Personas - Are They Safe To Use?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by WhatUptime, Dec 15, 2023.

  1. Sissruukk Rogue One

    OK, thanks, I've slept a few times since that post.
    Yinla and Gialana like this.
  2. Vumad Cape Wearer

    That's not that clear.

    If you have 3 persona slots...

    A) You can have 3 total personas per character (multiplied by number of characters you play)
    B) You can have 3 total personas per server (Multiplied by number of servers you play on)
    C) You can have 3 total personas across all character (no multiplication)

    I suspect the answer is either B or C, not A.
  3. Iven the Lunatic

    Here my feedback to that experiment:
    • Zero crashes or bugs in around a dozen hours active mob grinding on several characters.
    • Much better performance than with the new UI.
    Velisaris_MS likes this.
  4. DeadRagarr Augur

    Its C. its an account wide unlock. I have 15 persona's unlocked on Test and 15 on live for instance.
    Vumad likes this.
  5. Gialana Augur

    It's A, but there's no need to multiply because it doesn't give a useful number. If you have 3 personas unlocked and you create 2 personas on character A, you'd be able to create 1 more persona on character A. But you can still create 3 personas on characters B and C.

    So if you only have 3 persona slots and 3 characters, you can create a total of 9 personas, but each character can only have 3. That's why I said the multiplication isn't a very useful number.

    Also, if you purchase a 4th persona slot in the marketplace, every character on your account can have a total of 4 personas each. Even if you late create a new character, that character would be able to create 4 personas.
    GrandOpener and Iven like this.
  6. Vumad Cape Wearer

    Completely opposite answers.

    Based on the second response, if I had 15 persona slots, and there are 16 classes, then every single character I have on every single server could have a persona for every single class, meaning that the maximum total number of personas anyone could ever purchase would be 15.

    It seems like I might be splitting hairs but Heroes forge is per character. If I buy it on My main, I have to buy it again on my alt. Key rings are per account, so if I buy it on my main, I get the key ring unlocked on my alt too. I don't know if key rings unlock on other servers.

    (Note, I only said multiply because I meant that if I have 3 slots, and 3 toons, on 3 servers, I could have 27 total personas, not to exceed 3 per character. That makes sense to me, but I understand how that example of math could be confusing)
  7. Gialana Augur

    I originally deleted my post after seeing DeadRanger give a different answer. But then I realized we may be interpreting the wording of A and C differently. What you said in the first paragraph is correct. You can currently only purchase 12 unlockers since the base expansion comes with 3, and that would allow you to create 15 personas on every character on every server. I agree that it's confusing since different unlockers work differently. Here's the relevant part from the FAQ:

    Vumad likes this.
  8. DeadRagarr Augur

    Yeah my bad didn't read it correctly.
  9. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon


    I have 14 chars on AB - I can have 7 personas (collectors edition) on each of those 14 chars if I wished (they don't have to be the same class on each class)
    I also have 3 chars on Vaniki - each of those chars can also have 7 personas
    I also have chars on Vox, FV, Bristlebane, Mischief, Luclin - each and every char on those servers can have 7 personas

    As I said
    Only 3 as we were talking about the standard issue of personas
    Vumad likes this.
  10. Iven the Lunatic

    Like Gialana wrote, it is A. But it is up to three additional APs per character, as the character itself does also count as an AP, which is unlocked by default. Unlocking AP slots is similar to unlocking character slots or buying an AA package, so it does only raise the limit.
    Vumad likes this.
  11. Vumad Cape Wearer

    Okay thanks. I am not stoked about Personas but I do want to give them a shot once I know I wont have any problems. Well, at least once we've cleared T3 raids and a broken character is not such a big problem. I did try them on beta but only briefly.
  12. Demetri Augur

    Is the Persona still in the room with you? Did it come in a black helicopter?
  13. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    I'm glad we agree. I didn't expect you to acknowledge you know nothing, but it's a welcome surprise to be sure.

    Coders, the people who worked on AP, do not make content. We didn't lose content because of AP.

    Many things in this game are cash grabs, (crates, Luck/item fusion, etc.) APs are not one of them.

    I don't particularly like that there is a cost to unlock slots, but it's 2023 (now 2024) and that is how the game industry works. I'd rather just have a higher monthly cost, but I'm clearly in the minority for that.

    I already agreed the rollout of the UI wasn't great, you don't earn extra points bringing it up repeatedly.

    What I said was you could completely mitigate the problem by using a custom UI. Is that ideal? Of course not, but it does mean the problems weren't as catastrophic as you're making it out to be.

    My reading comprehension is fine. I mistakenly assumed I didn't need to repeat the qualifier for you to understand, but I was clearly wrong in that, so I'll rephase it so you don't misunderstand:

    It wasn't the biggest in the past decade. It wasn't even the biggest of the last couple years. It was the most visible.

    Normal dupes are like a lone person quietly stealing $100m slowly over time.
    This was 100 people mass rushing a walmart and stealing $50k of merchandise.

    Obvious and visible, but not nearly as big.
    Rijacki likes this.
  14. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    I'll be happier to try them once the devs are back off vacation and any problems will be fixed quicker. I've still got my neck to level so I'm in no rush.
  15. Vumad Cape Wearer

    Would be nice if they removed the class (archtype typically) restriction from the evolvers so we could level them on personas. Would be nice if they made AAs available across personas so I could let some AA roll over into glyphs for my main. Things like that which would let me play and alt and benefit my raiding main would definitely keep me engaged. I tend to tire out before the evolver is fully evolved having maxed out everything else. Being able to play other classes while repeating the quests and continuing my evolver progress would be wonderful.
    Rijacki and Yinla like this.
  16. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    The beta server was made unavailable for players with the beta patch on December 4th and the expansion launched on December 5th. It wasn't locked to players 8 days before the launch but that is when it was launched on the test server.
  17. Captain Video Augur

    Don't be obtuse. The codebase was announced as locked eight days prior to launch. Code changes were made after that and before launch that players never saw on the Beta server. Test hadn't been updated since its November patch cycle; that fact was also relevant to substantive DX11-related changes being made on Beta that non-Beta participants couldn't see. Test wasn't re-synced until two weeks >after< expansion launch, despite numerous player requests (including mine) that it be updatad on launch day.

    As of now, we are in the dark as to what the dev team considers the current AP-related bug list to look like. Many of us who have been interested in using APs are holding off on our respective Live servers until we know more. Hopefully the test patch notes next week will give us better insight, since that's the next scheduled step.
    Barton-Vox likes this.
  18. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    That isn't true, changes still happen on the beta server after code is "locked" as that is the server that devs use for their work. There was code changes to personas that happened on beta after the expansion was patched on test and those changes made it to the live server with the launch and test server with the true up patch.
  19. Risiko Augur

    The initial 3 pesrona slots you get for owning the expansion actually works out to 4 personas PER character.

    Your base class IS a persona. All characters are now a persona. So, if you create a brand new character, the class you choose on character creation IS your 1st persona on that character.

    The 3 personas you get for owning the expansion are in addition to your base character's persona, so you end up with 4 personas per character.

    In reference to your question above, every single character on every single server you play on can have 4 personas each.

    When you purchase an additional persona slot, it opens up that slot for every character on every server.

    So, if you buy the expansion, you get 3 extra persona slots for every character. If you then buy 3 more persona slots, you end up with 6 additional persona slots for every character plus the initial persona for each character's base class. So, every character on every server would have up to 7 persona slots to use.
  20. Captain Video Augur

    This equality is true when everything is level 1, but maintaining all personals as equal is impossible as the game progresses. Quests with rewards tend to be unrepeatable, and the persona that gets most of those rewards will become the defacto main. It would be nice if more quests with archetype or amor class-specific rewards could be made repeatable for the sake of APs, but I'm not expecting any changes along those lines soon because of workload.

    Also, the orignal character rolled is flagged as such in the database. This will matter if and when they create a "delete persona" option, which would necessarily distinguish deleting one of the alts from the original.