Raid Chests 0 loots

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by ScreentimeInfinity, Jan 20, 2024.

  1. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    And guilds can easily adjust the loot rules to handle all the T1 items that are rotting because people don't want to spend on those upgrades.
  2. Windance Augur

    I kind of feel like this is a "tell me you aren't part of a raiding guild, with out telling me you aren't part of a raiding guild..."

    No matter how you slice it restructuring how your 20+ year old guild does DKP is not a trivial thing and will lead to different types of drama.

    Maybe you do need before greed, and now you have drama over new people sucking up all the free gear.

    Or you lean the other way and the "hoarders" slurp up the free gear, while those who plan ahead are penalized.

    Or maybe you decide to just use advloot and randomize it between anyone who is there, only to find out that people are pissed because joe purchased a T2 item and didn't turn off the advloot filter.

  3. Bilderov Augur

    1. You can't say one of the reasons raiders may not get the item is because they might not make all the raids and then compare that to the group game where there is no lockout. Raiders get a 100% guarantee that the named will appear. Groupers may spend 3 hours and get no named at all, let alone the item they're after. Just because the PH always appears a grouper (like your raiders missing raids) may have to log off, miss the named, and start again a few days later.

    2. Doesn't this point to a larger itemisation issue when 99% of raid loot is rotting and raiders are complaining that there isn't enough of the 1% loot dropping?

    When raiders gets all of their BIS, what else to do they do until the next expansion? When I used to raid back in the early 2000s, our top raiders just quit until the new expansion came around again. Is that what the top raiders are going to do anyway?

    Isn't it in DBG's best interest to keep the raiding scene going for as long as possible? Maybe poor itemisation is the only way they can do this? They certainly don't have the content to keep people going, maybe limiting the loot so harshly is their answer.
  4. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    I don't understand what exactly is supposed to be so hard about adjusting loot rules to handle situations where loot would be rotting otherwise. If people are complaining that no one is willing to use the loot because of the costs of having to buy the dropped loot in addition to the ts loot why not loot at changes? A simple change could be to give the dropped loot for free and just random it out to those who are interested with a limit of buying 1 item per slot so they could get enough to fill out their T1 gear. If the T1 gear isn't rotting that wouldn't be needed.
    Lubianx likes this.
  5. Knifen Augur

    10 Pages of arguments/discussion from just asking to have at minimum 1 ore loot per chest instead of 0 for the 54 raiders that showed up. Everyone knows alot, maybe not everyone, but alot are after the ore. One minimum drop per event isn't a big ask. Just remove 0 from the rng option.

    it's not that raiders are complaining that there isnt enough ore dropping its that more often than not, its NO ore are dropping.
  6. Razorfall Augur


    I miss out on one raid night a week due to my real life schedule, and even with coins I didn't finish gearing up in NoS until mid October.
  7. Elysania Journeyman

    This is honestly up there with some of the dumbest things ever seen from DBG. And most people here can vouch that list is excessively long. Getting 0 ores in a chest is the most disheartening things to see while raiding but when you go through an entire raid week and see 1-2 ores from HOURS of time put in by 54 people in YOUR game. The rates at which 0 chests come up is unnecessarily high.

    The fact that they are in the game to begin with is dumb, but if they are going to be kept in the game the rates that they drop needs to be dropped significantly or you are going to see the highest drop in population this expansion than they've seen in likely many. People don't want to play a game with 0 rewards. And don't give me this BS about "You don't always get rewards its RNG" When you bring together this many people and put HOURS into beating down a boss there should be a damn ore in the chest. make it 1-2 ores not 0-3. take off the low end and the high end. then people will at least be happy.

    Obviously, the player base is not happy with this raid loot system, or this post wouldn't be here, and it wouldn't be 10 pages long. If there isn't a response from the DEV's regarding this or a patch to change loot tables, then that really should show all of us where we stand as customers and players of this game. Fix your game please, make it enjoyable to play, when it was a generic ore and you saw 1-2 people were always excited and happy to get on and raid. Every damn raid night people were on and ready to see what new exciting loot they have, now people get on and see 0 ores, okay well luck sucks let us go to the next raid...0 ores. well why am I spending 3 hours beating these raids...but let's give it another raid...0 ores.... What the F*#@.... next raid 1 ore...Why did I just spend my night here playing this game that I've already put days, months, years into making my toon one of the best in the game to push end game raids just to not see the one thing we are pushing for.

    Such a bad decision, QOL in raiding has dropped so far with the change how it is. I hope DBG pulls their head out of their and realizes how unhappy the raiders are with the current loot system. It sucked last expansion, and they made it worse this one.
    Xyza, Ozon and ScreentimeInfinity like this.
  8. FYAD Augur

    Speaking from my guild's experience, and I'm guessing that this translates to the broader raid populations, once you get your BiS items, you continue raiding every week in order to gear up everyone else in your guild so that you can hit the next expansion with everyone sporting all BiS gear. In the later months of the year, much of the loot is going to alts. We're still coming back to raid each week because most of us have several characters that we try to gear up, even if we only ever use them in group settings. The whole thing with ghosting your guild until the next expansion is not really a thing any more.
  9. Cicelee Augur

    Curious how much currency each raider got in that raid week. Or how many spells went to raiders. Or how many alts got some loot

    I am not saying the current system js great. I am not saying that it isn't a bummer to see a chest with no ores and three cloaks- it is. But goodness gracious the amount of complaining is getting ridiculous, and the OMG MY TIME IS WASTED mantra is absurd.

    You know what is a 100% waste of time? PLAYING EVERQUEST. All video and computer and phone games, in the grand scheme of things, is a waste of time. Unless you are making money from it, it really is a 100% waste of time for 99.99% of us. But we accept that it is a waste of time because we enjoy something about the game. We enjoy the release that they provide from every day life. And as long as we can still maintain the necessary balance in life, time wasters that provide enjoyment are OK.

    If you are not happy with the current raid loot drops, and you get so mad at angry that there are no ores in a chest... maybe you shouldn't raid anymore. That way, your time is "not wasted". And if I am camping a named in Pal Lomen and it doesn't spawn after 20 spawn cycles and I get mad and angry IRL then maybe I shouldn't camp named anymore so that my time is "not wasted". And maybe someone who is camping the Owlbear aug for days on end and it hasn't dropped yet should just stop wanting the aug and just not camp it anymore so that their time is "not wasted".

    Or.... Everquest, like all games, is a waste of time that is built on RNG. And when you can accept that, then you won't get as mad as some of you are. Note- this isn't specifically aimed at OP but at anyone who gets so mad and angry at missing raid ores in chests.
    Lubianx, Nennius and Windance like this.
  10. yepmetoo Abazzagorath

    That's a "you" problem. Has zero to do with daybreak.
    Lubianx likes this.
  11. Windance Augur

    Since this is a "me" problem, I'm curious how the various guilds handle T1 loot and if people are happy with the current design and how your guild may have changed its loot rules over the last two years.
  12. yepmetoo Abazzagorath

    We haven't changed a thing. People loot stuff. End of story. Whining about loot is dumb at this point in time. If you are in a raid guild you get all the gear you want. You could loot 0 items and just spend currency and still get best in slot in everything before the next expansion.

    Not looting the non-ts stuff just means it is being tributed faster than it would be if you looted and used it.
  13. Windance Augur

    What DKP system do you use?
    And are people happy with it vs the way raid loot is done?

    When I ran the numbers you couldn't buy anywhere near a full set of gear with just currency. Maybe that's changed with LS but I don't think so.
  14. FYAD Augur

    You probably overlooked something. It's easy to get enough currency to buy a full set of tradeskill items. I've done it every year going back to CoV. Well, I usually DKP purchase a weapon upgrade early on, but after that I just do currency purchases for the rest. You do have to raid most of the year and clear all 9 events every week, but at the 6 month mark the currency is 30 per event (270/week is roughly an upgrade every 2 weeks) and at 9 months it's 40 (360/wk -> 2 upgrades every 3 weeks). It adds up fast. I end up with 2000-3000 unspent currency every year.
  15. Toukan Augur

    FYAD, do that math again with only 8 events a week...
  16. Nightops Augur

    This year is a bit different then last year, and the year before, and a bit different then CoV. The raids which you raid and the time you have to put into raiding are different then others. Some guilds move to beta raids when it opens up, some guilds cancel raid nights during holidays. Some people can't make all the raids and others volunteer to sit out so others can play during some events.

    No matter what you think of the system. It can be universally agreed that loot distribution and itemization are in need of a complete system revamp. But since copy / paste is quick, and the game is old, I don't think we will ever see a change for the better.
    Metanis likes this.
  17. FYAD Augur

    Not gonna change anything so not gonna bother. Still gonna end up with thousands of unspent currency by the end of the LS cycle.
  18. KushallaFV Playing EverQuest

    EQ players have this real affinity to adding misery, and using it as a way to claim moral superiority.
  19. Lianeb Augur

    32 raids 12 with no TS loot.
    1 with 3
    4 with 2
    15 with 1
    26 total TS loots to include 1 cloak and 2 necks.
    Fenthen likes this.
  20. Lubianx Augur

    Not the same analogy, not even close. I am guessing you use DKP or some variant which means you are earning essentially 2 currencies. If the DKP is cash, what are the coins you get from completing a raid?

    If you really want to compare it to currency put it this way. Assume you work at a department store and on top of your normal wage you get store credits. These credits are the DKP and the wage is the raid currency. If I had these store credits I would definitely do the smaller upgrades prior to purchasing the better item as it isn't available yet. What else am I going to spend this store credit on?