Requesting an Agent of Change for Riftseekers' Sanctum

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Hamshire, Oct 19, 2021.

  1. Arienya1978 New Member

    Signing my name to the request as well, Im in a VERY small guild, and we need the dz's to even do anything without people running over us. I never got a chance to do OoW raid content origionally, I would love a chance to do it here. That is after all, why we come to TLP servers, a chance to do the raid content of old without the hassles of old. Adding my pleases and thank you's to the list for the Rizlona/Aradune attempt a Riftseekers AoC. Next up....Mischief/Thornblade! lol
    PatCleric likes this.
  2. coltongrundy Augur

    How about AOC for cobalt scar too? Kelorek'Dar is an MOTM mob and there's no AOC for it.
    Foaming and PatCleric like this.
  3. ForumBoss Augur

    I'd say rs is the most glaring missing zone due to having 4 raid mobs, but yes, cs, iceclad are missing an aoc as well.
    PatCleric likes this.
  4. Xanadas Augur

    Would be nice to have an AOC in RSS. Mark me down as a concur.
  5. Progress Augur

    I concur. There is no obvious reason to not have an AOC for RSS. If I remember correctly the original reason to not have an AOC there was to keep open world competition alive, but this was on one of the earlier TLPs (maybe Vulak). I think it is pretty clear by now that TLPs are for experiencing the content that was missed back in the day, and not open world ego stroking.
    Duder and PatCleric like this.
  6. Penelo Lorekeeper

    Agreed, most TLPs now have the mega guild that just zergs everything open world and everyone else who is content to do their DZ's and collect their loot. More content = better.

    It was confirmed on discord that the devs are aware of this request. Maybe one day.
    PatCleric likes this.
  7. Machen New Member

    That's encouraging.
    PatCleric likes this.
  8. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    The last time this was requested I really didn't see the point, as the gear from these targets went to alts when my guild cleared it the 1x we bothered, this time around its pretty clear that support has grown for this over time and with Thornblade & Mischief being more casual friendly and well populated servers maybe the time is right.
    PatCleric likes this.
  9. Machen New Member

    There are a few classes that have some bis or close slots from king/queen. A lot of the gear isn't on anguish level but a few pieces are.

    Either way, just having a little more content to do would be good. We are 1 week in on Rizlona, and down to 1.5 hours on our second anguish clear. We'll do that twice a week, and a couple hours for MPG trials. Adding RSS isn't gonna get us to 3 full nights of raiding each week, but it'll get us a little closer until the gear starts all rotting.
  10. Mistress Journeyman

    Four to Five guild standoff at the RSS King tonight on Rizlona with everyone bombing each other, was real cool.
  11. Machen New Member

    Really curious how you even do this, since everyone can kill the bombs.
  12. FranktheBank Augur

    DPS on bombs is dps not on boss. I'm assuming no one killed the adds lol
  13. Machen New Member

    Yeah but you can't really control who they hit in this case.

    They would be hitting everyone who is dpsing the boss equally.
  14. Saric New Member

    No idea why this didn't get an AoC in the first place, meaningful raid content. Please add AoC.
    Foaming likes this.
  15. notnaut New Member

    Close to 100 likes

    Be sure to like the original post if you support getting a RSS AoC, it helps the thread get more traction.
  16. Krysanth Elder

    This in yet?
    Machen likes this.
  17. Foaming I Drank Bleach IRL Once

    This will become a thing 2 weeks before Mischief hits OoW. We're not the money.
    Duder likes this.
  18. Sarkden New Member

    Maybe this can be added during one of the ongoing daily emergency maintenances? Seems like a good idea to me.
  19. MugatuTheRelaxed New Member

    RSS AOC please. How is this not a thing already? We need a Christmas miracle here I guess.
  20. callius Journeyman

    RSS has drops on par with the end zone, and should have an AOC