Auto Grant AA

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by jim01q, Feb 5, 2016.

  1. Nolrog Augur

    I don't think the OP understood how the autogrant worked.
  2. Massimo_Bertoxx Augur

    I've not played live seriously since right when auto grant came in.

    What are the rules on this? Someone mentioned it counts against the AA bonus, which is good to know. Are there particular levels they are granted? Is there a way to combine earning them the old way along the way and using auto grant without shooting yourself in the foot?

    AAs are one of my favorite parts of the game and I like getting, even maxing, certain lines along the way. Also, having not played seriously since top level was 75 and I don't plan to gun to 105 just for the sake of getting there faster. Is there some happy medium that allows you to get AA along the way so you can use them while still getting the benefit of auto grant?
  3. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    Yes. Just turn on auto-grant. There really doesn't need to be anything else said, unless you're a combination of:
    1 - absolutely MUST min/max everything to get that very last drop
    2 - You'll be leveling very quickly, so that the actual time (calendar-wise) to get to 95 (where auto-grant ends) is in the order of a few weeks.

    If neither #1 nor #2 applies to you, then just turn on auto-grant.
    Borek-VS likes this.
  4. Massimo_Bertoxx Augur

    Well, I'm a situational version of 1.

    My question is, can I use auto grant and still work the aas I want along the way? Is it every level? Every 5?

    I'd love to know the actual way it works so I can decide best how to use it.
  5. Iila Augur

    The way to min/max AAs and auto-grant is to get PL'd to 105 with auto-grant off. Then use the AAexp bonus to buy up about 3k worth of AAs that have expensive lines up to 105, without many prerequisites.Then turn on auto-grant to fill in everything else, then go gain AAs normally.

    If you're actually playing and leveling a character, just turn it on.

    It gives you every AA you quality for at each level. It doesn't eat up your exp, or buy innate cha over combat stability. You just get them all.

    This is a situation where if you have to ask how to min/max autogrant, you are not going to be able to do so.
    Borek-VS likes this.
  6. Massimo_Bertoxx Augur

    Thank you for the reply.

    What I'm simply asking is how it works so I can decide, for myself, how I want to utilize it best for what I'm doing.

    If I stop at, say, 75 and go full AA to fill in any holes that auto grant may leave, or just to stay at that particular levels for a time, does that affect future auto grant? Is using up the AA bonus with auto grant the only downside with using it?

    When I said I was a situational min-maxxer I meant that in a general sense, not that I'm trying to min-max auto grant or AAs. I'm just asking how it specifically works. Lol
  7. Iila Augur

    What part of "It gives you every AA you quality for at each level." is confusing?

    What gaps are you planning on filling if every AA you could buy has already been bought by auto-grant? There's nothing to be clever about or optimize here for anyone actually leveling through 50-95.

    It really is this simple: Turn on Auto-grant. Don't worry about AAs until it stops at 95. The end.
    Geri_Petrovna and Borek-VS like this.
  8. Massimo_Bertoxx Augur

    What part about I've never used it and would like to know, specifically, how it works do you not understand?

    Earlier in the thread it was mentioned that some of the tradeskills related AA aren't autogranted. So, no, apparently it doesn't give you every AA you qualify for. I might "want to worry about AA" at a particular leveI, get the tradeskills AAs, or I might want to stop at a particular level for whatever reason by doing it the old way. Does this affect auto grant going forward? Again, besides using up the bonus AA rate, are there any downsides to using auto grant that haven't been mentioned?

    Simple questions. And while I do, sincerely, appreciate someone taking the time to respond, I don't appreciate the tone or attitude in your responses when it's clear you either aren't grasping or are ignoring what I'm specifically asking.

    If you don't like a question, feel free to skip reading it or not respond. The end. Lol
  9. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    What we were saying earlier was, those tradeskill AAs are the ONLY ones auto-grant won't give you. Sorry if we didn't make that completely obvious.

    So, turn on auto-grant, level to 51. Whatever AAs you qualify for at 51, you get. Immediately. Well, to be totally technical, once you zone, or log out and back in.

    Then when you level to 52, same thing.

    If you're already 75, you get EVERY SINGLE AA YOU QUALIFY FOR (except those few tradeskill related AAs) all at one time.

    The answers appeared pretty obvious to all of us. Sorry that it wasn't clear to you.

    One final point, since you said you do like to min/max: If you do any tradeskills, you could do the tradeskill AAs now, at the accelerated rate. Then turn on auto-grant while you level up.

    One additional point: When you do use auto-grant, you'll get a lot of AAs that are activatable. Use the "Activatable" filter in the AA window to see which new ones you've received, so that you can make hotkeys for them.

    fixer and Borek-VS like this.
  10. Borek-VS Augur

    There are a few AAs from later expansions (i.e. post RoF) that could be earned at lower levels than 95, apart from just tradeskills. Like, for example, Identify. BUT - it's not a big deal, don't make too much out of it, and just do what everyone says.
    Tatanka likes this.
  11. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    Good point. I'm pretty sure Identify is 1 AA (maybe 3), but it's very cheap. The others that come up are also cheap. Except, and I just thought of this, there's a line they just added with TBM, under the archetype tab, for pet classes. Those cost a bit more (1st one is like 10 AA, and they go up from there). If you're not a pet class, then this won't apply.

    One tip for the OP, so that things like this don't fly under the radar. Save up 10-20 AA (don't spend them), and then as you level and take auto-grant, you can open the AA window, and turn on the "can purchase" filter. If there are any AA's like this, you'll see them in the window, and will know there are some extra ones to purchase.

    Here are the ones we know of, where this might apply:
    Tradeskill Mastery AAs
    Tertiary recall (Druid & Wiz)
    That one I mentioned above. I looked it up: Companion's Wrath. Starts at level 67, for 3 AA. There's another rank roughly every second level, for 2 more AA each (so rank 2 is 5 AA, rank 3 is 7, etc). You can see it listed here: Broken Mirror&class=Mage


    In fact, use that site, put in your class, select the four expansions that don't auto-grant (RoF, CotF, TDS, TBM) and see what AAs are available before level 96. Those are the ones that you'll have to keep an eye out for, that can be purchased when you're still in auto-grant territory.
    Borek-VS likes this.
  12. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    Just to note. Necromancer for sure does not get 'Every AA available to your level'.

    At 90 these lines are still not complete, but could be by requirement. :
    Companion's Discipline: 11/12 Requirement: Level 70 (not a min/maxer but this one for your swarms is pretty big to me).
    Companion's Intervening Divine Aura: 6/10 Requirement: Level 90
    Companion's Suspension: 7/8 Requirement: Level 75

    Not deal breakers, just sayin'. I assume something similar with all pet classes.

    Looking more closely, perhaps these aren't granted to me because I don't have the current expansion (21 of 24). Although I remember these AA lines from long ago, they got moved into a newer expansion? I'm clueless, ignore me.
  13. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

  14. Tornicade_IV Augur

    Autogrant AA's are distributed first by expansion then by level. so as your leveling your leveling into different rank of aa's that are available in all expansions to COTf.

    Autogrant does not give you bonus aa's to spend. they essentially autofill ranks for aa lines that are eligible

    Any aa lines that began with TDS, TBM.EPK or AOS will not be in your autgrant lines regardless of your level.
    so as you level you can either spend AA's on those lines or the other aa lines that have been flagged not to autogrant ( such as Tradeskill ranks)

    Each time you level your autogrant will update all eligible aa lines through level 100 ( because COTF goes up to 100 )

    Then you can filter to can purchase and as you gained earned xp aa those lines will pop up on your window. you can also sort by expansion

    so theres still plenty of stuff to spend on AA as you level even with autogrant.

    Focus AA's are also not autogrant enabled
  15. Tornicade_IV Augur

    When you gonna make some bowler hats like the ones in Morells castle.
    MasterMagnus likes this.
  16. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    If they ever let us make hats you'd be quite sick of me I'm sure. Bowler is first on the list.
    Tornicade_IV likes this.
  17. Sagarmatha Augur

    Agree. Absolute terrible plan. Do you realize how squishy and useless you'll be from 85 to max level with ZERO AAs?