Reviewing Torment of Velious expansion

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Fian, May 19, 2020.

  1. uberkingkong Augur

    TS don't mean squat in ToV - LS.
    You need that dropped gear, no point in making anything. You gotta kill a named regardless.
    Kill a named to drop the nontradeskill stuff
    Kill a named to drop the tradeskill stuff to actually get stats on the item.

    So yeah agree tradeskill is in bad shape.
    Its very bland too, same stuff just better stats, they got it on automation.

    New expansion,
    do the stat upgrade
    give it a different name
    do the slots as before
    boom 1000 tradeskills
    automated, zero effort zero newness, same bloat all over again.
  2. uberkingkong Augur

    TS don't mean squat in ToV - LS.
    You need that dropped gear, no point in making anything. You gotta kill a named regardless.
    Kill a named to drop the nontradeskill stuff
    Kill a named to drop the tradeskill stuff to actually get stats on the item.

    So yeah agree tradeskill is in bad shape.
    Its very bland too, same stuff just better stats, they got it on automation.

    New expansion,
    do the stat upgrade
    give it a different name
    do the slots as before
    boom 1000 tradeskills
    new expansion hype (come join us in XX expansion 1000s of new tradeskills!)
    automated, zero effort zero newness, same bloat all over again.
  3. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Sometimes I wonder if I'm playing a different game to the rest of you!

    I enjoyed ToV. Far easier than TBL & RoS was. EW quests were buggy but didn't have problems with any of the others.

    The Tradeskill earring kept me playing for most of the year for both my ear and friends, really enjoyed that quest line. Hoping for another quest like that soon. Lore was good I still dislike Rallos Zek and would rather have killed him for my ear than help him, but "you are in our world!" as they say.

    Wedding/Divorce raid is still my fav raid of the last decade, Mischief is a close 2nd with the 3rd TOFS raid coming in 3rd. Fun raids that I don't mind doing every week!

    Only downside was I felt I was running round with snowblindness for a year! By the time we got to CoV I'd had enough and played it very little. You can only put up with so much snow! 2 years was a year too long.

    TBL had a different feel, felt every zone was different. Some of the quests made me smile, especially the one with no killing just running round with books and papers, hats off to whoever came up with that one. Estanti was my fave zone.

    For uniqueness and lots of missions TBL was my fav, for ease ToV has it. I still go back to TBL and help out on missions for the veil every once in a while.
  4. Iven the Lunatic

    What about Crystal Caverns / Ry`Gorr Mines and Tower of Frozen Shadow ? Not much snow there. You missed half of the expansion content. :oops:
  5. Sissruukk Rogue One

    CC and Ry'Gorr were fine, but ToFS sucked because of the "moving" ice. I remember when they first put that ice in during Beta and it moved very quickly, giving a lot of us motion sickness.
  6. rahzel44 Journeyman

    Hated ToV. The raids (with the exception of 1 or 2 ToFS fights) are all half hour long slogs that were mind-numbing even the first time. Mob HP bloat continues to perpetuate to create artificial difficulty. Tradeskilling was nearly pointless. The TS earring quest is horrendous having to level it between quests, ESPECIALLY on TLPs where you have 1/4 the amount of time before the next expansion launch. Hate having to farm named for armor containers then spend 25k on every piece. It's not worth gearing alts at that price. Realizing late game EQ is just...bad.
  7. fransisco Augur

    That rush is a tlp only issue, not a live issue. ALL games have the gear treadmill, but isn't it far far worse on tlp? Anything you get is thrown away after a month or two instead of lasting a year.