Castles, Dungeons & Keeps for Housing

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Koveras, Oct 10, 2012.

  1. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    Behind the scenes (the player can't see) each DBCoin has an 'Actual Value'. The free coins you get have a value of 0. If you bought on sale 50%, those coins have a value of 0.5 (half a penny), and so on. If you pay full price, those are one penny each.

    The presumption I have, but have never been told, is least value coins are used first. The first 500 worth you buy (each month you got them), gains nobody anything. But it costs them nothing to give those to you.

    For a Player Studio purchase, Total Gross Actual Value of sale - (minus) DB Costs = Total Net Sale 60% goes to DB 40% goes to Player Studio artist. (Note: If you use free coins, nobody gets anything.)

    All their costs are paid, they haven't touched the database entries for those items in years. It's all pure profit for them, and me. They wouldn't have ever made designs like mine, so they never would have made a dime off my robes, if Player Studio never existed.

    They permanently closed the program all those years ago, they pay nobody there anything to keep the Player Studio profits coming.
  2. Xatt Journeyman

    I am in favor of adding an LDON style dungeon on my housing lot that scales to my level.