Do you guys actually play with new character models on?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by urbanbo70, Jul 21, 2021.

  1. Rauven Augur

    I run with new models. The old models aren't bad in comparison, but their animations are intolerable. Especially when standing still, they have this weird convulsing twitch that runs randomly through their upper body. Couple this with the stance they hold their weapons is akin to a toddler in a highchair holding a spoon and fork.

    And finally the monstrous races (Ogre, Trolls, and Iksar) look like dung in the old models. Ogres and Trolls just look like balls of fat. While the iksar look anemic.

    The Luclin models are not without their own flaws, but they're easier to overlook, and well we don't have a more modern alternative other than Drakkin.
    minimind and code-zero like this.
  2. suinegEQ Elder

    Yes, I run new models. Both look terrible and who really cares. This isn’t FFXIV and pretty dress up.
  3. Wordor Journeyman

    Old models are the shiiiiiz. New models are uglier than dwarves with beards.

    Also, does new models change your ability to look through walls? Male Gnome master race for those that don't use showeq (and just for being a in general. Old man always wearing a robe? Hue Heffner)
  4. RABKkehhalla Elder

    Yeah. Nice troll dude. Pretending to think new ogre troll model > old models.
  5. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Cpu affinity can make a big difference especially if you are running more than a single instance of EQ on a computer.
    minimind likes this.
  6. Rauven Augur

  7. Branntick Augur

    CPU affinity can make a difference, but CPU affinity is only half of the post that I was replying to.

    "don't play on a potato"

    "if new models lag you you need to check your settings"

    New models will give you substantially less FPS than classic models regardless of settings, .ini tweaks, etc.
  8. Triconix Augur

    Old models are garbage. Never switched back once Luclin came out. As someone pointed out earlier, they stick out like a sore thumb in any zone past Luclin.

    With old models, Ogres and Trolls anatomically would not even be able to run. They just have stumpy kankle legs that connect to their torso.
    minimind likes this.
  9. Atomos Augur

    Sorry but you don't know what you're talking about.

    EQ with every single thing turned all the way up should not make any difference on hardware that is like 10+ years old. It's a software issue.

    I can play WoW and FFXIV in main cities and at world bosses with no issues because their software is better.
  10. SleezerGeezer Elder

    I use these new models, Human, Gnome, DE. All others, including pets, are classic.
  11. Elskidor Augur

    I prefer old on a lot of the models, especially troll and ogre. I started with Luclin models and over time classic has taken my preference by surprise.
  12. Kobra Augur

    I only use the old models. I can't stand the new models. The animations on the new models are awkward. I don't know how people can look at that and think its acceptable.

    The old models all have personality and I like the animations. I wish there was an option to use the 2h piercing animation for 2hb like it was originally.
    Dre. and Thash like this.
  13. Accipiter Old Timer

    Old models are garbage. /shrug
  14. Accipiter Old Timer

    CPUAffinity only helps if you are boxing several characters on the same PC.
  15. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    I would disagree, I have seen it help when setting it with a single instance.
  16. Accipiter Old Timer

    Probably anecdotal or something you read once. EQ is single threaded. The only way an app can use multiple CPUs is if it was specifically designed to or it makes intelligent use of multithreading (or any multithreading, really). Now if you were running something in the background that is CPU intensive and the OS fires up EQ on the same CPU (unlikely) then maybe ...
  17. Triconix Augur

    Nah. You can stand in a crowded zone with an FPS monitor running. Have EQ running on a single thread, monitor FPS. Turn on CPU Affinity. FPS shoots way up. One of the easiest things to test.
  18. Loratex The Ridiculous Necro

    Haven’t turned them off since their launch. I run everything on full including shadows. All you wearing ice heroes forge are to damn Bright.
  19. malaki Augur

    The biggest problem with Luclin models is the animations. For all the issues with the low poly original models at least they moved relatively fluidly. New model animations almost all are much worse.
  20. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    And when you throw it on a core that isn't getting as much use you will notice a difference. This isn't about using multiple cores but making sure EQ gets one that isn't doing as much work.