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2024 TLP Ruleset!

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by OldTimeEQ1, Dec 7, 2023.

  1. Ravin Journeyman

    The true box server will have more players and last longer, I agree.
    It's not a question of saving the server. I expect some to join the new tlp, but Mischief will continue on to live.
    Ddezul likes this.
  2. jeskola pheerie

    Close. Both with FTE, one no truebox one truebox is my guess.
  3. AzzlannOG Augur

    You say that but FTE has not gone over great. Oakwind is far behind several of the other TLP's especially mischief. FTE is not at popular with the people who tend to reroll on TLP's.
  4. Scornn Elder

    FTE is horrible, shouldn't exist outside of Oakwynd. Waiting a FEW GCD's to just pull a mob is torterous. Losing mana on attempted pull attempts was like salt in the wound.

    If it takes an extra 10s per mob to initiate the encounter then it is a failed product.

    And we don't need a handhold to determine mob/loot rights. DPS race is king, and I weep for those of you who struggle to secure your camps.
    AzzlannOG likes this.
  5. Kahna Augur

    FTE is the new normal. DPG likes the reduction in trains and CS tickets and it doesn't really impact the over all play for 99% of the game. I feel sorry for folks who can't handle FTE, because they will never see another server without it.
  6. AzzlannOG Augur

    It's on one server so far and has not been a beaming success. The only thing worse then CS tickets is less customers because you chip away at the game they love.
    Scornn and Tyranthraxus like this.
  7. Ddezul Augur

    Oakwynd was a great success until the dupe.

    FTE keeps the usual suspects from monopolizing spawns and helps avoid training when said suspects don't get their way.

    Win win.
    fransisco likes this.
  8. Ddezul Augur

    The dupe killed oakwynd.
    FTE was great once they tuned it.
  9. AzzlannOG Augur

    There has been dupes before, I'm just saying that it shouldn't be the new normal. Oakwynd never experienced the wild influx of people that 2024 will see if it's the ruleset we think it is. I assure you the same things will happen there are already ways around some of the FTE mechanics. Its just not necessary and takes away another chunk of EQ.
    Scornn, Yinla and Tyranthraxus like this.
  10. Ddezul Augur

    Nothing like that one. It completely FUBAR'd the entire economy.
    FTE is a godsend for the non-mage army people.

    Read: Normal players.
  11. Azzlann Elder

    I was on Oakwynd yesterday and it is in fact dying. Doesn't mean its closing but it is less active than a bunch of the TLP's at that point. Its not even a year old.
  12. Scornn Elder

    Tell us more how your full 6 person group of individuals cannot out DPS a single person contesting your spawn.
    FTE is a crutch. And the only ones praising it are the ones who run the semi-afk rogue that engages at 60%
  13. jeskola pheerie

    This dude couldn't get a pug at orc 1 within 5 minutes y'all, server ded omg
  14. Scornn Elder

    Either they need a new CS team or to hire an engineer to implement blocks that send the auto-response for tickets submitted based on a DPS dispute. Likely already exists and is way easier to implement effectively vs establishing a new unoptimized feature. FTE is not needed, and Oakwynd population reflects that.

    I applaud DBG for exploring innovation on an old game, but I don't think the FTE route is the proper choice, at least not in its current state. Eliminate the lag that it currently has and make mobs instantly engagable, that warp back to their spawn after being off agro and then we can talk.
    Yinla and AzzlannOG like this.
  15. NuffanTuit Nuffan Tuit on Innoruuk Server

    FTE has been well received.. People like it. Oakwynd got hit hard by the tradeskill depot exploit and then immediately one of the bonus was not working as intended. Either was very bad for the server and they happened on top of each other.
  16. AzzlannOG Augur

    No you like it, a ton of us think its terrible and next to useless. If they want to make it part of certain rulesets fine whatever but it should not be normalized on every server. These 2024 servers will suffer if FTE is forced.
    Yinla and Scornn like this.
  17. AzzlannOG Augur

    You know they have metrics right. It's not just my opinion. However I've played on a ton of TLP's and watched a few of them die slowly. Oakwynd doesn't have another year in it. There are always a few stragglers but the server feels empty already.
    Scornn likes this.
  18. Ddezul Augur

    That's a strawman argument.

    If an 18 boxer comes in and wants a camp on a non-FTE server, he gets it.

    Unless you train him and the trainer is always the one punished for this interaction.

    FTE solves that for the most part.

    If you want to 18 box on a non-FTE free trade server , Mischief is thriving from what I hear on these forums.

  19. Ddezul Augur

    anyone seen mabbu?
  20. Scornn Elder

    Interesting that you think training them out is the way to win your dps race. Why not have your group anticipating the next spawn and do the same the supposed 18 boxer is doing. And if an 18-boxer is contesting you, most zones spawn another pick which allows for more XP potential for more people and less competition overall.

    PS: You only need to do 51% of tthe 100% on the mob. If the 18-Boxer is not in a raid then his damage from 3 separate groups is then divided so your odds of success increase, not decrease, when posed with more involvement. Trade-off you seem to enjoy is instead completely RNG and fully exploitable.

    FTE is a waste of time for the players and a waste of resources for the company. Lose//Lose