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2024 TLP Ruleset!

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by OldTimeEQ1, Dec 7, 2023.

  1. jeskola pheerie

    Based on the popularity of FV I am guessing Mischief would be fine.
  2. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    The issue is that the TLP servers tend to work differently and it is unknown how many will leave Mischief for a fresh start if there is a new server with the same rules.
  3. jeskola pheerie

    There has never been a free trade TLP before though. I think if one tries to predict, free trade is the relevant factor at this stage rather than TLP status, particularly when considering how far along Mischief is. Free Trade seems to be tremendously popular. Mischief is poised to become FV 2.0 soon enough.
  4. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    We do know that on other TLP servers there are groups of players that move to the latest one as soon as the next one is released. The thoughts/fears are that if a new TLP with random loot and free trade is released you will have players leaving Mischief/Thornblade and move to the new server. We know it won't be everyone as there are players who take each TLP until it reaches live status but it will likely have an impact on the population.

    The question is if at this stage in the life of the servers if it matters for determining the overall success of the rules or not.
  5. wade_watts Augur

    Mischief ruleset if they want it to be successful.
    Barton-Vox and fransisco like this.
  6. Mashef Augur

    I don't think the server ruleset is going to determine anything for Mischief players at this point.

    They are either ready for a fresh server, or want to see Mischief through. Hard stop.

    I happen think if they wanted to leave mischief by now they would have. You are fine. No need to fear monger that it will be a ghost town if they copy even part of a popular ruleset.

    If people leave it's cause they were going to anyways and on the fence about further progression. It was just a choice between a new server or unsub.
  7. jeskola pheerie

    You are correct saying we won't know until it happens, but half the fun of these forums is speculation. I feel like the vibe is mischief players are fairly dedicated. It's not the same thing as yelinak or Oakwynd. Those are the servers that need to worry.
  8. fransisco Augur

    Really? Why not just another mischief? Its the most popular TLP isn't it?
  9. Ddezul Augur

    why would people leave mischief if it's so great?

    or why have people left Mischief ?
  10. Trevalon Augur

    There are lots of reasons why people leave Mischief, though the ruleset is rarely one of them.

    I think If they made a server that was:

    Free Trade
    Double Loot (lets be honest this is what makes Mischief so fun and makes keeping up/leveling alts so easy when coupled with Free Trade)
    Random Loot (I think its fun, but I know a lot didn't like it so could leave it in or out).

    then you add in All the Oakwynd Bonuses minus FTE (i don't care, but its too decisive)

    You would have the most successful server ever. The bonuses from Oakwynd are truly awesome and fun to play with and make catching up/playing alts/playing more casually much more feasible. Then you add in the Free Trade and Double loot from Mischief. You have a dream server for both hardcores who want to play 10 characters and casuals who can't fall behind cause there are so many catchup mechanics.

    Right now with Mischief the main reason people tell me why they won't come back is either A) They dont like the Modern game (this is rare) or B) Catching up in AA's takes too long (This is actually a problem with late game EQ TLPs and I believe the biggest hurdle for most returning. In just my guild alone almost every person I reach out to to try to get them back all say: "I would, but to get 4k+ AAs would just take way too long or I'd have to pay for the Plvl" and so they don't come back. I literally have multiple people who would return to mischief right now if the AA catchup mechanics were better.

    The Bonus to EXP/AA EXP from Oakwynd will make coming back and catching up that much easier and more lucrative for that server. Once TSS+ hits Oakwynd will, by far, be the easiest server to "go back to" that has ever been released.

    Unlocks can follow normal unlock schedule and should go Relaxed Truebox in OOW.
  11. fransisco Augur

    Why would poeple leave live to play on tlp if they have access to all those zones already?
    Why do people leave any tlp for another. Its not the ruleset, its that its a fresh tlp in classic.
    jeskola likes this.
  12. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    With the merge in July for Mischief & Thorneblade not set in stone, I do wonder if we are getting a Mischief rule set and the merge depends on how many left on both servers after the new TLP launch.
    Barton-Vox likes this.
  13. natedogg Journeyman

    I think you're conflating classic and fresh start.

    The two don't have to go hand-in-hand. Some people like classic, absolutly. However, I think more like the idea of a "fresh start".

    That new start can take many forms, as it has with various TLPs. The traditional/standard approach has been a classic launch (i.e. some set period of time with just Classic avaliable, follwed by Kunark opening, etc, etc).

    However, they can, and have, launched servers with more expansions available. Those have been popular as well.

    I'm not saying I'm right...but my opinion is that more people simply prefer the fresh start, irregardless of what expansions are open.
    Mashef likes this.
  14. Mashef Augur

    ^^ This.

    My opinion is that most people are burnt out on classic and the associated drama with it (and Kunark) but we still show up because it's a fresh start - jumping into a guild right away, leveling with the crowd are what appeal to most when starting over i would venture.

    We just start burning out from day #1 on the classic start servers
  15. Chislett New Member

    I like playing using my boxes, I could get behind this. I would like to see the expansion unlocks done the same way that Ragefire and Lockjaw were done. I really hate racing through content, I play this for fun, it's not a job to me, and I enjoyed the slower pace.
    jeskola likes this.
  16. ajschliewe Elder

    Not necessarily, zerker 1.0 can be completed in Luclin with just having a few Quest NPCs spawn in Luclin instead of GoD. Zerker gear is already itemized.
  17. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    They would have to change any parts that are flagged for the GoD expansion as well which also includes the class itself. It is unlikely to be just a few simple changes
  18. AzzlannOG Augur

    I sure hope they dont use FTE for 2024. My guess is mischief rules, classic start with normal cadence.
    Scornn and Yinla like this.
  19. Ddezul Augur

    Ya but mischiefoids lub that ruleset so maybe they'll stay on Mischief and save that server!
  20. Ddezul Augur

    FTE is here to stay . It was way too good after the initial pushback and fixes.

    Maybe they can do a full out boxer/non-fte server vs an Aradune FTE server with heirloom.

    Hint: The second one will last a lot longer meaning more $$$$$