Any bets on whether the expeditions are actually fixed?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Catashe, Jan 20, 2016.

  1. Thawg Elder

    I get it, and I shouldn't be impatient. I guess its a trickle down effect. if my job takes 4 hours and after 8 hours my job isn't done, my boss and customers are
  2. Vaclav Augur

    Well sometimes work and such gives the potential for a preview of how close you are to being done. (i.e. in that example boss could cruise by at the 2 hr mark and take a look at stuff briefly)

    Part of why having a proper TLP Test server would be awesome. I'd love to know today myself so we could start being proactive about getting things fixed in advance rather than playing catchup. But we'll see if that hope of mine catches on.
  3. Thawg Elder

    Being proactive would be nice for a change
  4. Bromm Lorekeeper

    My guild, Mendacium, popped a DZ of Hate on Saturday, January 16. I was surprised to find the Agent of Change in place and functional. I read the previous posts here that said that it was functioning, but required some trick to work. It required no trick for us. Just business as usual. Another post here said that it's working, but spawning a live level 105 version of Hate. This was also not our experience. From what I could tell, on Saturday, pre-patch, Hate was working just fine. All mobs were up, including mini's, and dropping loot. We made it rain with loot! The only thing we didn't check (as we're not currently capable of attempting) was Innoruuk. And the mini's and trash mobs were not buffed to the difficulty level of the bugged instanced Sky either.

    Guild Leader of Mendacium, a Phinigel Raiding Guild
  5. Thawg Elder

    Glad you had a great experience Bromm. :D
  6. Drexll Augur

    It's already tomorrow in Australia.
  7. Grau Elder

    Are the servers up in the future?
  8. Grau Elder

    lol... I said after it's "fixed" it will be spawning the TBM version. Not that it is currently doing that.
  9. Drexll Augur

    idk, but I DO know that in the future, there will be robots.
  10. Vaclav Augur

    Good to know - hopefully if there's more bugs that stop the server from functioning properly guilds will share their workarounds that they find.
  11. Thawg Elder

    Thanks a lot DB. you have made me go and patch WoW. The end is near!
  12. Massimo_Bertoxx Augur

    Not WoW but I'm about 5 mins away from checking out another game someone planted the seed about the other day. Not complaining about the downtime, at all, it happens and you gotta roll with it. Having worked in tech before, for lack of a better way of putting it, I'm sure nobody wants the servers back up more than the people working on them, as we speak, so to speak.

    But I've been sitting here for about 4 hours, since about 2 hours after the projected end time, on a snow day with probably a couple more to come and am getting bored enough to look at something else...Not good. Been known to get sucked into other games at times like this.