Fixed [Pal/SK] Repudiate Not Receiving AA Focus

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by Syylke_EMarr, Dec 13, 2021.

  1. Syylke_EMarr Augur

    The Pal/SK disc Repudiate is not receiving the benefits of the Enduring Reproval AA line. There are no new ranks added for ToL. There haven't been new ranks since TBM; upgrades were just added to the current rank 3/3.
    Raccoo, Micker, Carden and 17 others like this.
  2. Lucio001 New Member

    It looks like you'll be 3/6 soon, but this is an essential tanking mechanic for Knights, how's this not on live yet! Considering if you upgrade your synergy you're forced to use the newest rank which isn't affected by the Enduring Reproval AA...
  3. Velisaris_MS Augur

    Don't know about paladins, but there are other SK AA that didn't get an update to cover the new spells, either with new ranks or having the spell added to the list. I'm hoping it'll be fixed with the January patch.
  4. Syylke_EMarr Augur

    Yeah I haven't bought the new Synergy rank for that reason :/
  5. Lubianx Augur

    This really needs to be looked at for both knight classes
  6. Wulfhere Augur

    This whole system of focus AA and synergy awarded at different character levels, from the ability they focus, and a sliding window of application of said abilities, is just manual work the Devs created for themselves. Work they are not keeping up with ...
    Allayna, Mulerien, Fenthen and 4 others like this.
  7. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    Right, so the following is broken and should be addressed ASAP:

    1. Enduring Reproval does not affect the new ability Repudiate (it works for Withstand Blow ---> Thwart). The AA window states the category as The Broken Mirror, so either a new rank needs to be added or it needs to be updated to also include the level 118 ability as it was for the 113 ability.
    2. Knight's Synergy, once the 13th rank is purchased, only works for Repudiate, and is not proc'ing at 100% rate. I receive all the other synergies in my group (Blackguard, Fury, etc).
    Aristo / whomever, pick one of the two:
    • Allow Synergy to work for Thwart
    • Add Repudiate to Enduring Reproval + fix Synergy to work again.
    Parmalice and Syylke_EMarr like this.
  8. Parmalice Journeyman

    I'm a shadowknight and I approve of this message.

    I didn't actually want to upgrade Knight's Synergy yet (it wans't at the top of my AA priorities) but another SK I often group with had gone and done it, and I was tired of my Synergy buff bouncing off of him if he already had his up when I Thwarted. I went ahead and upgraded. Can't go back now, and lost the effect of the other AA now, which sucks.
    Fenthen likes this.
  9. Velisaris_MS Augur

    Looks like they've at least acknowledged the issue, according the thread title.
  10. Wulfhere Augur

  11. Qimble Augur

    If we aren't going to get a fix for this, can you at least refund the AAs spent on Synergy and remove that rank? I'd rather be using thwart until a decision is made about the other AA, but not being able to fire my synergy is unacceptable.
    Velisaris_MS likes this.
  12. Gorehammer Lorekeeper

    SK's Focused Bites AA line is suffering from the same problem of no upgrade rank(s) in ToL. As such, we are forced to use previous expansion bite spell. The solution to these issues is to add the ToL ranks for them as normal; i.e. simply making old ranks affect new ranks will cost SK's the necessary numerical increases that often accompany new ranks of things so they can better scale with content and overall progression of the AA.
    tanith likes this.
  13. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    *crossing fingers to see this corrected in the January patch*
  14. Ratalthor Developer

    This should be fixed in the next update.
  15. Velisaris_MS Augur

    So can we assume that all of the new AA/discs, regardless of class, that didn't have the updated ToL spells will be fixed?
    Fenthen likes this.
  16. Gorehammer Lorekeeper

    As others have mentioned, many of the SK AA's don't have new ranks they were supposed to get for ToL. You can also add Gift of the Quick Spear to this ever-growing list.
    tanith likes this.
  17. Micker Augur

    I was just going to come on here and complain about this lol.
  18. Kroolhand78 New Member

    Was this fixed in the last patch?
  19. Thunderkiks Augur

  20. Kroolhand78 New Member
