, before you, seen anyone seriously claim that any single class is undesirable.

    I'd like to see some evidence that this is an actual problem anywhere but in your head. lol :p
  4. Makavien Augur

    opps =P
  5. Time Burner 2 Augur

    Yes Mayfaire, me. I've seen many rangers, rogues, druids lfg over the past mmm say 24+ months. Far more so that other classes. I often try to invite stragglers to my little box crew here and there, and this is my subjective experience.

    You can dispute that, but I don't believe you can dispute the notion that some of the classes I've mentioned have seen a diminished need for some of their distinguishing class abilities. Hence, my idea about merging a few of the classes.
  6. Mayfaire Augur

    I absolutely CAN dispute that, and I do. Vehemently, in fact.
  7. Time Burner 2 Augur

    Ok, that's your subjective experience - apparently we both have had differing ones. What about the "diminished need for some of their distinguishing class abilities" aspect?
  8. Mayfaire Augur

    On the first page of this ridiculous thread, you said, and I quote:

    If you are unaware that rogues do more than just backstab, sneak, and "unlock stuff", and you are unaware that druids do far more than port, give a DS (which is subpar to mage ds, so why you mention it is beyond me), "wear leather" (LOL), and self buff (so weird) then all I can say is...

    Get out. Find people who play these classes well, group with them and learn something. OR,even better, play those classes for awhile yourself to see the myriad of amazing attributes these classes bring to the table beyond that ridiculous, uniformed, and insulting list.

    I see every class LFG a lot. Let's get rid of all of them...oh wait. o_O

    There are plenty of other MMORPG's that offer less classes. Maybe you should try them, and leave EQ alone. I mean, just the outrageous amount of hours for the devs to completely rip apart this game to do what you are asking - even if you were right, which you are not - is mind blowing to even contemplate. And here we can't even get a decently sized expac.

    And with that, I'm going to try to be done, because this particular conversation is just too meh for words.
    Elricvonclief likes this.
  9. Time Burner 2 Augur

    You don't really address my point in all this. Moving right along I guess.
  10. Mayfaire Augur

    Yes, I did actually. If you knew and understood that they have more "distinguishing class abilities" than the paltry list you wrote, not to mention that FACT that those classes are still viable and useful (not diminished at all in other words) then you wouldn't even be in here suggesting this.

    What I addressed was that your point isn't a valid one, but the ramblings of someone who doesn't understand this game, neither the mechanics of it nor the lore. Ergo, there is no diminished need, except in your head. Just because you wrote it on the internet, then read it back to yourself, it doesn't make it true. :)
    Elricvonclief likes this.
  11. Coronay Augur

    Those classes I like to invite because they can actually out dps wiz mercs on burn when played correctly. I would not consider them undesirable.
    Mayfaire likes this.
  12. Iila Augur

    Don't go trying to bring facts or sense into this thread.
    Silv, Phrovo1, Cicelee and 4 others like this.
  13. Riptide666 Elder

    I mean a plate wearing tank version.

    I think it would be cool to allow multiclassing. Completely merge two classes at a huge exp penalty. Dual class for 3x and triple class for 9x. Might seem awesome but that slow of exp would keep most people from investing. The old elder scrolls game did something similar and allowed you to create toons with a lot of powerful abilities, but at huge exp penalties.,miso it wasn't worth doing unless you really wanted to grind it out
  14. Coronay Augur

    What's your highest level guy? Because to me it seems like you have no idea how any of this works.
  15. Triconix Augur

    The fact that you didn't have berserkers included is a major indicator of me knowing you're talking out your @$$. They are probably the single least desired class in the game right now if not heavily supported in a perfect group make up. Sorry berserkers, you need mad love next expansion/campaign.

    The three classes you just listed are 2 of my top 5 favorite classes in the game (druid and rogue) and managed to try and make a ranger look bad. Their versatility is through the roof. The fact that you don't realize this, or are just too ignorant of it, means that you are in no position to speak on the topic. It's like being a non smoker arguing that smoking doesn't cause cancer to an oncologist.

    I'm not even going to list the abilities of the classes. Just go research them yourself.
  16. Silv Augur

    That already exists. It's called an Enchanter.
    code-zero likes this.
  17. Riptide666 Elder

    How what works? Class merging? Do we just send in petitions for the hybrid we want and they make it for us? Cool. It's so neat that the condescending old fogies are so helpful after all these years.

    On the other hand, some people need to differentiate between OMG DBG GoTZ TO ADD NoW!!!1 to " this could be "interesting", but in no way do I expect it or care if it would ever happen. It's unfortunate that some of you are so unsettled and threatened by such posts.
  18. Riptide666 Elder

    Such a serious post for a serious thread. Shall I get off the grass too, grandpa?
  19. Silv Augur

    I'm not sure what this even means since I was making a joke. I guess maybe you aren't familiar with the Enchanter class in the current game~ :rolleyes:
    Elricvonclief and Iila like this.
  20. Riptide666 Elder

    I am quite familiar with chanters, just not that brand of humor. Lost in translation, I suppose.