Feedback: New Servers announcement

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Ddezul, Apr 4, 2024.

  1. Kahna Augur

    But it isn't about never playing with boxers. It's about making playing with other people more convenient for the majority of players than boxing. It has a significant impact on the community of a server. You are denying that impact, the fact that pug and groups of individual players are more plentiful on truebox servers than they are on boxing servers because it is inconvenient to you. But the two types of servers have a very different feel and very different communities. The two should not be mixed, it will just drive the small scale 1-2 boxers away. There should never be a boxing server without a truebox server, though I do think the large scale boxers should be thrown a bone every now and then.
  2. Appren Gnomercy

    Atomos speaks the truth - and he doesn't even have a single alt, or trader mule, and for sure no boxes, so you know he isn't one of the people that want to defend their boxing rights (like myself...)
    OldTimeEQ1 likes this.
  3. Kodachi Augur

    All I know is I'm hoping we get a surprise announcement that evolving bonus will get tacked onto Teek. I think its a very popular and liked idea that got stuck with one of the most decisive changes (FTE) and was not properly represented.

    I've talked with a lot of people that play on a few different servers that are all past the first 10-14 expansions and didn't hear a single person say they would be opposed to those bonuses being a standard TLP feature instead of a special rule set.

    The later a tlp goes the harder it is to maintain alts or catch up if you get behind and at a certain point most people just give up even if its where their friends play. There are also expansions that have issues that are likely not going to be fixed on a more permanent basis that the evolving bonuses help to bandaid.

    Either way, free trade was my number 1 most desired feature so I can't complain too badly.
    kain200 likes this.
  4. kain200 Augur

    Yeah I think the evolving bonuses were just a good idea in general for any TLP's lifecycle. The only issue is that the bonuses were far too conservative and many of the great ones were back-loaded to the points where people are already long gone. The bonus loot in kunark and bonus AA exp (when it works) in luclin are great though. Bonus coin in PoP? Meh. Swap that out with the first exp bonus and we've got something.

    I'd like to see the evolving bonuses (with changes/increases) added to all TLP servers going forward.
  5. Indigo_Quarmite Augur

    The evolving bonuses were the best part about Oakwynd but far too nominal to warrant long term play. Add them to an already popular server ruleset and they would be a nice permanent feature to all TLP.

    But only if they were in addition to other existing loot/rare/exp bonuses and not the only feature... as in Mischief has a built in loot bonus and rare spawn bonus, add evolving expansion bonuses on top of it and that's great. Replacing the existing built in loot / rare spawn bonus with expansion evolving bonuses that is a non-starter and a step backwards.
  6. Basak Augur

    That would be like asking free-trade and random to be added to all TLP going forward. Evolving is the Oakwynd rule-set. Of anything on Oakwynd that should go forward it would be Legacy and FTE as those are not defined as part of the Oakwynd Rule-set, just added mechanics to said Oakwynd rule-set. Saying that, I wouldn't mind at some point a server with a merged rule-set of Mischief and Oakwynd even though I do not like free-trade I think it would make for a fun server.
  7. Doezit Lorekeeper

    Feedback: Teek sounds great! My only concern is that there will so many players. I'm hoping (dreaming?) that DPG has made some updates to reduce the queue times.
    I know some don't like the random loot and free trade and hope they enjoy Tormax.
  8. Kodachi Augur

    Free trade and random loot change core game play in a way the bonuses don't which one of the reasons why I could see it working as a more permanent change. I wouldn't argue that at the moment evolving bonuses are part of Oakwynds unique rule set, as is bonus exp for having characters at max as well as FTE.

    Also, I actually would like free trade on every server going forward. I'm less concerned about the random loot because I've been playing expansions near live for a year and random loot just isn't as relevant when you get later in the game. Free trade though? Absolutely. I hate no trade as a concept and always have.

    Everyone wants different things, but as one of the few people who likes the content on a tlp up into the later expansions... they hold a significant appeal.
    I'm not under any illusion that it will keep everyone from re-rolling to every new tlp, but it would help otherwise stop attrition from people being as frustrated.

    I don't disagree that its a unique ruleset now, but I also think it would be really beneficial to fix more problems than it would create like MOTM in classic or some of the changes to charm in early expansions amongst others.
  9. MileyVyrus Augur

    Ragefire and Lockjaw were some of the first TLPs we played on. You have to give people the benefit that they skilled up a touch in the last decade. Riz was paired with a normal server alternative, so no on was 'encouraged' to adapt to a box lifestyle, much less 'forced' to.

    I wholly agree that a solid chunk will sit at the entrance of Velks with their solo lfg rogue, forever, no matter what is allowed. I just think you underestimate what people will do when given the green light to be a little more pro-active. As someone who played on Aradune, that first day in steamfont i saw a ton of people with one toon on /follow screaming in /shout about people who had 2 toons on /follow. lol. Yes, even Karen will level up occasionally.
  10. MileyVyrus Augur

    The best part about oakwynd was being able use the shared bank to pass no trade heirloom stuff to your alts. It increased the viable loot from any encounter and gave you new goals as you grinded more toons to 50/60 for those legacy xp bonuses. Oakwynd had so many great carrots dangling.
  11. Kahna Augur

    The last decade has taught me that people only get worse in this game. If they released a Ragefire today it would be 10 times worse than it was back in the day. Even with AOCs.
  12. Lateryn Augur

    its going to be a shitfest and the queue will be massive.

    DPG doesn't care, because they already have the money. The bundles, subs, krono have been bought/used by that point. And the vast majority of people playing EQ TLP will keep trying no matter how much crying there will be on the forums about it. The one's that would just stop trying or log out, will have probably already made that decision before hand and try days/week in, because they are not rushing, so a week hardly matters.
  13. Zansobar Augur

    So the lack of any communication from DPG seems to indicate they aren't touching the server rulesets. Lets just hope they have a second Teek clone ready to go on launch day. It would be nice if they announce that prior to launch so guilds can spread out more evenly.
  14. Celatusp99 Augur

    Its a bit soon to take that stance imo. I would not count on a teek clone either though.
  15. AzzlannOG Elder

    They certainly have the ability to make changes, and have done it before. They dont really communicate often anyhow so anything is possible.
  16. Kahna Augur

    Not really. For the other servers they announced the changes fairly quickly in response to forums outrage. This quiet for this long? And the forums are hardly raging against this announcement. They aren't going to change anything. Best get ready for the queues.
  17. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    They haven't posted any details on anything. Lots are asking about the 200 days reserved list and we are getting nothing back from them.
  18. Sheila Elder

    Yeah, I'd probably say tomorrow is the cutoff for a reasonable change. Anything else is going to be mitigation efforts after raging happens on launch.

    And I hardly say that the opinion is high. Teek gets 5 stars from everyone but outside of a few random people, Tormax ruleset has excited very few. A lot of us have expressed our disinterest in Tormax. They'll either change it, or ignorantly march on as they usually do. A high opinion of Teek and low opinion of Tormax is going to cause Teek to be queued outside of control. And mitigation efforts have usually been executed poorly. I'll enjoy the popcorn as I did when they launched Aradune. :D
  19. Indigo_Quarmite Augur

    See I hated heirloom. And with personas heirloom will never happen again. Free trade and now Persona are both superior to heirloom.

    Heirloom and individual character lockouts created a selos like environment requiring multiple max levels and fully AA'd alts of the same class so you could raid the same content 2/3/4 times a week and it was debilitating. Granted this is only a problem for top raiders not the average player.

    Heirloom tag though was great in that it might have been the test that spurred on the creation of the persona, which they could monetize whereas heirloom tags they couldnt. If they took the next steps and every character at cap level awarded a 20% bonus to the next persona now they are on to something.
  20. Soriano Augur

    Most ignorant post I have seen on EQ forums.

    There have been non true box servers since Ragefire...

    The problem was not non true box the problem was no instances.

    /pick and AOC solved the problem not True Box.