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Blatant botting is completely out of hand

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by JeffHanson, Sep 3, 2019.

  1. Voxynn Elder

    Do you honestly think casuals are thee only ignored people in the beta game ?
  2. Graves Elder

    When the group game is routinely tuned for people in raid gear, clearly yes.
  3. Tanise Elder


    Last server merges were in 2010.
    Corwyhn Lionheart and code-zero like this.
  4. Warpeace Augur

    From botting is destroying EQ to Server mergers yet again.

    If people want to move they are free to do so. Buy the transfer token and stop waiting for Daybreak to make choices for you. You have the power to solve your own problem.
    Nennius, Duder, Drpeppa and 1 other person like this.
  5. code-zero Augur

  6. Fire_Wiz New Member

    If you can't beat em, join em. It's clearly allowed, look around.
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  7. KermittheFroglok Augur

    Back to the original topic of botters… Not sure if anyone noticed but DBG listed a temp game master opening. Seems like they're definitely putting more resources into their games' integrity or at least customer service, maybe the next ban wave is finally coming?

    Job ID:
    Duder likes this.
  8. Coagagin Guild house cat

    Completely agree that the best way to figure out what any company is using, tech-wise, is to search through their own job descriptions (and create your hacks against them in my (*ahem*) professional life.

    Seen this description a couple of years ago as well. Unfortunately, cheating has become a way of life, toon or otherwise, in today's society. Sad really.

    - Coag
  9. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Okay you aren't making sense here. You seem to be saying a lot of people are getting ignored in beta so please casuals log in to beta to be ignored?
    Graves likes this.
  10. Warpeace Augur

    How about casuals participate and add feedback, period, end of discussion. Then we can stop the BS game of Everquest is tuned to raiders because they are the only ones that BETA test. Anyone that participates in BETA has or had access to the BETA threads and can easily see whats going on.

    Not sure if your just using poor wording or always trying to stir up drama between so called casuals and raiders. Either way its getting old fast.
    Duder likes this.
  11. Bamboompow Augur

    Get the beta out from behind a paywall and you might see much more MEANINGFUL participation.
    Graves likes this.
  12. Warpeace Augur

    Why, there is actually nothing wrong with that. Does it limit some people? maybe. But how many people buy the expansion anyway?

    Its 100% better than the old BETA where select guild were given invites and the rest was completely random if you got in or not.

    Maybe they will consider a way for any active sub to participate? Would be great. Maybe PM Holly and make it happen.
  13. Bamboompow Augur

    When people have invested their money into something, there are certain expectations that ensue. Therefore its NOT impartial or unbiased. As I have posted before, when you buy into a beta...the game developer HAS YOUR MONEY already. They don't have much incentive financially to do much.

    I would rather the Beta be free but have some more vetting. They can see who spends active time in the game and who doesn't. Or just have it be free....period. At least for the majority of it. If you want to do Beta, than sign up and sign the NDA. Maybe have it be if you do not log a set amount of time in it, you get removed. The point is if they want an actual good test, the more eyes on it the better. Plus if their future payday counts on it, they might be a bit more inclined to listen to the beta testers.
  14. Warpeace Augur

    DNA has not been a thing for a long time.
  15. Zunnoab Augur

    This is because the devs need consistency for testing things and can't have people volunteer to beta, schedule to test a mechanic, and then have people not show up.

    It's not so much that they are the top guilds that makes them good for beta testing; it's that they can be counted on to have people there and ready when the developers need to test something. I don't know about group content, but for raids I'm pretty sure that's the reason.

    Beta is also about testing mechanics and scripting and such too and not all of it is about tuning, and they need people there and ready when they have to test those things.

    Edit: Wow I repeat myself, and it's not in the context of the botting and such, but my break is almost over so I'll leave this mess here...
  16. Laronk Augur

    There's a reason casuals are not in beta, they have lots to do on their "main" still so beta is wasted time to them. They also can usually wait to see the content till its live and mostly bug free. There's no good incentive for a casual to go do beta.

    As far as tuning goes, its hard to master because a lot of people don't actually know how to play their class properly, because of skill gap where do you place the difficulty. There's content that some of the more skilled players (not me, I'm average at best) could do in tier 1 group gear that other people on these forums couldn't do in raid gear.

    The people that are going to go do beta are generally going to be more knowledgeable about game mechanics and as a result be able to do more with less than others. Join a group where everyone is on the ball and all the sudden things just blow up and everything seems easy. In the group game you see clerics that don't use their spell that procs a heal when you get nuked over a certain amount or chanters that don't rune the group, casters that don't use their %runes and these same people will complain that AEs are too big but don't press their buttons.
    Duder likes this.
  17. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    The dude I responded to said everyone gets ignored in beta then said come join beta. If what he said in one post is true why ask people to join beta in another post.

    And no I am trying to point out to a guy who is a lower tier raider that if he thinks they get ignored why is he asking casuals to go into beta.

    And even an end game raid leader said they ignored the tuning feedback for casual content.

    Raid guilds are competitive and want raid and group progression strat down pat. If they took all that benefit away they wouldn't be doing beta either.

    And I have always been on the record saying that casuals should expect tuning for a new expansion to happen a month into the expansion. Because most of us are too busy still doing things on Live to spend time with beta unlike end game raiders who are twiddling their thumbs well before beta comes out.

    Sick of this casuals do beta crap anyway. If the devs can't tune the basic content for casuals yet they aren't doing very well. This is not the beta for a new game just a new expansion. If game devs would stop trying to make the group game a slimmed down version of the raid game things would go a lot smoother.
    Graves likes this.
  18. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    So now you have to buy the expansion have your beta input ignored and end up with an expansion you may or may not have bought based on input in waiting till it was out.
  19. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Why would responding to a tell cause a name violation? Don't need a tell to have your name reported if it violates naming rules. What am I missing here? The name violation argument makes no sense.

    Use Gina or the in game audio triggers. I use both so I dont miss tells. And maybe considering responding to tells from people you don't know if you are that worried. I run a large casual guild so I get a fair bit of tells. Still not something that overwhelms be so I guess maybe I don't get why it is so hard to answer tells.

    Sure you are afk on a bio or making a sandwhich sure that makes sense. Taking a few minutes because you are in an intense fight that makes sense.
  20. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Its pretty simple. There are rules in every game. One of the EQ rules is no afk killing. Break that rule you can get suspended or worse. I guess your friend needs to decide how badly he needs the TS items and if he feels lucky on the day he does it.