More Plat Fun!

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Achillez, Jan 27, 2024.

  1. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    People have been saying that it will be dead since before it launched, at this point with how well it has been doing overall I think it is premature to say that it will die because of the next TLP. Need to also consider the fact that there is a chance that they will continue with FTE on the new server which will impact how many people stay and how many people move.
    code-zero likes this.
  2. Tyranthraxus Grognard

    Do you play on Oakwind, how well is it doing Waring? Please enlighten us lol?
    OldTimeEQ1 likes this.
  3. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    How is a server that maintains a high population dead? And trying to claim it is just filled with krono sellers and rmt players doesn't make any sense as they wouldn't be playing if they didn't have someone to sell to.
  4. Tyranthraxus Grognard

    Deflecting the question.
    TLP Addict likes this.
  5. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    I see, the server must be dead because FTE is a bad ruleset and people don't want it to appear to succeed so that Daybreak won't use it again.
  6. Tyranthraxus Grognard

    FTE is a bad ruleset, but it's still fun for a certain type of player. I personally enjoy racing to targets and flipping campers the bird, It gives just a slight pvp feel, which encourages some of my worst impulses. The mechanics of the game it breaks are it's main issue.

    But as has been said, FTE isn't whats killing the server. Inept management is. I would play the next TLP regardless of FTE, it's workable. You on the other hand, don't play TLP's as far as I understand, yet seem to think you understand how they work based on raw population numbers.
  7. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    You call it a bad ruleset but others have said they like it and the server population seems to be reflecting that.
  8. jiri_ Augur

    No, it won't. FTE has nothing to do with Oakwynd's situation right now, and whether the 25A server is FTE will change nothing. Oakwynd is in trouble because the economy is broken, because of an ex post facto ban wave, and because the players believe Daybreak has lied to them multiple times. FTE is a red herring.

    Do you play on one of these servers?
    Barton-Vox and OldTimeEQ1 like this.
  9. Tyranthraxus Grognard

    FTE is fun, but it encourages and rewards toxic behavior, so it's bad for EQ
  10. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    The situation that it is still a high population server despite the fact that it has a ruleset that people don't like and that a plat dupe happened? This isn't the first time a plat dupe has wrecked the economy of a TLP server and it won't be the last. People are still going to play on the server regardless of that.
    code-zero likes this.
  11. jiri_ Augur

    Do you play on the server? Are you in the general chat? Do you talk with your guildmates about what's going on?
    OldTimeEQ1 likes this.
  12. Shalom Quillmane Bane

    Please explain how it encourages toxic behavior. Oh by not allowing 6 box mage group to get every named? Oh by totally stopping people from FDing trains on groups? Oh yeah its HORRIBLE for toxic people!
  13. Kormer New Member

    Oakwynd is the least toxic TLP I've played on. Also the best ruleset. Sure there are bots but there are a lot more on Mischief. I will probably stay on Oak unless the next TLP has FTE and something interesting.

    Note: Never used Krono, not a krono farmer. I just play for fun so my opinion might not matter to most.
    TLP Addict and Shalom like this.
  14. Tacoheals TACOBELL !!!!

    Not only the loyalty but HOT brings TONS of Plat compared to previous servers, UF brings a lot as well but HOT almost doubles in drop able vendor sellable items
  15. jiri_ Augur

    It allows people to tag mobs (nameds, rares and open-world raid targets) and keep them locked while the force to kill them is still assembling. At its most toxic it allows warping to those targets and tagging them as they spawn, stealing them from a camp. Without FTE you'd DPS-race, and if you had superior numbers you'd win.

    Personally, I think the gains are worth the tradeoffs, but there are some situations where it's bad.
    Muramx likes this.
  16. Tyranthraxus Grognard

    Basically what Jiri said, Personally, I enjoy racing to spawns, and I'm not even in named contention yet, just farming for silks. But the ability to beat people to a spawn and create a train of untouchable mobs before killing them, is alot of fun, and I would consider toxic behavior. It enhances PL groups ability to monopolize zones, and yes, encourages warping from those that use cheats. Which from what i've seen on threads appears to be alot more prevalent as a result of the ruleset.
  17. OldTimeEQ1 Augur

    FTE makes botters untouchable in early expansions, and they have a monopoly on the key item camps.
  18. Shalom Quillmane Bane

    Not true if you know how to beat them. I beat a 6 box mage group to Efreeti (EVERY SINGLE SPAWN) with my solo necro and I won't tell you how :)

    Here is the log:

    Here is what he said when I first arrived:
    [Sat Jun 17 09:47:22 2023] Takari tells you, 'you picked the wrong person to contest'

    After beating him to all the room spawns
    [Sat Jun 17 09:52:07 2023] Takari tells you, 'never had that happen before oh no'
    [Sat Jun 17 09:52:19 2023] Takari tells you, 'big shrug'
    [Sat Jun 17 09:52:24 2023] Takari tells you, 'gonna ignore you now bye'

    I didnt even reply and he's goading me on another character to get me to talk
    [Sat Jun 17 10:07:11 2023] Nimrodel says, 'usual order of events. insults me. then contests. then threatens. only thing left now is for you to leave in failure'

    He got nervous here when I got the first efreeti and didn't jump to a fresh pick
    [Sat Jun 17 10:36:50 2023] Takari says, 'lost your chance at a fresh pick too lulz'
    [Sat Jun 17 10:37:00 2023] Takari says, 'not gonna bother telling a worm it popped though :)'

    And this is from him after beating him to Efreeti consistently
    [Sat Jun 17 11:42:20 2023] Takari says, 'in the old system you never could have beat me. fte is trash'

    Never replied once and he eventually disappeared. Bye Felicia!
  19. NuffanTuit Nuffan Tuit on Innoruuk Server

    This is blatantly FALSE...

    FTE makes it a true race to FIRST TO ENGAGE, and the first to engage no longer has to worry about the bot group of mages simply out DPS'ing them.

    I play a Druid on Oakwynd and this is my first TLP or any other server since krono became a thing.

    As a Druid I could compete in Rathe Mountains because if I was first to tag there was nothing the higher level people could do.

    I was in Rathe at 27, and OOT killing Seafury at 35. Prior to FTE a Druid could not XP in these spots because higher level players would simply kill steal every pull you attempted.
    Barton-Vox and Shalom like this.
  20. OldTimeEQ1 Augur

    Did you guys try to get a pre-nerf CoS on Oakwynd?

    There was a 4 mage group parked in the area with earth pets which insta root-nuked mobs as they spawned.

    The only time you could get one is when their script ran afoul at times and their pets wont engage any mob.

    The person behind those also boasted and taunted everyone a few times in OOC mentioning GMs cant touch them (and they were on 24x7, until they took a day off or two (or got AFK booted when scripts ran bad or something).

    I do not see how you get around that with FTE?

    Also, NuffanTuit - Rathe HGs long stopped being a botter paradise BTW, a bit after Phinegel. They moved on to item camps.