Aten Ha Ra - Dead to Faceless Insanity at 92 hours (3 day, 20 hours) from Launch

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Silinius, Dec 1, 2016.

  1. Punchu Augur

    As others have hit on you guys are throwing apples and oranges at each other. Apparently OGC got a gimmie on Emp but you guys didn't have to contest shards for 40 keys and you did not clear the whole zone.

    So really, what are you guys comparing? Not much. These situations are not the same as many have pointed out.
  2. Punchu Augur

    So just glossing over the difference in VT exploiting vs Emp exploiting? Apples and oranges dude. Not too mention the no-competition-server vs pick-competition/instances. You just can't compare them man, stop trying.

    I mean if you want to get real it's about what you can accomplish and get away with in X time; game mechanics, exploits, and all other factors be damned. In this respect both guilds, and most "top guilds" are guilty. This has been the truth in Everquest since day 1. That's the true mantra of any serious guild that's really competing and if you have some holier than thou argument against that statement well then, I got a bridge to sell you.

    EDIT: Your signature is . Nobody is paying $14.99 a month to play Everquest.
  3. bodes Augur

    The desperation in this post is honestly painful to read.

    Hopefully after this thread dies down we can go back to completely forgetting Lockjaw exists until your May post.
  4. Krimzin Augur

    Over / Under on the server being merged or dead before then?
  5. SnapVine Augur

    There's not really a lot of depth or difficulty here, so you're basically left with having to attack the other group and *how* they completed the task. Meanwhile, everyone's abusing every mechanic and using every program they can to do it "faster."

    What a joke. I love these threads.
  6. Warrior007 53 61 74 6f 73 68 69

    Lol. Where do I start :)

    It's been well over 40 hours - almost 2 days. Did you guys manage to kill all the mobs necessary to despawn all the warders? Your DKP site only shows you going into VT yesterday to clear the 2 TVKs, along with a a top level Blob. If all the mobs were killed (Blob 1, TVK, DXXT, one wing/tower named) - congratulations! Otherwise, when can we expect you to kill whatever remains in the list?

    I'm going to do you and your guild a personal favor to prevent you any more embarrassment by ceasing to post here and letting this thread die. I'm going to wish you good luck, and hopefully you guys can utilize the experience of TLP servers that have passed you, along with having no competition to your benefit.
  7. -wycca Augur

    Dima a great question!

    It brought to mind one of my own. What's the date that OGC met the requisite # of C1/C2/etc, ie emp key mobs to kill emp in his room? Is this you advocating support for a new kill counting mechanic - ie the meeting of all perquisites? If so, I'm all on board.
    Protocol and Riley like this.
  8. Mashef Augur

    Great thread, very entertaining. I killed AHR in 2002 when it was still worth mentioning. Glad those strats are still helping people 14 years later. You are welcome.
  9. Soon Augur

    Umm, what's your strategy to kill AHR? I didn't know that a strategy was needed to kill her...
  10. Silentchaos Augur

    Such a savage, dima