Chain Spawn Mobs (AoW, Vulak, Hand) and the problems

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Xenyn, Jun 29, 2015.

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  1. Jaxarale01 Augur

    You've noticed that too huh? He sure is entertaining tho!

    Oh and I was the one you called an idiot and told to grow the f up Deth...

    Fact: Reading comprehension is hard when you are so emotionally charged.
    Take a deep breath and make sure you quote me in a minute so that you target the right person with you name calling and cursing...

    Not that calling someone an idiot and cursing them because they disagree with you and destroy your entire thought with one post isn't grown up or anything...

    Nenake likes this.
  2. Detheb Augur

    I mean, you have to treat a troll as a troll, which is what you are. It wasn't you specifically i was telling to grow the up, it was the forum warriors who will stop at nothing to get instancing when its clearly not going to happen.

    As for my increased aggressive nature and early posting(compared to normal), i can easily explain away considering i had surgery today, but you guys being idiots, well, you can't really explain at all.
  3. Jaxarale01 Augur

    So not only are we all idiots we are forum warriors and trolls... lulz

    Um, again with the reading comprehension guy... no one was talking about instancing... nice try to deflect but in reality you are not talking to an idiot... so changing the subject to yet again fit your story wont work here...
    We were discussing the fact that you are all gun ho about dps war bruh! until it negatively effects your personal play then its... triggered spawns dont count!!!!

    You will have to do much better than a few weak personal attacks, curses and projections of your own lack of self worth onto others for you opinion to mean much here.

    Looking back over this thread its pretty clear your spin means nothing to the vast majority... but hey you keep calling those names and stomping your feet and cursing... someone may like one of your posts soon!
  4. Nenake Elder

    hey man he just had surgery, we should leave him alone lol
    Jaxarale01 likes this.
  5. thats_street New Member

    No, you dont understand. What I'm saying is that DPS races on on most raid content and group content is the rules. If you cant win that race then I'm sorry ... get a better guild or group. Someone charms your mob? Cancel magic. Charm it back. Bring extra mobs for them. Whatever. Even though I dont like it either ... thats the rules atm.

    DPS races on triggered quest/raid mobs should NOT be the rule. I understand that it is but I'm hoping TL/Rosen/RoI can come together and figure that out as to not waste peoples time/work they put in to completing quests/triggering mobs.

    Also, I'm not in TL buddy ... so bring the TL hate somewhere else.
    Rhiyannon likes this.
  6. Jaxarale01 Augur

    lol ok... it is bad form to kick a dog when its down...
    off to bed for me!
  7. Protocol Dragon Defender

    People who are laughing at Detheb will be raging when people bring raids to dps race on Zordak Ragefire and block a whole server from getting cleric epics.

    It's plainly obvious why triggered mobs belong to the guild which triggered them. People are letting their anger with TL get in the way of their common sense.
  8. Elkay Augur

    The ****blocking will be huge with epic drops. Until post-PoP. So for years. Fun. Yeah.
  9. rekais910 Augur

    Exactly. I brought up the point with ragefire and plenty of other examples. Triggered spawns should absolutely belong to triggering party in any case. Could you imagine if someone sat on the ring event either ring event with scarbrow (think that's the name) stole it and screwed the triggering party out of the ring? it would be unacceptable but apparently dps race wins.
    Rhiyannon likes this.
  10. Detheb Augur

    I've tried to be reasonable with people, logical arguments fall to the side though. The fact is, there are people bringing up the fact that DBG isn't instancing this content, and using my stance that we don't want instancing to say that triggered mobs should be FFA. Anyone that truthfully believes that isn't very smart, i'm sorry.

    Comparing raid mobs and group mobs isn't very smart, sorry. So yes, as I said in the beginning, if someone tries to steal a triggered mob that I helped trigger, i will train them, its pretty simple. Its not a internet tough guy act, its just telling the honest truth.
  11. Elkay Augur

    You're openly stating you're going to commit a bannable offense by training. KSing and DPSing down *any* mob in the game is allowed under the current rules.

    See what happens when morality goes out the door and doesn't go in your favor?

    I don't agree with all the BS that is going on, but people need to think about more than just themselves when looking at the sad state of the current rules.
    Jaxarale01 and Rhiyannon like this.
  12. Vaclav Augur

    But be realistic Elkay - no one wants it to happen - it MIGHT happen, and it'll be a cluster if it does. But it's a Mutually Assured Destruction issue.

    Which would of course create a Cold War situation between the guild(s) in question - until everyone involved quit.

    So it clearly is something that would be avoided as long as possible. The true worry is a "rogue nation" getting in mind to do something stupid like that on lesser stuff that would likely get the same ball rolling.
  13. rekais910 Augur

    A thought occurs to me. guild named Instancers united begins exploiting every little thing that the lack of a pnp and everything else until instancing is put into place. It would be hilarious if people actually came together to do that. Of course it might only have an effect during prime time when they have time available.
  14. Asheran Augur

    As someone who played from the 1999 launch - planes of power on Veeshan, all of the drama on these servers makes me smile. Veeshan never had any real, long term rotations on mobs, and was extremely competitive. Awesome nostalgia!

    Anyway, I didn't post just to mention that. I posted to mention that it was a rather common occurrence for Vulak, and other triggered mobs, to be sniped by guilds that did not spawn it. In fact, in the case of Vulak, there were periods that it was more likely that he would be killed by a guild who did not trigger him, than the one that did. This was less common with Avatar of War, but it still happened.

    Do you know what Sony/Verant did about it? Absolutely nothing. They were very "hands off". Do you know what the guilds did about it? They either raged on forums, or they changed their strategy in the future.

    I'm excited to see how the next few expansions play out on these TLPs. The gloves are really going to come off.
    Jaxarale01 likes this.
  15. Rhiyannon Augur

    i get what deth is upset about, i truly do, but... welcome to the world of the rest of us byatch.

    when i can spend 7 hours waiting for a ph to spawn and kill to set the time, then wait 8 hours only to see another ph spawn, and then wait another 8 hours to see the mob finally spawn... and see it taken by a 50 who just wandered in... did i come to the forums to whine about it when it happened weeks ago? no?! but you're complain about something well into the future after all your posts? because by the end of what i read it really did sound like all the "whines" you said the others were doing.

    but ohhh wait only raid counts, raid is special for triggered spawns!

    yeah i can see where this is going for epics already, sorry no deth, either all triggers are off limits or none. right now all triggers are "dps race brah!", your favoured response for everything else. personally i think only those who kill the ph whether it be single/group/raid should be able to touch a triggered spawn, but hey, "dps race brah"!
    Jaxarale01 likes this.
  16. Detheb Augur

    El oh El
  17. Jaxarale01 Augur

    This sums it up perfectly.

    Dismissing group mobs or planar trash as "who cares" is by definition the problem people have with this...
    It was important when you were farming group content... but now that your not... its not.
    Planar trash was important enough to charm gank and memblur when you wanted the gear... now its not.

    Its hypocrisy in its truest form and it is very entertaining watching.

    I agree its a show and no one really wants it... then again the last month and a half have been the same show because of the tactics being used and all that got was "dps bruh! Suck it up or get out"

    Explain why now all of the sudden its play nice?

  18. Detheb Augur

    If you cannot see the fundamental difference in A. Raid mobs vs Group mobs, and B. KSing Triggered Mobs that your guild did not Trigger, then you're never going to understand, not that I believe you want to anyway.

    If someone wants to do it, let them, im fine with it, and i'll be fine with my alt account getting suspended for making sure they don't succeed. Its pretty simple
  19. Jaxarale01 Augur

    There is no fundamental difference.. the raid mob is important to you now and the group/trash isn't... it sure was when you wanted the drops... but now... not so much.
    Those same mobs you are so blithely dismissing are important to others...

    That is where your disconnect is... this has to do with someone besides yourself and you just cant grasp the concept that just because it no longer matters to you that it still matters to others.

    There is no way you will see this as valid, you simply do not have the mental/morale capacity to think beyond yourself... and that is fine.

    But please stop trying to sell the rest of the server on your spin... it is not working and quite frankly, it is an insult for you to try.

    /waits to be called an idiot again
  20. Kegwell Lurker since '99

    You go Jax, keep pointing out the obvious :)
    It must be hard for those in the forest to see the trees.
    Jaxarale01 likes this.
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