Oakwynd Feedback

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by coltongrundy, Mar 18, 2023.

  1. anonymous_ Lorekeeper

    Realistically I think the main issue on early TLPs will be the RMT bot crews leaving a single character or small group at each open world boss spawn point to instantly claim and hold it until their main crew can warp in. Makes their job even easier.

    Hopefully raid mobs will either be completely exempted from encounter locking or have additional requirements, like it can only lock to an actual raid with, say, 40+ players in the actual zone.
    Sanduleak likes this.
  2. Khanfu Elder

    Why cant we have Both? I think classic to PoP is great fun. And I like the idea of mischief. I missed its release with RL responsibilities.. Just my preference... nothing wrong with that. I want you to play the way you want to play.. I would like an option to play how I like to play.
  3. Dominate Augur

    The big raid teams just warp around now. If you watch boss kill spam you can see the usual suspects. If you have ANY sort of trade chat on you can see the usual suspects selling LR's. They exist, and have the entire time. They just got better at using their software to avoid normal players like you :)

    The only thing truebox hurts is casuals. Relaxed truebox at 3 per PC is a MASSIVE buff to casual player power. The people boxing 54 for raids will ... spoiler alert... still be doing it regardless.

    Of course on Oakwynd casuals will no longer have the tools to combat griefers anyway, regardless of how many toons they can box.
  4. Elabone Augur

    I considered starting up on Yelinak, but with D4 around the corner, i feel like it would just be a waste of time.
    zenless likes this.
  5. Joules_Bianchi A certain gnome

    haha 14 posts lifetime, but JUST about to sub and buy 10 Krono if and only if it's RMT...I mean free trade.


    Here's one for ya

    We have paid for 6 or more all access recurring for <decades> to support this game. Literally thousands of dollars to buy mounts, character slots, bags and so on over the years to play... Everquest.

    Remember Everquest? Befoore Krono and RMT wars now driving development arcs over actually maintaining the game?

    Like Umbral Plains triggered mobs missing for 14 months?

    Devlop EVERQUEST first eh? Or just quit and go work at Blizzard already.
    Fallfyres likes this.
  6. Dominate Augur

    Every single server is an RMT server. The end. Welcome to the real world.

    All mischief did was open up a plethora of new avenues for people to play their game how they wanted. You could accomplish things the usual way with the additive bonus of being able to accomplish the things you wanted in new, fun ways. Since this is the normal anti-mischief response... I will use it: "There are a lot of non-mischief servers to chose from, so you can play on that one"

    Free trade random loot is the best thing to happen to EQ since 1999.
    Crabman likes this.
  7. Cainen Augur

    This feels out of touch to me. What was the issue this was designed to solve?

    Open world raid contests - Already solved with AOCs(and is what some people play the game for)
    AOE groups - Pick zones exist
    KSing named - maybe this? but again pick zones and Dzs exist if it gets to bad

    Open world DPS races were one of the few unique things early EQ had going for it, this feels like ti will remove this and add a TON of griefing tools to the game.... not a fan at all.
  8. Thatoneguy666 Elder

    Rofl. Harder to farm krono. Once all the loot is nodrop, sure. On the first 3 expansions? Oh lord. If you think you're gonna compete by getting that super fast tag in there, you won't. You'll be buying gebs for 1-2 krono per in EC tunnel like every other non-mischief server ever made. The FTE will nerf PL pretty hard. It will change camp monopolization almost none.
  9. Crabman Augur

    Yes, this 100%
  10. Kunfo Augur

    Free trade has been in EQ forever i.e. FV server, it is pretty fun putting raid gear on twinks.
    Makin and Khanfu like this.
  11. Obliteration Elder

    I can take or leave free trader, but no plan to ever play random ever again, zero interest in killing groupable raid mobs every couple days rather than playing with others and actually raid for raid loot
    Schwifty likes this.
  12. Schwifty Journeyman

    The Legacy character feature is supposed to encourage alts right? Free trade also encourages rolling alts.

    And +10% exp is kinda lame. A better bonus would be to remove caps on exp gain per kill.
    Crabman likes this.
  13. Crabman Augur

    I agree. On the surface this seems to add so many more problems than it solves
    Joules_Bianchi likes this.
  14. anonymous_ Lorekeeper

    10% sounds a little low for a TLP where the level cap raises so often. Maybe like 25% per character capping out at a 100% bonus.
    Sanduleak likes this.
  15. Triconx Augur

    There is no need for FT with this server. If anyone played Vaniki for like 2 hours they would realize the loot is going to rain from the heavens on Oakwynd. Double loots, faster npc spawns, AND higher rare spawn rates? Good lord, if you still need FT with all that you may as well not play.
  16. Thatoneguy666 Elder

    25% more loot is not double loot. Also you don't get that til Kunark.

    This server could be made far, FAR more appealing if they gave us many of these goodies ON RELEASE that they had the brilliant idea to dole out slowly over like 3 years. Just do double loot, 50% AA exp, and double faction from the start. Now you have something.

    As is, you'll have a decent server in a couple years, assuming they don't butcher the FTE mechanic beyond all imagination. At release, it's pointless.
    Jontrann likes this.
  17. Dmitry Elder

    If mobs don't aggro on the walkback, isn't that going to make splitting mobs incredibly easy?

    The one where you can lock down place holders that are much lower level by aggroing them and just stand there forever is a bit troubling. Will they stay aggro through Divine aura?
  18. Triconx Augur

    It's 125%. Like additive to the standard 100%.
  19. Atrocity Journeyman

    Degree matters. Every EQ TLP has massive RMT, but if you are trying to argue that it is as pervasive on all previous servers as it has been on Mischief, I don't see how we can have a conversation. It is clearly much easier and broader than on previous TLPs. I've played on most except Coirnav. And yes, Efreeti will still be contested, but it will unequivocally be more random than three box necros sitting on a full group KS'ing every rare spawn with impunity. And after Velious, people will actually have to AA rather than sit in PL groups.
    Fallfyres likes this.
  20. Schwifty Journeyman

    All fixed with a simple timer on the lock.