Fixed graphics exploding into kalaidascope

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Svann2, Jan 18, 2024.

  1. Monkeychunks Augur

    This just happened to one of my characters today when she was porting into the lobby. Twice. Big white angled slices scattered around.

    Was not happening on any other characters who were logged in and I am pretty sure they are all using the same computer:confused:
    Peter_The_great likes this.
  2. krivin New Member

    This same effect has happened a few times for me also, only in the lobby though. Leaving the lobby, then going back into the lobby, the effect goes away. I think its just random, but the problem definitely exists.
  3. Fidden Lorekeeper

    A character's weapon was causing this in lobby just now - Wraff was the player (Antonius Bayle), the item was Mallet of Reprised Strength.

    I have a screenshot if dev needs.
  4. Svann2 The Magnificent

    Just happened in Laurion's Inn in the spider area. Had to log completely out to fix it - just to character select didnt work. Does no one have any ideas for a fix besides relogging?
  5. Lodestar The Undefeated

    Camp out or zone. There are no fixes otherwise, and it can happen to anyone regardless of PC setup. There is no solve for this other than camping or zoning until Daybreak pushes the "In Progress" updates per test notes. On my end I've been able to zone to resolve it (re-loading of textures whether be through zoning, camping, logging).
  6. Scila Augur

    I saw some of it yesterday but relogging cleared it. Along with that, I had a good laugh. There was one toon that had a square with a blue background and the shape of a bat (think batman) and under that was what looked like a hanging bat. Today when I logged on I found the toon and the problem was from a clear/whiteish shield with a blue border and in the center was ... a bat emblem. Pretty shield but it was funny to see the huge square turn into a small, clear shield.
  7. Fuelforfire Lorekeeper

    Velisaris_MS and Beimeith like this.
  8. Velisaris_MS Augur

    Not even remotely fixed. Was running through PoK after the hotfix and saw another "colorful explosion" at the zone in spot next to the lobby zone.
  9. Scila Augur

    Something went sideways with the patch. Looking at the lag pile in ct - alot are missing primary and secondary weapons as are the mercs. Checking mine, they are missing the visual but still in the slots. Looks that way on both comps.

    Edit on this - zoned and their back - so ... not sure if it's the lag pile or initial login.
    Fuelforfire likes this.
  10. Svann2 The Magnificent

    AMD gpu here (6700 xt) and it seems from others posting gear info Im only seeing others with AMD having the KALEIDOSCOPE issue. Has anyone with nvidia experienced kaleidoscope or is it just AMD?

    edit: fyi I havent seen it since the patch but Im assuming its still a thing based on the above.
  11. Waf Master New Member

    AMD GPU 6700XT still experiencing random Kaleidoscopes and also still tons of lag. I have even re-installed EQ from scratch and no luck. Have tried a few of the fixes people posts but still no luck. Any suggestions welcomed.
  12. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    Next patch:

    *** Miscellaneous ***

    DirectX 11 Changes:

    - Fixed 2.0 Pixel Shader usage.
    - Applied a speculative fix for some kaleidoscope-like rendering artifacts.
  13. Svann2 The Magnificent

    Thats already gone live in a hotfix yesterday.
  14. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    I guess he didn't get it cause he just posted is having the problem.
    Svann2 likes this.
  15. Loup Garou De loop de loop

    At least you gave him a head's up so if he is not using the patcher he can run it :) A lot of us were not aware of that hot fix cause unless you had the broken graphics it would not make a difference.
    Svann2 likes this.
  16. Fuelforfire Lorekeeper

    Same started to see this issue too.

  17. Fuelforfire Lorekeeper

  18. Cairbrae Developer

    Missing graphical elements are related to this topic. Both issues are being worked on. Thanks for the bug reports.
    Svann2, minimind and Fanra like this.
  19. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Are you also working on the not being able to get to desktop and EQ going unresponsive for those that do?
  20. Paladin Augur

    5 or 6 in zone, using the Spirit of the Lost click often results in nothing found. So it does seem that, while they are spawning, they just don't seem to be instant re-spawning after one is picked up (as I think I have seen said they are supposed to do?).