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Burn mission Velks.

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Whulfgar, Jan 23, 2020.

  1. yepmetoo Abazzagorath

    To be fair though, anything that short is going to skew to melee instead of casters for a variety of reasons that are mostly related to how caster dps is built. That's more of a caster issue than overall dps issue.

    I have never seen a caster be competitive in one of these velks runs. But I bet if they had twice as much hp, it would be more equivalent.
    Daedly likes this.
  2. Mehdisin Mahn Augur

    SK counts as caster, right? they have spells! =P
  3. The real Sandaormo Augur

    Dont worry about Warriors, yes you can see over a million dps on a 15 second fight. Make it a 2 minute or longer fight and that number drops substantially.
  4. Derka Power Ranger

    They have good burst and get the benefit of riposte. I dont see a problem with that. Like mentioned above me it drops off where normal DPS succeeds.
  5. Eyezing Lorekeeper

    Maybe don't ask for the devs to spend their resources to adjust the event to cater to you so you don't have to put forth the effort to DPS better. If you can't DPS well enough, the mechanics are consequences.
    Ibudin and Duder like this.
  6. Hitty Augur

    Has anybody ever done it with only around 800k-1M in a low dps group geared crew? Wondering if this is possible as grouper with a lower DPS. Could not do it so far.
  7. Derka Power Ranger

    You have to be able to kill Tijoely in under 30 seconds maybe 32 for Unrushed. Which is about 1.8-2 mil dps in a that window. Pop all your burns and adps right before hail start and you should be fine. The rest is easy. Even in a low dps group you should be able to do it in under 5 minutes which most classes can burn for that long. 250 mil total damage for 3 mobs(ignoring adds) spread out over 5 mins is a sustained 833k DPS
  8. Hitty Augur

    Did not work out. first burn was a lucky 1,7M, then got down fast because sustained is only working for 1-2min in that pace. So the real big problem is not the first mob, for a grouper gear it is sustaining it beyond the 2nd mob. I had a run with a raid group - the difference is devastating. They plowed through the content. The 3 guys are not the biggest problem. The adds, the occasional additional AE/Dot damage and that they are charging the cleric without taken notice about AE-Taunt spells and AAs was the biggest annoyance and the main reason for the wipes. So if somebody now tells something about nerfs - everybody should be aware that this counts only for the high dps people, others still struggle or let them drag through the content. The expansion is nice even it is a small one. But the end missions are - like always - a big problem - and perhaps only possible to do when the weapons in the next expac are available or I get hand on the ultrarare weapons from ToV.

    So I ask about people who REALLY DID it with such a combination and such a low DPS. Raiders can sustain the whole trio combo for around 1,5M-2M+, that is their advantage - everything beyond that DPS is pure sport and fun race.

    Who really did that in group gear and GROUP WEAPONS and if so, how did you overcome the problem with charging the cleric. The adds start even with no lichen groundspawn, so at the 2nd or 3rd it starts to spawn and that was always the point where the healers went down.
  9. kizant Augur

    Yeah I wouldn't put too much into this specific missions.
  10. Szilent Augur

    I won the mission yesterday night with level 115 pal & shm, 111 shd & wiz (the wiz was me!), a 113(?) enc & the paladin's 2box bard. Technically some of us had "raid" gears, but nothing newer than RoS so pretty questionable other than better cleave on the two knights' arms. A monk we play with sometimes just upgraded her RoS raid weapon to the Faded Velium, so that's probably a move available to the tanks too.

    /GU Combined: Seeking the Sorceror in 128s, 269.2m @2102991sdps | Hotpants 81428k@636.2k sdps | Paladin 74340k@580.8k sdps | ShadowKnight + pets 39054k@305.1k sdps | Shaman + pets 31144k@243.3k sdps | Enchanter + pets 29809k@232.9k sdps | Bard + pets 13313k@104.0k sdps | Reverse DS 95000@742sdps
  11. aozs Augur

    Group composition and ability usage are more important than gear. I had a 93s burn at 114 with TBL group gear with my box team (war/brd/shm/rog/zerk/pal). I'm sure a skillful group of players could easily beat that time.

    I will mention, on my first clear of this mission, I actually just killed the adds whenever they spawned. They don't have a ton of hp. My paladin spamming target-of-target heals, shaman HoT, and weapon proc heals were enough to keep whoever was fixated alive. Not sure if incidental stuns were also blunting mob DPS - I'm not sure if they're stunnable or cc'able but you could try those as well.

    I don't know if that'll be a viable strategy with really low DPS but it might be worth trying.
    Szilent and Daedly like this.
  12. Hitty Augur

    Yes I tried that too. And it needs to be done if the groundspawn is not available. So I tried:

    a) killing the first 2-3 adds, then trying to get the lichen
    b) punting them with Druid AA-Root into the corner

    The result in a) was, that some extreme damage spikes killed the clerics.
    The result in b) was, that the clerics got summoned by the rooted adds (didn't knew they had summon)

    The ones who got targeted moved out of the damage field. So I am a bit farther now. The first runs had always the cleric/druid in focus. The darn mobs seem to have a crush on them.

    Your combo is quite idea for DPS. I am not happy to change classes I play for decades only to beat the mission and still search for a way to do it with them. The idea with the stuns could be working but ToV seems not so stun sensitive. TBL was great with stuns, Pallies rocked. ToV seems more the undead focus. Perhaps others with lower DPS have managed to beat it and have some different ideas too. Thanks for that one.

    Yep, it is a 2M sustained crew. With that it is possible to plow through it easier. At moment I have no recipe other then 2H raid weapons for the tanks or changing classes which I wanted to avoid. One thing is left - to optimize the Warrior for maximum damage output instead of survivability.
  13. Szilent Augur

    but -- the team I was with had an underleveled me, wizard without the cool new spells & AA, and underleveled SK with EoK gear for dps classes. With us being "carried" by the paladin & shm, group average level was dragged down to 113, versus one of the two endgame missions. The melee (two knights, not even some cool rog/ber/mnk/rng/bst combo coolness) had no raid weapons. Doesn't that answer the challenge? We won the other endgame mission, too, btw, Icebound Avatar. Had a 112(?) magician for that one in place of the bard alt, I think our overall dps was worse cause bards are so great :p
  14. Hitty Augur

    I see, that helps really a big deal... :rolleyes: