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Feedback: New Servers announcement

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Ddezul, Apr 4, 2024.

  1. Ddezul Augur

    WMischief and Aradune were the two most popular servers.

    Both will be relaxed truebox starting in Kunark.
  2. Stagentti Augur

    Jedipokey likes this.
  3. Ddezul Augur

    was I?
  4. taliefer Augur

    25th anniversary servers skip the part of the game that started it all. were people actually asking for this?
    maxisbored likes this.
  5. Stagentti Augur

    They don't have relaxed trurbox starting in Kunark. Relaxed truebox starts in Omens.
  6. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Excited for this one.


    No mention of FTE

    very happy
  7. Ddezul Augur

    That is relaxed truebox.

    Opens with regular then goes to 3 in oow.
  8. Appren Gnomercy

    No mention of FTE because that is a given.
  9. Ddezul Augur

    you can still do that part
    B0HICA, fransisco and Fideles like this.
  10. Stagentti Augur

    You said relaxed truebox will start in Kunark. Wrong.
  11. Trevalon Augur

    People been asking for a Kunark+ start for a long time.

    Good news, you can still go do classic zones and not Kunark zones if ya want.
    fransisco likes this.
  12. Gremin Augur

    Its the 25th anniversary and all you do is roll out generic retread servers? On top of that you put truebox on them both when people been screaming its just does not work anymore. I was actually pretty excited waiting for your Producers Letter to come out and see what kind of things you could come up with and just threw junk against the all hoping it sticks.
  13. Chopsuey Augur

    They'll be missing out on some money for them iskar race changes though. Would have preferred launching with luclin or beyond with all classes available.
    Ddezul likes this.
  14. Indigo_Quarmite Augur

    because classic sucks. If you haven't done it at least 8 times by now I guess that's on you.
  15. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    no it isn't
  16. NuffanTuit Nuffan Tuit on Innoruuk Server

    True box has always meant one account per PC...

    Relaxed True Box was always 3 account per PC

    Non Box meant unlimited boxing from a single PC.

    You want to redefine relaxed true box as it starts un relaxed and becomes relaxed that is simply redefining the terms.
  17. taliefer Augur

    that sort of defeats the purpose of a progression server, you can access any of this content on all the other servers already
  18. Cfuson Journeyman

    Definitely changes what ill main, not going to choose a class that relies on epic when you have less time to complete it AND more competition.
  19. Shui Butai

    Why not.. Bigger world and Iksar!
    fransisco likes this.
  20. itiswhatitis Elder

    Because they are ....