Perm Invis Feedback

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Orcen, Jul 31, 2022.

  1. Orcen Elder

    After all these years, now traveling in many zones if deadly, when invis fades unexpectedly.
    Isn't it about time that Warriors, clerics, paladins all had an Invis AA. Perm would be cool, but even a fixed duration would work.
    The game has evolved a good bit past invis fading. Lets add an AA for classes that need to invis of fixed duration.. really it is past time...
    Lubianx, Allayna, Fenthen and 4 others like this.
  2. Cicelee Augur

  3. Wulfhere Augur

    Everyone has access to fixed duration invis and invis vs undead. There are potions and clickies ....
    Prepared and minimind like this.
  4. Brontus EQ Player Activist

    Does invisibility on NPCs ever wear off? If not, why not?

    I've never seen the Royal Guards in Crushbone or the Guano Harvester ever lose invis. They seem to have innate invis.

    If NPCs can have perma invisibility, why can't players?

    Bonus Question: How is it that an NPC who has a player on his hate list, can magically chase down and find the player if they subsequently cast invisibility on themselves? How does that work exactly?

    If the NPC has see invis on, this behavior would be plausible. If not, it doesn't make sense.

    How does the NPCs buddies (who now hate you as well) also see through your invis?
    Kaenneth, Stymie and Fenthen like this.
  5. Act of Valor The Newest Member

    Because it's a game. If NPCs had to follow the same rules as the players, the game would be tremendously easier.
    Prepared, Wdor and Nennius like this.
  6. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Are there fix duration invis and IVU potions?

    I've only seen Cloudy and Unlife Awareness potions which drop invis randomly, usually when I'm running through a group of mobs.
    Fenthen and Nennius like this.
  7. MacDubh TABLES!!!

  8. Syylke_EMarr Augur

    Spoken like a Mage that randomly got permanent IvU because the dev(s) at the time loved Mages :p

    Honestly, at this point in the game's life, there's no reason for every class to not have some form of innate invisibility. Give it a cast time, make it out of combat only, whatever, but they should have it.
    Orcen, Kaenneth, Stymie and 3 others like this.
  9. Angahran Augur

    Allayna likes this.
  10. Petalonyx Augur

    I'll be in the minority here, bit I liked that invis could sometimes drop early with a warning. Always kept me on edge. Perm invisible is zzzzzz. We need more invis breaking traps!
    Wdor, Stymie and MacDubh like this.
  11. MacDubh TABLES!!!

    It's a problem with the game as it is today. Over time almost every unique or class specific ability has been given in one way or another to everyone. It kind of takes the magic out of the game as it was, although I still enjoy the game as it is.
    • FD: there's a potion for that
    • Ports: Nexus-PoK-GH-Clickies
    • Gate: Ditto
    • SoW: Potions, Mounts, Clickies
    • Rez: GL, Tokens, Merc
    • Invis: Easily obtainable clickies unless you are a Cleric because reasons
    • Corpse Retrieval: Mage only potion because Mage? Edit: I googled this one and realized it is Zek only.
    • CotH: Probably the only one that is still a real class specific ability unless there is something I am missing (Fellowship Fire/Guild Banner is as close as you get)
    TL:DR Give everyone a CotH to level the playing field. Also I should have rolled a Mage apparently.
    Wdor and Fenthen like this.
  12. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    At this stage of the game all classes should have double invis. Especially with the changes they made to VT (ToL).
    Orcen likes this.
  13. Tucoh Augur

    1. Remove bard's double invis
    2. Make ivu / invis mutually exclusive
    3. Make all T2/T3 group areas have lots of see invis mobs.
    4. Create a rotating daily hotzone for all content that highly motivates players to funnel into these zones.
    5. Remove the Spear line from mages and give it to wizards now that CotH just got a significant buff.
    Laronk, Andarriel and MacDubh like this.
  14. Astral64 Augur

    While it isn't ideal, all classes have the ability to stay perma invis via cloudy potions.

    Make an audio trigger for the following: You feel yourself starting to appear

    Hotkey your cloudy potions, they are instant cast. (I keep a 44 slot bag full of them.)

    Any time your trigger goes off, hit your cloudy potion hotkey.

    As long as you aren't AFK and hit the key within 5-6 seconds you do not become visible.
    Wdor, Fanra, Wulfhere and 1 other person like this.
  15. Vumad Cape Wearer

    There should definitely be an improved cloudy potion. An argument can be made that warriors and clerics shouldn't have permanent invis, but there's no argument for the lore the supports not having a permanent version of the potion. There's really not even a good argument that clerics don't have a basic regular invis and dru doesn't have a basic ivu. Giving them the spell doesn't mean they have to get the AA.
  16. Syylke_EMarr Augur

    There are some little known fixed duration invis potions, but they're not instant cast and require an uncommon dropped reagent (Exceptional Shissar Blood) to craft.

    Philter of Concealment:

    Still doesn't really cover the "innate invis" piece that I feel all classes should have.
  17. Metanis Bad Company

    This is an opportunity just made for player-crafted items that require long and satisfying quest arcs.

    One clicky with a 5 minute refresh that does both types of perma invis and cheetah or selos speed! I'd spend at least month questing for something that does that!
  18. Act of Valor The Newest Member

    I will never understand the complaint about cloudy potions breaking invis early. Make an audio trigger that makes a noise when your invis is wearing off (you should have one anyways,) and just click another one when you hear the trigger. They are instacast and they cost almost nothing.
  19. Wulfhere Augur


    And best, most popular, fixed duration IVU click is (Fabled) Bone Earring of Evasion
    Also see fixed duration IVU potion: Potion of Deadishness

    Funny you should mention that combo:

    Ethernere Machine - Time Blink
    Potion of Windspeed
    Wdor likes this.
  20. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    We used to, as part of the Fade ability. It would put a perm invis on you that would stay until you left the zone, and then in the next zone you just re-fade, assuming the ability was ready to be reused.
    Syylke_EMarr likes this.