Best dps class with the most utility?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by iamgreatness, Oct 18, 2014.

  1. Raptorjesus5 Augur

    Melee dps with high utility = Beastlord, Ranger and Monk

    Ranged dps with high utility = to be honest, basically any of the silk classes except enchanter which is high utility with decent dps. But as we've seen even that is debatable.

    AAs have evolved to the point that basically every class has utility now. So honestly it probably doesn't matter which you choose.
  2. Kelandi Elder

    Wat? Learn which discs stack, when to use what, then throw your comment out the window.

    Eh, says you. If you indeed play a ranger it sounds like you straight up dislike your class or just don't know their full potential, which is all too common with 90% of the active rangers out there especially groupers who think sitting on a mount and autofire is how to play the class.
    Sheaffer likes this.
  3. Rouan Augur

    I know plenty and I know that whether rangers can pull or not is entirely dependent upon whether the devs feel like letting us pull or not. If the zone's entirely runspeed immune then you're not gonna be pulling without a mezzer (and anyone can pull then).

    And your other DPS classes must suck, because we top out at ~140k dps at best (on a very short fight) and it's more likely we reach more around ~80-100k on a burn. With having to rely solely on mod rods and mana regen our sustained dps is merely passable (and if we die we're essentially out of the fight). Zerkers can triple our burn (and thanks to decap will always beat our sustained as long as anything is blue), rogues a bit over double, wizards and mages can do 1.5x or more, monks beat us by about 1.15x (but are in a pretty crappy spot too atm), and haven't had an exceptionally good beastlord in awhile, but I'm sure they have a much higher ceiling than us (and necros are so secretive it's impossible to ever know what they're parsing). We can beat bards, woo? Probably shamen and druids, but they're almost always a healer primarily on a raid and they have better raid utility.

    This doesn't even take into account changes in TDS.

    You can sit and take it all you like, but the rest of us know we're in a bad spot and accepting it as is won't get changed. A ranger has to be exceptional to remotely compete with the worst DPSing players of other classes. That doesn't bode well for our role in a raid or group.
    Kelandi likes this.
  4. Shang Augur

    Who needs utility when mobs melt in your presence?

    Make a wizard. They currently rule EverQuest.
  5. Stubar Augur

    Most excellent information. I most definitely forgot about bards completely and about druid skin. Didn't even know about enchanter well...cuz rarely had an enchanter in my group.
  6. tinywolf1 Journeyman


    The are the #1 utility class, and their DPS potential is underrated, hugely, by most players.
    Brohg likes this.
  7. Brohg Augur

    dps potential, indeed. the expectation of most players is based on what they've seen, unfortunately
  8. EQgamer23 Elder

    I think it's inaccurate to call Berserkers a support class, which is where my comment came from. A bard would be a better example of a DPS support class.

    To answer the OP quesiton - DPS with utility, I'd say Ranger, Wizard, Monk, Beastlord, depending on what kind of utility you're referring to.
  9. Rouan Augur

    I haven't seen a druid burn in a long time. I'd love to see what they're doing atm, but they seem like in a bad spot for dps lacking any mana restoration.
  10. Shang Augur

    Druids received a "mana bear" last expansion.

    Their burn DPS is actually quite incredible. This is because most druids are incredibly bad and misinformed. This causes them to get unneeded boosts to DPS, which then causes the actual good ones to get even more powerful.
    • In a 1-2 minute burn, they're comparable to Rangers.
    • In an add intensive event, they're ahead of Rangers (gogo AEs)
    • In a long, sustained, event they're significantly behind Rangers.
    Romance likes this.
  11. Ruven_BB Augur

    With Shang, stick with the best dps, no need for utility if the mob is dead, go wizard.

  12. Brogett Augur

    Maybe our players all suck, but I don't believe that to be true (some yeah, but not ALL!) and yet our rangers are in the mix. Are you in an extreme high dps guild that min/maxes everything and kills all fights in record time? If so then sure, rangers will look poor. They're not meant to be up there with the burst classes, and aren't.

    However the vast majority of events aren't about burst dps. On mid level duration rangers aren't in a bad way due to their long duration discs, and on long sustained they're pretty capable. Not the best, but no one was asking who the best dps was full stop - best with the most utility => balance IMO and hybrids are kings there.

    Edit: think of it as similar to drawing the Pareto Frontier for, say, data compression tools. If you don't know what that is, it's basically showing whether there is a better tool out there that achieves higher compression while also doing it faster. There is almost always something faster OR something better, but is there something that beats it on both? If not then it's one of the tools on the Pareto Frontier.

    The same applies here. There are classes with higher dps than rangers, and arguably some with higher utility. But is there anything better with both higher dps AND higher utility? The only one coming close would be beastlord really.
  13. Vlerg Augur

    it also depend on how much you value 'utility'... all the +dps utility a class can provide dosen't mean anything if a pure DPS class outdo it:

    per example , you group of 5 have : sk-cleric-beastlord-necro-mage; a bard would be good... a chanter would probably help all of them more, another mage or wizard would definatly be more DPS than the support class

    If you always run around with a chanter-bard-monk ( or wathever utility class), you probably got used to it and can't imagine doing stuff as efficiently without them... however , for someone who do partisan-mercenaries-heroic-missions-hunters with 2wizard + 2 cleric merc... I don't even see why they are needed for most of the content...
  14. Qest T. Silverclaw Augur

    Multiple healer mercs are inherently inefficient by design, even if you put them in different stances. I suspect Wizard+Enchanter+mercs would be more DoT.
  15. A-Quad Augur


    Respectfully, I don't understand the cries of oppression by many of my peers when it comes to our damage output. We'll never (nor should we be able to) rival the burst dps technicians, but over the mid-to-long haul? You better believe we're "pretty capable". I make top 10 combined raid event parses all the time, often breaching top 5... regardless whether the "pure" dps classes around me are exceptional or not.

    Ultimately, it comes down to one's tenacity, playstyle and attention to detail - not the inherent nature of one's class.
  16. Schadenfreude Augur

    Only if everyone else is dead. Go Beastlord or Necro if you want great DPS along with bags of utility.
  17. Mulerien Elder

    Necros... utility: fd, snare, self evac, EC, can res, slows, RB, group mana tap, pet, deathbloom/bloodmagic means rarely going oom unless you are chain dying after popping these, able to molo most named. On any sort of sustained dps necros will own that as well.
  18. Hatsee Augur

    They are all about burst, almost without question. If you burn hard then it dies faster, making a long event into a shorter one. Lots of adds? Break up discs by group for each wave, burn them down.
    Marton and Reht like this.
  19. Shang Augur

    The two worst DPS classes in the raid industry are Ranger and Monk. Depending on the event it could be one or the other. Both of these classes used to have the niche of being 'sustained dps', but when Rogues are never out of disc/burn phase, it's hard to claim that they aren't a burst and sustain class.

    We have the Rogues (6), but we lack Berserkers (3), Beastlords (2), and Wizards (2) to be considered a stacked roster. Our roster is skilled, which is why you won't see Rangers and Monks in the top ranks of a parse.

    The last time I was able to win a parse on my Ranger was T1A CoTF, when I'd ignore the spell reflect (bye wizard/necros/mage) on West Karana 1, when we split our raid in half to kill the event twice. Every other class received too large of an upgrade in T1B CoTF for a Ranger to be competitive against the best players.
    Ronthorn Oakenarm likes this.
  20. Ronthorn Oakenarm Augur

    That is about the same thing i see in IL. we have less rogues and same amount of Berserkers but more Wizards and we are down at the bottom along with monks on our parses.