August Update.. Combat balance..

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Hellboy007, Aug 3, 2016.

  1. Zalamyr Augur

    It honestly never ceases to amaze me how much time they waste on crap most players would rather they just leave alone. Whoever is making the decisions on how to manage the time of their limited staff has to have the worst grasp of priorities I've ever seen.

    We've crossed this bridge with riposte before. There's absolutely no reason to waste time on changing it and dealing with the subsequent balance changes required because of it. Just stop. Make positive changes to the game that players want. Better content. More content. Unique abilities we've previously been denied "because it needs code time." Anything else but this. Nobody anywhere was saying, "gee I sure hope they bring back mobs riposting, game will be more fun that way."
    Vrinda and Makaio like this.
  2. Bigstomp Augur

    Yay, 35% for all on mitigation. We were already doing less dps
  3. Dre. Altoholic

    One might be motivated to illustrate a more thorough and balanced approach to fixing tank DPS, but ultimately all tanks needed a boost, Warriors especially, and the changes reflect that.

    DW and our activated DPS still need boosting though.
  4. MrMajestykx Augur

    the monk community would again like to thank you for yet another nerf to us, we do feel special the time taken to focus in on us and the other ae melee folks. Much obliged, btw how is Thunderfoot working for us?
  5. Vrinda Augur

    As a silk wearer, I would like to be able to tank current content situationally as well as SKs and paladins dps situationally. (Make it an activated ability if you want!) And now you're asking for a dps boost? Sheesh.
    Raptorjesus5 likes this.
  6. Kaliko Augur

    Judging by your Avatar you play a necro? Here's some help [31543/23681] Embalmer's Carapace II
    Classes: NEC/254
    Skill: Alteration
    Target: Self
    Resist: Beneficial, Blockable: Yes
    Focusable: No
    Casting: 0s
    Duration: 42s (7 ticks) Song, Extendable: No, Dispelable: No
    1: Absorb Spell Damage: 100%, Total: 1000000
    2: Absorb Damage: 100%, Total: 1000000
    4: Cast: Embalmer's Curse II on Fade
    7: Increase Critical DoT Damage by 125% of Base Damage
    Text: Your skin stiffens to an impenetrable shell.
  7. Brohg Augur

    also 102 pet ain't exactly a wilting lilly, backed up by Fort / Runes / heals. But that's neither here nor there, really.
  8. Vrinda Augur

    Sorry, the necro is retired. The devs are going to have to do something positive with their dot revamp for her to be resurrected, and maybe not even then.

    Main change to an SK could happen, though. Then at least I could take a hit while doing pretty decent dps. ;)
  9. sojero One hit wonder

    you will want to reroll as a pally if you want to take the hits and do decent dps in the current meta :)
  10. Vdidar Augur

  11. MrMajestykx Augur

    thought this should go here well said and so many thanks to Roshen and the team for swinging the bat hard on monks yet again

  12. Sarcogian Augur

  13. Act of Valor The Newest Member

    Roshen is just the messenger, don't shoot him.
  14. MrMajestykx Augur

    i just mentioned him by name for leader of the pack qualities :p
  15. Modef Lorekeeper

    Anytime I read of upcoming nerfs, I let out a rueful chuckle.

    Look at any rogue's dagger......Backstab damage separated from weapon damage.
    Why? Was Backstab working "not as intended"?

    NO! Working precisely as intended. Was just written too well, and the damage "was better than intended."

    Now, nerf Rampage.

    Hell, when Stromm is back up, I'll go look at my daggers and chuckle again.
  16. Arcainos Augur

    Sheex and sojero like this.
  17. sojero One hit wonder

    Well SK/war/pal melee dps just got a decent upgrade. Zerkers/monks/rogues just took a huge hit :(
  18. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    To be fair, no one ever claimed that Backstab damage was separated because it wasn't working as intended. It was just holding back piercing damage, this by separating them the Devs could increase piercer damage without increasing backstab damage more than they wanted. The separation of backstab damage from base damage actually resulted in an increase in total damage for Rogues.
  19. Vdidar Augur

    I prefer to use yore generally. Sorry for the delayed reply. I got a little vacation from the stiff hand of moderation.
  20. Koryu Professional Roadkill

    Just wanted to point out that Warriors did not, in fact, get some sort of DPS boost out of this patch. The new AA Warlord's Weapon Mastery is a 1:1 consolidation of the Shield Specialist and Improved Shield Specialist lines. Same damage bonus percentage per rank, same total number of ranks, the name merely changed.

    Paladins and Shadow Knights did see a boost. They're getting an additional rank of Knight's Weapon Mastery, and the ranks they have are getting an increase in their effectiveness.