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Burn mission Velks.

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Whulfgar, Jan 23, 2020.

  1. Whulfgar Augur

    Whats yalls BEST run time burning each mob individually ?

    whats yalls BEST overall mission time ?

    My personal so far best is 62 seconds.

    My personal best burn for my warrior was slightly over 1 million.
  2. enclee Augur

    RIP Velks Mission
  3. yepmetoo Abazzagorath

    Not done a ton of group time with guildies. Don't parse usually and sometimes group doesn't, but over a million is pretty normal. 1.3 million before. Never been in an optimal group, but still done it in 45 seconds start to finish. I bet a few lucky slays and a paladin does 1.5-1.8m, bet a real raid dps group could do it in 30 seconds if they were on the ball.
    Whulfgar likes this.
  4. Bahdah Augur

    This is a set up.
    Funky, Yinla, Axxius and 5 others like this.
  5. Bahdah Augur

  6. yepmetoo Abazzagorath

    No healer in group helps of course!
  7. Ravanta Suffer Augur

    First /dzadds, now it's group missions.
  8. Ofearl Slayer of all things Stupid

    Feel like we need more lockouts... like from stuff and things
  9. Whulfgar Augur

    This is the most fun mission I've seen in a VERY VERY long time.
  10. Bigstomp Augur

    Lets add a 4.5 day lockout to burns.

    Edit: As a warrior, mine feels like it has a 4.5 day cooldown anyway.
  11. Piemastaj Augur

    I mean, last expansion people considered too much DPS as an exploit..... (Esianti)

    I do feel like threads like this one is a good way to get things changed tbh.
  12. Whulfgar Augur

    To be honest.. I was only curious about other's on this mission. Its very clearly the "burn" mission for this expansion. Perhaps they ment it to be such ?

    And as I've stated before this is my (by far) most favorite grp mission in a very very long time.
    Lannin likes this.
  13. The real Sandaormo Augur

    Restless Tjoely:
    /GU Restless Tijoely in 18s, 63.4m @3522438 | Drizerker + pets 30.6m@(2,186.0k in 14s) {7} | Sandaormo 20.0m@(1,177.9k in 17s) | Detrolyn + pets 5540k@(346.2k in 16s) | Dhurgan + pets 3696k@(231.0k in 16s) | Kijari + pets 1691k@(105.7k in 16s) | Tharkis 1539k@(219.8k in 7s) | Catnip 310k@(51739 in 6s)

    We were in there to pick up the achieve for burning this guy. Over a Mil for a Warrior ( as burst as it was ), I like.
  14. Bigstomp Augur

    It's maybe swung a little too far the dps way, but it's nice to see DPS matter lately.
    There was a very long time where as long as you had a few tanks and healers you could do anything and dps were just a not needed luxury.
    Lannin likes this.
  15. Ashian Augur

    Just over 5.0M DPS for the entire 49 seconds the event was active. The group was highly synergized DPS-wise and raid gear though, including SK and BER with T2 ToV raid weapons. This was not a normal parse though.
    Whulfgar likes this.
  16. ClafOlafsky New Member

    It's amazing what scripts can do.
  17. Whulfgar Augur

    Hi new guy. Whats a script ? And how would a new to everquest player such as yourself know about such things ?
  18. The real Sandaormo Augur

    If your interested I will tell you exactly what buttons I pushed as a Warrior, there is no script and I would bet money I use as few Macro buttons as anyone.
  19. Hellowhatsyourname Augur

    *shrug* this one you burn... kael you absolutely cannot burn... not sure what the issue is.
    Bigstomp likes this.
  20. Bahdah Augur

    We burn kael all the time, whatchu talkin bout willis!
    kroag likes this.