Raid Chests 0 loots

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by ScreentimeInfinity, Jan 20, 2024.

  1. Cicelee Augur

    If every chest was guaranteed only one T1, only one T2, only one spell and a little more currency... would that be the worst thing in the world? Provided everything is also on the vendor? It eliminates randomness as to the quantity of loot, it makes players raid and "earn" their gear via currency. Less loot to those that aren't there (i.e. alts) and the extra currency ensures you can outfit your character by end of expansion provided you attend raids.
  2. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    4 raids: 1 ore (finesse)
    Potential ores: 0-12
    Average ores expected: 6
    Thanks, Darkpaw.
    Xalatan, FYAD and Xyza like this.
  3. 666DPSweDeliver Augur

    Average expected value is not valid representation with the sample you posted.
  4. fransisco Augur

    however, they should consider minimum values
    Xyza, Fenthen and FYAD like this.
  5. Xslia Elder

    2/19 raid update - last week we did 2 raids back to back - 0 Valiant items. Tonight first raid, - zero valiant items.

    and... we did 2 more raids for a total of 3 raids tonight and absolutely 0 valiant items. So 2 raids last Thursday and 3 raids tonight - netted us zero.
    Gaerwind, Xalatan, Abbydog and 4 others like this.
  6. Hamilkar New Member

    I think there should be a T2 loot item minimum in every raid chest. 2/3/whatever they decide to go up to can be modified easily enough randomly to get to the desired overall loot output. It should be easy enough to code something like 60% of the time 1 30% of the time 2 10% of the time 3. Or in prep for loot increase at 50% of the way through the expansion 20% of the time .5 40% of the time 1 15% of the time 1.5 15% of the time 2 5% of the time 2.5 5% of the time 3 and then just multiply that factor by 1 or 2 and round up to next integer if a decimal.
    Abbydog, Straahdx and Bumzak like this.
  7. Koutarou_E'ci Elder

    This is not correct for expected based on how loot is generated.

    In each chest there are 2 slots for T1 visible loots with a 100% chance of something appearing in each, 3 slots for T1 nonvisible loots with a 100% chance of something appearing in each, a slot for chest with a non-100% chance of something appearing, a number of slots for spells with a non-100% chance of something appearing, and 3 slots for T2 loots with a non-100% chance of something appearing. You're assuming an equal probability for each outcome 0-3 on T2 items, which is clearly not the case. I'm guessing the probability is probably something on the order of 20% for each slot based on the samples we've seen even accounting for observer bias.
    Abbydog and Straahdx like this.
  8. Derka Power Ranger

    But who has seen a bow string drop?
    Fenthen likes this.
  9. Windance Augur

    Zero bows, 1x 2h, and ~3 or 4 1h
  10. KushallaFV Playing EverQuest

    I’m glad you wrote this out,because it highlights the unnecessary complexity behind chest loot.
  11. Warpeace Augur

    /Raises hand
    A whole 1 times to date.
  12. Abbydog Journeyman

    The devil is in the details. There is no one superior system be it DKP or loot council etc. A nuanced DKP system is far superior to a loot council who makes biased decisions. Much as a loot council that fairly considers where loot can best benefit the raid force is far superior to a straight up DKP system that allows folks whose attendance is spotty at best to loot and scoot.
  13. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    The T2 ore/lining/essence drops should really be a 50% chance of each "slot" having something in it or being empty.
    Misleading ambiguous numbers is one of the many reasons why this game is hemorrhaging population.
  14. Derka Power Ranger

    We have similar distribution. Zero bows, 1 x 2h and 5 x 1h
  15. Lianeb Augur

    10 raids over the weekend.
    4 TS loots 1 chest was a 2fer.
    7 Raids 0 TS loot.

    Of the raids my favorite chests of the weekend were
    3 T1 cloaks,
    3 T1 range items (non-bow)
    3 T1 Shield
    3 T1 earrings
    Fenthen and Zaray like this.
  16. Xalatan New Member

    We have seen one
  17. Boro Journeyman

    Yes, we've noticed the drops are very disappointing this expansion. There is speculation that aug-farming creating loot lockouts for some causes the lack of T2 drops but who knows. We kill every available raid each time since the first day and so far we got exactly *one* each of the pet earring and the T2 two-hander combinable, and the bow. We have done alright with the Finesse one-handers, though. Another thing that stinks for raiders is all the cloaks and collars on the table because we all have the group-attainable evolvers which are much better. These seem to drop every chest and go to alts, under-geared recruits, or rot. Pretty disheartening and frustrating, really.

    Hey devs, eventually no satisfying raid loot means less logging in which turns into less playing period, which turns into canceling accounts when people realize they are banging their head against a wall.
  18. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    A loot lockout would cause an empty chest, the lack of T2 items is just bad RNG.
  19. Knifen Augur

    That doesnt sound right, I go into (current) raids alot of times with loot lockouts, that doesnt effect raid chest, just drops off zone trash.
  20. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    The loot lockout issue that was mentioned in the post I responded to is when the zone trash lockout impacted the event chest by removing all loot. It didn't impact just some of the drops but all of them and as an example if you have the trash loot lockout you won't get any drops from trash.

    This was an issue that would come up in the past when the loot lockout didn't properly exclude the raid chests from the lockout. When it is working as it should be there is no impact at all on the raid chest.
    Fenthen and Knifen like this.