Feedback: New Servers announcement

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Ddezul, Apr 4, 2024.

  1. Doze Augur

    Yes, but when it requires additional physical PCs to do then fewer will want to - at least with amount of boxes they would have prefered.

    If that was the case then nooone would be campaigning on these forums* for the removal of truebox from existing servers and/or new servers with unrestricted boxing to be allowed from day 1.
  2. Atomos Augur

    It's cute that people think additional PCs are required for Truebox lol. This is why I am telling you how utterly pointless it is.

    The people who want to box but don't want to "cheat" use additional PCs: BOXING STILL HAPPENS.

    The people who want to box but want to do it on one PC do it with 3rd party software: BOXING STILL HAPPENS.

    What is Truebox solving? Nothing.

    People want it gone so they don't have to cheat or buy PCs to do so - that doesn't mean they aren't doing it anyway.
  3. Soriano Augur

    True Box did not stop anything on Oakwynd...

    What people are calling for is relaxed to 3 characters at launch.

    The part the anti-boxers can not comprehend is True Box does not impact the mass box crews in the least...just makes it inconvenient for the casual 2 boxers.

    I am the casual two boxer and I play across two PC's...would rather use one but will not go to the trouble of VMWare because I am not planning on running 6+ characters at one time like a mass boxer does.
  4. Kahna Augur

    Oh, we know it only stops the little guy. We know people still circumvent the rules. We still prefer a truebox server at the start than a non-truebox or relaxed truebox. I feel like the minor annoyance that 2 boxers have to go through is a sacrifice that is well worth it. If you don't, don't play on truebox servers. That is the only way you will ever convince DPG at this point. If enough people refuse to play on a truebox server. They seem quite happy with truebox in it's current, eventually to be relaxed, implementation.

    But we both know that isn't going to happen.
  5. Bernel Augur

    This seems like what a group player would want. The mass boxer isn't going to group with regular people no matter what. But by creating boxing inconvenience, the regular players will need to turn to other players to create groups. If there was ez-boxing, then the regular players would just make their own groups, including people who like to group. True Box creates conditions which make it more favorable for people to interact with each other. Absolutely people can get around those restrictions, but that takes work. If it's less work to group with other players, then it's more likely players will form groups.
    Doze and Kahna like this.
  6. Soriano Augur

    So you prefer FORCING people to play as you it.
  7. Soriano Augur

    it takes no work to setup a $120 PC...

    When I box on a true box I use two PC's it did not stop me, and it does not stop most...but you cling to this myth that it makes a difference to force others to play in a way that you approve of but not how they big of you.
  8. Tachyon Augur

    i played on the combine, no true box back then... four humans behind a box army rainding
  9. Kahna Augur

    You are still free to box. As you have stated plenty of folks box on truebox servers all the time, it is just mildly less convenient than it would be on a non-truebox server. So go ahead and box, I don't mind if people box on a truebox server. I have never said people shouldn't box on a truebox server. Knock yourself out. Play how you enjoy. Go! Be Free! Be Happy! If it's as easy as you say it is and Truebox doesn't do anything then it shouldn't be a problem for you.

    And, for the record, I don't force anyone to do anything. I have zero control over what ruleset's DPG puts on it's servers.
  10. Vortalis New Member

    Hi Grem! I agree make Tormax start with relaxed truebox give it something...please...
  11. Celatusp99 Augur

    I think teek has enough, tormax maybe could use a bit of juice.
    Yinla likes this.
  12. Xhieron Elder

    Truebox FTW! I guess? I'm not actually sure at this point; I just want to be on Team Evil.
  13. Weathervane New Member

    Statement of fact: Ragefire was not a fun server to play on.

    Incorrect assumption: Truebox solved the issues that plagued Ragefire.

    Truebox is not healthy for the game, and does not prevent that 30 toon crew from living in SG or Velks or PoI. Truebox only serves as an arbitrary gatekeeper for “normal” players. Continuing to act like Phinny being Truebox was the reason for a significantly healthier server than Ragefire ignores the implementation of MoTM and AoC’s.

    People stopped “casually” spooling up box armies when MoTM required more than just 18 mages to kill raid bosses. People stopped spooling up private armies when the krono dried up because there was more than one Nagafen every 5 days. MoTM and instances fixed the game, Truebox is toxic.

    Rizlona, contrary to what the purists and gatekeepers on these forums would have you believe, was not the Wild West. People still socialized! They even got together to raid! People joined guilds! Continuing to trumpet Truebox as a solution when there are still kronolords on your Truebox server and plenty of people willing to pay subscriptions on accounts (these are premium servers) in order to be able to start groups and camp keys is facetious at best.
  14. Intercept Augur

    Just straight up ban people who play more than 10 toons.

    No messaging them
    No threatening them
    No warning them

    Just delete their toons, name, krono's, everything.

    That is my only need for this game to be amazing again, I'd even put up with free trade and random whatever rules if they started just banning obvious cheaters.

    Don't even try to find the sneaky cheaters who are playing less than 10 toons I don't care about those people, just get rid of the guys playing entire armies, delete everything they have and make them start over again only for you to delete it all again
  15. Sheila Elder

    Reading through some of yalls comments, it's a roller coaster ride. You've posted at least 2-3 other threads where you're sold on Tormax and that it's the only way to play. Is that really all it'd take for you to switch?

    Also, why ten? Why not 6, or 12, or 18? What does the magic number of 10 resolve in your mind? Lets say they do do that, what net positive do you get? I guess what I'm trying to specifically find out is why you have it in your head that someone boxing ten characters is damaging and inhibiting your fun?
  16. Intercept Augur

    7 is The most PC's I've seen anyone physically play before, figured be generous and add 3 more so if someone is legit playing 10 PC's he is fine.

    It's the cheaters I want removed, the guy playing 12-50+ toons botting/cheating, etc...

    Ban them, take their names, take their krono, take everything they have from them and delete all of it.

    Tormax is closest TLP to the original 25 year old game, if I wanted something new I'd be playing something on steam or any other MMO I come here to play 25 year old EQ same as many others
  17. Doze Augur

    Straight up deleting Kronos would probably prove to be a major legal problem for DBG. Especially if the only reason was that the offender played the game too much.
    Krono represents real money that DBG have yet to provide the full service for and they would most likely be obligated/forced to refund the money for* all those Kronos.

    Instead, they could simply ban accounts from ever being able to log onto the servers that they had been caught offending on - in accordance with whatever rules were in place on that particular server.
  18. Weathervane New Member

    Why does the number of PCs matter? You make a couple really bold statements and are clearly not rational about this, but I’d like to hear an explanation of why the number of physical machines being used matters. Suppose, for a moment that someone has 10 accounts (which, mind you pay 2 or 5 times what you do to sub your solo/duo) but they don’t show up in your pick or AoC? Where is the harm to you? How about the obviously automated necro that is flopped at frenzy and instantly pops up to pet attack and envenomed bolt every named?

    Your fixation on character/computer count is reductive and unhelpful. Conflating character count with actively cheating/harming you is not helpful.
  19. Weathervane New Member

    So the people who want the “classic experience” are still in their late teens and have time to sit and wait for a port to make the person porting them some money? That’s so out of touch with real life and the fact that the people who played Kunark when it launched are mid 30’s (on the low end) by now. It’s not unreasonable to think that because the player base has aged along with the game that certain systems are outdated or less relevant.

    Forcing an arbitrary limit of one account per machine to appease a vocal minority who don’t have adult responsibilities and unlimited EQ time is unreasonable.

    Also, for the record: multiple computers does not break certain popular 3rd party programs, and VMWare doesn’t work like you think it does. (Virtual machines are separate environments and do not share app execution across them…)
  20. Intercept Augur

    I want cheaters/botters gone from the game, mainly the big/massive crews running 25+ toons per real person.

    idc about joe playing his 6 man group or anything smaller as far as I'm concerned if you can run 6 guys I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and just assume your following the rules.

    The guys playing massive armies have to go as they are destroying whatever little integrity is left of EverQuest.

    Ban them, delete their names, items, etc... If you can't destroy their krono then put it somewhere out of their reach.

    Don't message them when you show up to them
    Don't warn them for a week, month, etc...

    Remove everything they have, make them start all over again and then do it to them again until either they give up or they continue living in an existence where they level up to cap, get deleted and repeat the same process over until it is no longer a viable way to make RL money
    KobalWR likes this.