Guild Hall Anchors

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Windance, Jun 8, 2023.

  1. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    And the game tracking everything is one of the reasons for limits to the number of items in housing in the first place.
  2. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Loading screens. Think about it. Tracking things just takes disk space. Its accessing and communicating the data You do realize there is a lot of data that is not constantly stored in memory right?
  3. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    The servers have to track every object which takes up memory and processing, not just disk space. It needs to know every object in housing when it loads them so that it can display them to the proper people.
  4. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    I see you are coming around to me way of thinking. Good stuff.

    I didnt realize every piece of EQ data had to be in memory so my bad. I thought something only got put into memory when needed and that was part of the reason for loading screens and that larger items like instances took more time hence the danger you can't enter message. I just figured if they didn't have to load all x number of anchors a guild hall has and just the the ones for folks in the hall it would save on resources.

    So just so I know exactly how does that work on the EQ servers? A more detailed explanation would be helpful so I don't make those sorts of mistakes.
  5. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    No I am not. The servers will be tracking every item that is placed in a housing unit regardless of who can actively see them at any given time. This is why there is a hard limit on the number of items that can be placed.
  6. keiferoni New Member

    Yes, making a gate to guild hall spell would be a great way to just get rid of this! (With a timer of course)
  7. Cuuthbert Augur

    If you are having problems with GGH Anchors. Either you just got that many people or Everyone throws every stupide plushy they loot. Kill half your bad decortions
  8. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    And you saying the same thing over and over won't change my mind either. :)

    I can agree that they have to track everything but they don't have to put it all in volatile memory. I believe the constraints are on what has to be in volatile memory. What you believe I have no idea other then the server has to track everything. This is where we disagree. And we will have to leave it at that.

    Or at least agree that neither of us has additional data to which to sway the other.
  9. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    But you seem to be ignoring that there is a cost to the act of tracking all those items and even more if it has to decide who it is going to show those items to.
  10. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    We have a different understanding of things. I never said unlimited anchors I said a higher limit that would reduce memory usage. I don't know the specifics of memory management with an mmo but I was a comp sci major even if I ended up working in finance.

    I know they load up instances of zones and don't keep multiple instances in volatile memory before they are needed. The neighbourhood guild hall also seems to be instanced and loaded as needed. What I don't know is where there bottlenecks are. First guess is volatile memory or ram. They have likely allocated x amount of memory for a guild hall instance. Could they load the base guildhall sans anchors for everyone then just the anchors for those who enter? The limit of visible anchors would remain but it would only apply to the ones belonging to the players in the hall.

    Is it a limit on their database? I dont know. Just keeping track of everything is less likely the problem.

    All you seem to be able to say is tracking tracking over and over. I was hoping you had a deeper understanding of it but that seems to be all you know. And you could still be right but I was hoping for more info then that.

    And I like the idea of only showing us our own anchor because unless someone is making anchor art with their placement they are a bit of a clutter type eyesore. So even if it didn't save any resources or increase the max allowed it would be nice just to remove the clutter.

    Do you actually know anything more about the subject other then they need to track everything?
  11. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    It sure looks like you said unlimited anchors as you want them excluded from the count and didn't make any sort of indication that there would still be a limit. Even if they are excluded from the main item count and have their own item count limit there will still be guilds that run out of room.

    Because of the guilds with large numbers of members/guests that want to place anchors I have been suggesting that there is an NPC/object that replaces the primary/secondary anchors which removes the need for players to put anchors in the guild hall in the first place. This way you don't need to worry about any item limits and guild halls have room for a lot more items.
  12. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    actually look back and I said more then they current limit. Practically unlimited would just mean that it would be very very unlikely they could hit a higher limit IF such a limit was possible. I was just exploring options. You can have a favorite option without others being wrong. I am not saying any other option is a bad idea.

    You still don't go into specifics of what you mean by tracking. You can't say there will still be guilds that run out of room. There is a practical limit especially in todays EQ. Guilds are much less likely go go over limits now. That is just a guess on your part.

    Do you have any more info to add other then your statement about tracking things? We both agree they track everything if its not tracked in the game it dosent exist. I just keep hoping you will give me more details on what part of that you think is the problem. Is it disk space? is it memory? Is it database limitations? Or is just a general idea that tracking could be a problem without knowing any details about what the problem would be?
  13. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Again, I quoted you as saying to remove anchors from the max limit and even if you just move them to their own limit that is a bit higher you are still going to run into guilds that run out of room and not solve the problem.
  14. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Incorrect. Just because there may be a higher limit in no way guarantees any guild would ever reach it. And the limit would be guild anchors loaded (assuming they only load anchors needed into memory). You would have to have an inordinately large amount of toons online in the guild hall. So you are incorrect as far as what I am suggesting. BUT I don't know if the limit is on volatile memory and whether with their system architecture it would work.

    I, at least, can adimit I don't have a full understanding of the limitations. You, on the other hand, have no problem telling folks they are wrong when it is clear your understanding of the system limitations may be lower then my own.

    As with most of my other posts I welcome you to show some expertise that leads you to be so definitive in your answers. So far I have not gotten that from you. It is fine to speak in generalities but at least admit you don't know enough to say one way or another if my suggestion would work. I am not asking you to say it is your favorite solution, the only solution, or anything of that nature. Just don't tell me it won't work when you actually have no idea whether it would work.
    MasterMagnus likes this.
  15. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Guilds are already reaching the existing limits and there are some very large guilds out there that are many times over the limit for the number of objects that can be placed in the guild hall. If they really had the option of adding many more objects to housing without it causing issues they would have given the ability to place more to start with or added the ability to purchase more slots.

    There is really no reason for them to artificially keep the item limit in guild halls lower then it could be which would indicate that they can't add a lot more anchors to the guild hall like you are hoping.
  16. Angahran Augur

    How about just give everyone a 'Port to Guild Hall' AA that doesn't require any anchor.?

    Would it be possible to update the script on the primary/secondary transport clickies so that they default to porting you to your guild hall IF no anchor is placed? But if the anchor is placed then you port to the anchor?
  17. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Currently the script summons you an anchor if you don't have one placed or in your inventory as a way to fix it when they break. Would have to include a way to deal with that as well.