Oakwynd Feedback

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by coltongrundy, Mar 18, 2023.

  1. Zrae Journeyman

    who's rdy to test this on test?
  2. TLPMaster New Member

    Is it out on test?
  3. Zeratuul New Member

    Who is going to play every class
  4. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    I was responding to someone who was suggesting that was the goal of the legacy character system.
  5. Vetis Augur

    The problem with trying to be the smartest person in the room, is there are so many people in this room.

    So, here we go:

    For those of us who played on the Legends server we got an extra 2 character slots, in addition you can buy 3 character slots from the store and 3 with loyalty.

    Here, I'm bad at math but I'll give it a shot. You start with 8. +2 from legends = 10, +3 from store = 13 + 3 from loyalty is?? Help me out math is hard.

    Lol, sorry this happens every post I see, someone has to try and make someone else look stupid. Just chill out and let someone have an opinion, yeesh.
    pipedreams3 likes this.
  6. Vetis Augur

    Seriously, I mean.. If you max out all your characters and can mix and match gear with heirloom on the same account. Clearly, the objective is for people to have a ton of alts.

    I play Aradune and I have a 85 bard with 2.5k aa's and still need like another 1.5-2k aa's. It's a GRIND, even on double exp weekends with LoTD burn you're netting 100aa a day if you're not growing a neck beard.

    So times that by (just to appease the haters) we'll call it x10. Yeah... no thanks..

    But if it's 50% exp per toon, now we're talking 500% exp bonus and you gotta grind the aa's (and levels every expansion that has an increase) on 10 toons. Even with a 500% bonus, it's a time consuming endeavor.

    Which could be stomachable and quite enjoyable with a big fat exp bonus to make all your effort getting to this point worth it.

    I suppose the counter argument is someone grinds up 10 toons for the 500% bonus on their main. Which, okay. But now you're not enjoying a big part of the appeal of the server which is the heirloom piece of moving gear around. And the lockouts being tied to the toon and not the account.

    So, now you're really only enjoying "half" of what the server rule set is trying to accomplish. Which, you know, to each their own. But if I know EQ players... If the bonus is 50% per toon oooooo weee, its 10 toons, max aa's, crushing DZ lockouts on every single toon on cooldown.

    Sounds like a good time to me.
  7. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    You are suggesting because some players have the ability to have 16 or more character slots and most only get up to 14 means that the goal is to have all classes? The legacy character xp bonus is what caps at 10 and that is what I was talking about.
  8. Zrae Journeyman

    News flash most people are going to make the same class to run aoc 100 times. Or at least the large botarz will.
  9. Trox2010 Augur

    Not yet; supposed to hit Test in the May cycle, so maybe another 2-3 weeks. Already have a couple of characters test copied there, will probably also test copy my wizard there (already have staff of temporal flux), and thinking of rolling up a monk/shaman duo while I wait.
  10. Madae Elder

    IMO, the only option here is to release two servers, one goofy modded server that is clearly controversial, and another "classic" server that plays exactly like how everyone has wanted to play it for years. Then when the modded server dies because no one actually asked for these weird rules, it can be merged, like the process has always been. People don't play TLP EQ because they want EQ to be "modernized", they play it because they like the community it creates, for what its worth, and because they have massive amounts of nostalgia from playing the game for 2 decades. The argument over QOL happens for all of these old games, and that's fine and dandy, but DB is limiting their audience by doing something not everyone wants, so to be fair, give people an option.
    Of course there will be that argument that "this server was never given a chance because you didn't force everyone to play here and maybe it would have been good but now its dead because everyone went to cookie-cutter server ##", but I have no interest in this, and considering how long this thread is, my guess is a lot of other people don't either.
    pipedreams3 likes this.
  11. Rijacki Just a rare RPer on FV and Oakwynd

    Because only a 100% bonus is worth it, of course :rolleyes: 10% per max characters capping at 100% (10 characters) is, of course, a requirement to play 10 characters to max on each level increase and, of course, they need to be different classes/races. (and if you can't hear the sarcasm, believe me, it's there).
  12. Gemstoner Elder

    I posted this is in the Oakwynd FAQ thread. I'm not trying to spam anything, I just thought it might be helpful for people here in the TLP specific thread. Its helped me focus my thoughts on the system anyway.

    I haven't seen anyone else try to collate the information we've been given in these threads so I thought I'd give a stab at it. Feel free to pick it apart, but its the best I can do at this point. By the end my brain hurt heh.

    There seem to be 4 or even 5 lock status conditions with Encounter Locking (EL) that have been mentioned in the original producer's letter and in this FAQ or can be inferred from the information given. I'm giving how I think they operate and then some questions or possible issues (numbered) about how they operate.

    A. Normal/Reset/Unlocked(Producer's Letter) - This condition happens after a NPC spawns or Resets at its spawn point from the Returning/Inactive Lock condition after a short timer expires at its spawn point. This is the bog standard condition of any NPC on servers that aren't EL enabled, ie business as usual. *

    *This is the way it is explained in the original Producer's Letter, this FAQ either invalidates it or confuses the issue by its comment regarding people being able to Active Lock an NPC that is returning to its spawn point. I think it was just an unclear comment and actually refers to another conditional state I call "Returning/Inactive Lock" below. The comment specifically talked about what happens when the puller dies, so presumably the group though Active Lock linked would not be on the hatelist yet through either proximity, social, healing, damage since the puller didn't make it back to them.

    1) Does this full reset only happen once it gets back to its spawn point? If not, that's going to allow training abuse.

    B. Active Lock - This condition happens to the NPC when it is in a Normal/Reset/Unlocked condition and a player first hits their hatelist. The addition to the hatelist can be from an attack by the player or from social or proximity aggro triggering the NPC to attack the player, ie the usual ways to get on an NPC's hatelist just like on any non-EL enabled server. The lock is specific to that player, however it is also linked to any group or raid that player is a part of. The player can join a group/raid after Active Locking an NPC and the link is propagated at that time. No other players can attack or cast on the NPC. Healing and buff spells targeted on players function normally, meaning non EL linked players can cast heals on EL Active Lock linked players. The NPC can not add any player to its hatelist that is not EL Active Lock linked to it.

    1) If the player drops from the group/raid does the group/raid lose its EL Active Lock linked status? Meaning, can they suddenly no longer attack the NPC? If so, are they wiped from the NPC's hatelist? If not, this is going to cause obvious problems.

    2) Need to make sure that aoe/rain spells from players not EL Active Locked to the NPC can not land. If not, this will enable training.

    3) Is that how the NPC hatelist functions with a Active Locked NPC? If not, this will enable training if social or proximity aggro functions normally.

    4) Can players without an EL link to the NPC freely cast buffs/heals on other players that have an EL link with an NPC? Do they get added to the hatelist?

    C. Semi Unlock - This condition happens when an NPC is in Active Lock condition and a player with an EL Active Lock linked condition (either the original player or joined to them in a group/raid) targets the NPC and uses the /yell command. This condition allows any player to attack and cast spells on the NPC. Exp and loot goes to the player/group/raid contributing the most damage as per the usual non EL rules. The NPC can only add players to its hatelist via direct attacks. The NPC cannot add players to its hatelist using social or proximity aggro.

    1) Is that how aggro and the NPC hatelist actually work with the Semi Unlock condition?. If not, then this will enable training.

    D. Inactive Lock - This condition happens when an NPC is in the Active Lock condition AND it leaves combat AND has no players on its hatelist (I know the FAQ doesn't mention the hatelist but I'm making an implicit assumption). There is an unknown "short" timer that starts. Before the timer expiration a player with an EL Active Lock link can attack the NPC and it will return to Active Lock condition. The NPC can only add players to its hatelist via direct attacks AND that have an Active Lock link to it. Players can only attack it if they have an EL Active Lock link to it.

    1) The most likely situation for this to happen is that the puller dies on pull or memblur from spells/songs or the puller flops in camp and no one picks up the NPC in time (depending on how aggro works with Active Lock linked players, can they get social/proximity aggro or just direct attacks/heals?).

    E. Returning/Resetting - This condition happens when an NPC is in the Active Lock or Semi Unlock condition AND has no players on its hatelist AND it leaves combat AND the Inactive Lock timer expires. Any player can attack the NPC, this will create an Active Lock condition. The NPC can only add players to its hatelist via the first direct attack which then creates the Active Lock. The NPC can not add players to its hatelist from social, proximity, healing aggro. The NPC paths back to its spawn point to Reset/Unlock.

    1) If the NPC hatelist doesn't work like that then again it enables training.
  13. Execute New Member

    I think this says it all - c u next year

    Risiko, KronoCatcher and pipedreams3 like this.
  14. Zrender Augur

    Yeah. I hear and agree. The whole argument against the bonus amount or implying that it's somehow necessary to have many alts is nutty. Before there was no bonus, now there is. Simple as that. EQ is an mmo that's considered by some to be a bit more challenging. For some people maybe grinding up alts for max xp bonus will be an additional challenge. More importantly, many people actually ENJOY grinding up new alts and will probably love this server. Emphasis on enjoy because many people do and sometimes it's all about the grind not the destination. Anyone that doubts that people enjoy just chilling and grinding up toons, with or without the xp bonus, is pretty out of touch with old school MMOs. You could probably grind up 10 max level toons in EQ in less time than it would take to get some of the SINGLE skill capes in Runescape (a hugely popular mmo). To max ALL skills in Runescape takes 5000 to 8000 hours and people that do it enjoy it.

    Edit: Probably possible to grind up 3 or 4 max toons on this TLP in the same time that it would take to grind up 1 on p99 so if you don't like the osrs comparsion, maybe that's more fitting. P99 xp rates are very similar to true classic. Not pumping p99 btw, 99% of my EQ play is on TLPs, just using it for comparison.
    Rijacki likes this.
  15. KronoCatcher Journeyman

    Whose going to level up that many alts to utilize that extra bonus exp? Speaking just for myself, I personally dont have that amount of time between work / fam stuff to level up and raid on multiple toons. I am going out on a limb here and say 90%(if not more) of the ppl won't have the time as well. This alt exp bonus to me is a distractor from the FTE issue - "Look over here at this awesome exp bonus for alts" while the FTE is the main issue.

    Comparing this server to other games and the amount of time it takes to grind is really pointless. I wouldnt play a game that requires 5-8000 hours of grind... seriously?! Lets focus on exp rate here and the FTE issue.

    Also dont confuse "challenging" with "time consuming".
  16. Zrae Journeyman

    It is absolutely redicous to expect alts as a form of business lol. They are implying to box less and make alts on one accnt? Talk about shooting yourself in the foot.....

    It should be the opposite. Move fellowship to classic and add xp bonus to that!
  17. Vindar Augur

    You are cherry picking data from the early morning in order to fit your narrative.
  18. Koniku Elder

    at least there is data, unlike 99% of assertions in this thread
  19. Vindar Augur

    It's dishonest.
  20. code-zero Augur

    Hey, there are people claiming exploits that seem dubious and certainly haven't been done as of yet so I don't expect a lot