No One Wants To Play On Live Servers

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Jayjayjay, Dec 5, 2023.

  1. Stune Augur

    Live is dead, should be all merged into 2 servers... TLP is the way.
    Brontus likes this.
  2. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    Regurgitating content I've beaten ad nauseum?

    Nah, you can have it.
    Fenthen, Eaedyilye and Kaenneth like this.
  3. Xerzist Augur

    Let me break it down for you. At this stage of EQ on TLP, 60% are boxing krono farmers, 30% are regular players that box, and 10% are regular people who play the game. Thanks DBG.
    Fenthen and OldTimeEQ1 like this.
  4. Micker99 Augur

    Early EQ is horrible? EQ went down hill for me, when they went to the moon lol. The original EQ will never be surpassed. You had to play it back when it was new, it was amazing. Maybe it was the fact that there was a real social aspect, groups all over the place, people only had one character that you got to know, the world of EQ was mysterious and new. Just a real sense of adventure, felt more like a real world. Now it's more of a game where you log in your toons and box somewhere. It's still a great game, but not anywhere near what it was at first or the first couple expansions.
    Taladir likes this.
  5. McJumps TLP QoL Activist

    Playing Classic and Kunark and Velious back in 1999 and 2000 was amazing. It was a new frontier of gaming. We will never be able to replicate that, no matter how hard we try or what new ruleset we give to a TLP.

    Playing through these same eras in 2023 is tedious and painful for many people who have experience with "modern" EQ. Side by side, without the nostalgia-tinted sunglasses, none of the early expansions hold up to anything in the SoF-RoF era.

    It is unfortunate that for whatever reason, many people will never experience some of the best parts of this game, because they are too busy chasing that unattainable feeling that they got back in 1999 and 2000.
  6. Tacoheals TACOBELL !!!!

    Funny how since new expac launched each zone has over 100 people in it. People are grouping and stuff. Toward end of expacs people get bored and it gets dead.

    Does TLP fund DPG Absolutely. People buy tons of Kronos, they obviously have to sub each month. Generates money yes. So imo, do what the people want for TLP. But is live dead? No, Not dead. TLP will always have more people. 25% of TLPs population chases Kronos. 50% doing it for the old memories / easier to come back to the game + get caught up and find friends, and the other 25% are doing it because they gave up on live.
    Fenthen likes this.
  7. CdeezNotes Augur

    I did play it then. It may have been fun when we were niave and didn't know better, but we now have hindsight and realize the clear design flaws of it. It was bad gameplay. Balance objectively did not exist. Devs clearly favored certain classes. It was palpable. Built in timesinks, bugs and broken content every where you turned. Rampant toxicity from guilds competing if you played high end. Just bad bad and bad.

    Heck, I didn't even enjoy Kunark when it was original. It was quite boring. Velious was cool with dragons, but you soon realize it's nothing beyond blue naggy, green naggy, naggy 3.0, white naggy, etc.

    Put the nostalgia down and let it die. Those eras are objectively terrible against modern standards.
  8. Micker99 Augur

    The old stuff is missing the social aspect and new world aspect to it now. We already saw all that and know everything, so there is no adventure and mystery. We know how the formulas work and what is best now, no experimenting and discovering things. We are used to the new high damage weapons, so seeing a ykesha or a ghoulbane, isn't so exciting.

    I do see how it could be boring, but I still think, to this day, that Lower Guk was my favorite zone of all time. Followed by Sebilis. I liked the dungeons, don't really get any zones like those anymore.
    OldTimeEQ1 likes this.
  9. code-zero Augur

    If you are a TLP recycler I have some sad facts for you. TLP are amazing cash cow servers that drive massive Krono sales, bag sales and potion sales. In the future they will be used to drive Alternative Persona slots sales. There are many more people playing on live servers in total and a great many TLP players are from live looking for something to do when not raiding.
    Rijacki likes this.
  10. Domniatric Augur

    There is no right or wrong era of EQ. Just people with different histories and preferences. I think having variety is the key to satisfying everyone and I think there IS a lot of variety in the offerings.
  11. jeskola pheerie

    Not true. Maybe "a small handful".
  12. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    There are more of us than you think, my live guild has players on Oakwynd, Mischief and Vaniki and thats just the ones I know about.
    code-zero and Herf like this.
  13. CdeezNotes Augur

    I know about 20% of my Live guild plays TLPs. And that's just ones I know and interact with. I'm sure it's probably closer to 25-30%.

    I'm willing to bet close to 20-25% of TLPs are players who also play live
    OldTimeEQ1, code-zero and Rijacki like this.
  14. jeskola pheerie

    I guess it's all about the definition of "playing TLP" and "playing live".
  15. Manafasto Augur

    EQ, either Live or TLP needs to improve the UX.
    Dre. likes this.
  16. OldTimeEQ1 Augur

    TLPs are an easy Krono farm, For that rare person from live , it is also seeing old starting towns and zones teeming with players for nostalgia value, for others, just something EQ to do while waiting for raids and whatnot?

    TLPs full of returning players is adjusted a fond delusion we have.
  17. Stune Augur

    It is not funny, live is the majority of my time playing the game. TLP is fun and has a good chunk of players on it. They need to merge the live servers and decide, TLP is the way to go i believe.
  18. yepmetoo Abazzagorath

    The definition is if the TLP server shut down would they keep playing on live, and the answer is usually yes.

    If the live server shut down most of them wouldn't keep playing on the TLP servers.

    Half of my Thornblade guild plays on live in a raid guild.

    TLPs are a diversion many.
    Rijacki, Yinla and code-zero like this.
  19. code-zero Augur

    There are a few sites which track server populations and what's really funny is that TLP servers never make up the bulk of the playing population.

    Currently at 6:18 PST on Sunday evening 6 of the 10 regular ruleset servers are at high population with the rest being medium pop. Of the 5 special ruleset servers FV is High.

    Of the 9 TLP only 2 are high and the rest are low.

    Lots of players with a main character on Live also play on TLP servers. TLP makes a ton of money for DPG from Krono sales, bag sales and potion sales but 2 popular TLP servers are not going to be carrying the entire franchise.
    Rijacki, Captain Video and Nennius like this.
  20. Vumad Cape Wearer

    Live has a population density problem. There are too many low level zones and not enough players per server to fill them. TLPs get everyone in the same zones at the same time. I stopped playing alts because the lower level zones are empty. I think live would have more lower level game play if they had cross server grouping. If everyone on every live server was in the same instance of Qeynos, there might be enough people there to make groups.

    WoW has Battle Client with friends list and cross server grouping. I can be on any Blizzard game and see my friends, and message them, on any blizzard game. But instead of that, we got personas. Yay. Definitely not better than seeing my EQ friends on EQ2 or DCUO or just on a different EQ server and start paying with them.
    Dre. likes this.